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About Reverze

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  1. Started playing on HG ZS around august, 2014.
  2. A nice and detailed suggestion, sounds cool imo, nice post
  3. Happy birthday! :D

  4. Happy Birthday!

  5. Type: Shortbow Description: Either damage nerf or lower the stocks. Explanation: As it is right now, the shortbow one shots most zombies ( I think only 4 regular zombies have more than 250 hp ). If humans buy all stocks they can take out a nightmare in under 10 seconds. I guess you could make it so it does less damage to bodies, cause 250 damage no matter where you hit is kinda dumb imo.
  6. I think it would be helpful if mods had a watch list to put rule breakers on to let others know that they have broken a rule or just need to be watched. I know that a person named Cobalt made a ulx addon that contains this command, just that it doesn't come on its own (75 Commands). (https://forums.ulyss...hp?topic=7268.0, Custom Commands) Commands: ulx watch <player> {reason} - Watch or unwatch a player (say: !watch) (opposite: ulx unwatch) ulx watchlist - View the watchlist (say: !watchlist)
  7. grats on member dude

  8. Bullet Storm has really bad ammo efficiency if you use the secondary fire, and you don't make profit with it very often.
  9. I think at the very least they shouldn't take damage from molotovs. However having molotovs heal the immolators could be op if humans spam molotovs. I guess it really depends on how much molotovs would heal them though.