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EisenSkrt last won the day on February 21 2020

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About EisenSkrt

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    I'm probably the biggest simp in hg(Beside all the recruits that simp me because i'm thy highness), i'm a pro. Virgin.

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  1. I made fireworks in minecraft, but it failed, so here's some random pic i found online
  2. https://hellsgamers.com/forums/topic/144673-wolfs-among-us-event/
  3. \\\hey brother, hope all is well with you!!

    1. EisenSkrt


      I'm guchi


    2. BOSCH


      you mean |Gucci! lol

  4. Xeno, GI Jose(Litteraly begged for him to rejoin bcs this guy is who i joined hg because of), Hydra, Madison, Pongos
  5. Accidently bought 2 copies of a game so i gave the other to a friend for free Convo in hebrew but feel free to translate, i ain't gonna spend my time, also code is blurred incase she hasn't used it yet....
  6. I have so many friends here, and i just wanted to let you all know what i've been going through the last few months since i hadn't really talked about it much, but my mom died of cancer earlier today after battling it for 1 and a half years. R.I.P.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Rains


      Take it slow and easy. Thank you for being here for us, and remember we’re all here for you. 

    3. excalibuR


      Sorry to hear that Eisen. Keep your head up buddy.

    4. nielsfalko


      Fuck man, I got a tear in my eye while reading this. My condolences, if you ever need someone you know where to reach me

  7. Yo ehhh...


  8. That moment your favorite game has been soiled by getting a fortnite colab 


    1. Rains


      I like the comments, kratos and MasterChief collaboration when?


  9. Anyone happens to have a displate membership? just curios because i need some help...

  10. Grats on becoming trademarked

    1. EisenSkrt


      i mean, trial mod

  11. Resolution: Eh....not die in the military(I have an office role, i won't die), for real...idk....meet and date a dope gamer grill. Fix : Miles, his brain broke <3