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Sofa KIng

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About Sofa KIng

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  1. C









  2. Just one more week and I can fuck around on jailbreak with you kiddos again â¤ï¸

  3. I love Donald trump

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Sofa KIng

      Sofa KIng

      Look at the HG community coming together to unite against the trumpinator. There's power in community people. I hope you all take this lesson I have taught you and apply it to your daily lives. #WiseWordsOfSofa

    3. s73100


      the Trumpinati exists

  4. Niiiice. Glad you got picked


  5. Well I didn't win powerball. Can't afford admin anymore.

  6. guys did u hear that whoever wins the powerball is going to give 4 MIL to every American?


    1. MizzMadelyne


      Mathematically you can't do that. But hey 4 dollars and 33 cents ain't so bad

    2. FoxHound


      still a game or 2 on steam!

  7. Damn I thought a few years would bring some maturity to the game from you. Posting an abuse report because you got gagged for using the one word that is taboo in all of HG, which you've been a part of for almost 4 years? SMH.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DeathShot


      You realize that's been a rule since the community was founded, correct? Leadership have had so many meetings and struggles, trying to change the way that it is. Here's the thing: its just not possible. With the way that the general gaming community is, people aren't going to correctly use the -a and -er endings. Once you open the doorway to allow one, there's a world of shit unleashed. People will always walk and push the line. That line is easier to distinguish and uphold with both, and any, form being completely disallowed. Hell, count yourself lucky that you got over-lenient leadership. I don't see why you weren't just re-perm'd.

    3. DeathShot


      I'm actually amazed that I had to reread your comment once again. The stupidity and self-righteousness that comes from it is is actually quite baffling. Racism, most likely, always going to be around. People have been fight against racism for longer than history can even show, and have been effected by it for the same amount of time. Again, you just said yourself that the word is still derogatory. Even when used in a non-derogatory fashion people can, and will, take offense. Just because you have a couple black friends that let you say it to them doesn't mean that you'd walk up to a random person on the street and say it. You don't know who's in the server, and who will, or will not, take offense to the use. Again it is so, so, soooo much easier to leave things how they are currently. HG won't even be around when things have changed enough to where there will not have to be a no racism policy/rule on the server.

    4. Sofa KIng

      Sofa KIng

      Yeah dude. I didn't bother replying because of how arrogant his response was. It's pretty mind blowing, but well put.

  8. Why was 6 afraid of 7?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. 9mm


      6 is only 0.857143 the man 7 is. He's just afraid he will never add up.

  9. has star wars been out long enough to talk about it publically without being an asshole, or naw?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dolan


      its been out for 2 weeks if u havent seen it ur either broke o literally dumb or u just dont care bout the movie so its ok to talk bout it

    3. MizzMadelyne


      Just talk about it in ts or if you want it on the forums tag it as a spoiler/hide it

    4. Sofa KIng

      Sofa KIng

      That's a good idea!

  10. fucking star wars brought tears to my eyes

    1. Spazer


      I see that you had a nice feel trip to the cinema.

  11. who else is riding the trump train this 2016.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MizzMadelyne


      Trump our lord and emperor

    3. FoxHound


      Im voting for trump because I've never seen a president get assassinated

    4. TheAtrocity


      The only candidate worth my vote is Tonald Drump.