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HG Veteran
  • Donor Level 5
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Jake last won the day on May 23 2013

Jake had the most liked content!

About Jake

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Gilbert, AZ
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Boobs and engines.
  • Bio
    I work too much.

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Omniscient Member

Omniscient Member (10/10)



  1. Can't ever forget about HG. Met some great people here.
  2. Hello

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jake


      Thought I'd drop in and check out the old stomping grounds. Good to see HG still going

    3. Silly


      hell yeah man, hope things are well with ya been a long time. 

    4. excalibuR
  3. brgr.

    It's an oldie, happy birthday! :D

  4. Any OG Vets still around? I see SuperSkreech and Kigen are still here

  5. Happy Birthday

  6. Nite

    Haha look at my rep!

    1. Jake


      I see you have learned my ways, young Jedi

  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vO129EIPQG8
  8. Nite

    That rep! I will beat it one day! Wait and see!

    1. Jake


      hehe, good luck!

  9. 660ti would work fine. I'm still running a 560ti on a 26" 1080p monitor and it "works". 660, 670, 760,770 would all work. Even a higher end 500 series like a 580 would work if you're willing to buy used...
  10. Jake


    I use notepad++ Simple and free.