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    In The Darkest Corner of Hell Burning The Souls of The Damned
  • Occupation
    unemployed currently

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Elite Member III

Elite Member III (7/10)



  1. happy brithaxdy

  2. Headshot! Add me back on steam foo! :P

  3. mccain! Sup man. been a while.

    1. mccaincracker


      Haha no kidding! I've just started up classes this semester and work part-time still. Not much more besides that. Contemplating on ordering bf4 but idk yet

    2. Kiri-Jolith


      Lol. I was going to start going to college again this fall semester, but then I lost my job unfortunately so college had to be put on the back burner once again :( *le sigh*

    3. mccaincracker


      Ah that's rough :( hopefully you can get it sorted for spring semester or next year.

  4. Well............ this feels kinda strange lol. I was in HG up until about 2 years ago, when I left due to personal reasons. Glad to be back, and really glad to see how much the community has expanded since I last took a peek in! I'm a 22 year old gamer, been playing around here for quite a while. Haven't been as active lately as I could have been gaming wise, but oh well. Shout out to Clark, Dirty, Monkey, Faded, JJK, and any of you old generation guys who are still around!
  5. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Counter-Strike Source In-Game Name Kiri-Jolith Location Checotah, Oklahoma How old are you? 22 Which server(s) of ours do you play on? Um............... Way too many to list. When I was really active i was on the Office, D2, Surf, and Custom servers How long have you been playing on our server(s)? like, 9 years i think What is your Steam ID / GUID? STEAM_0:0:13264926 Why do you want to join HG? I was in it a couple years ago and miss the community and friends i had here. All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? -- Any other information you want to include is welcome I used to play with Prius, Bort, Dirty, Faded, and a lot of the old gen guys. Miss everyone and just hoping I can get back to see old friends again.
  6. Oh dam man, its been way to long. Glad to see you are still around.

    1. Kiri-Jolith


      lol, it truly has been way too long. You need to accept my steam friends request :P

  7. DOOBIE!!!!!!! Sup man. Been a long time.

  8. hello love your avatar

  9. harros, I hope you're doing alright.


  10. Well all, after who knows how many years, I am saying goodbye to HG. I'll still be on the servers some, I'm just not really having as much fun here as I used to and have decided that it is time for me to move onto other things. For all of you who've helped me out and stood by me through some of the shit I dealt with in life, thanks for being awesome. See you all around.
  11. You were banned for being in the Naughty Gamers steam group. Leave the group and you can be unbanned.
  12. hhhhhheeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy stranger

  13. Your account was caught using a hack, also known as a cheat. You are responsible for your own account. It doesn't matter if you gave the information to a friend. How are we supposed to know if you are telling the truth? If you wish to play on HG servers again you will have to get a new steam account.