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HeLLsGamers News

[NEW] CS1.6 Server 24/7 Dust2 Deathmatch

By Guest, in Server News, , 0 comments, 1234 views
Server IP:
GameME Stats: http://hellsgamers.gameme.com/cstrike
Players in server: https://hellsgamers.com/servers.php?do=view&id=202

Come kick it old school in our new Counter-Strike Deathmatch Server!

Gmod: 3 Days of Fun!

By Guest, in Server News, , 0 comments, 1112 views
Picture courtesy of Vao (And a bit of mark ;D)
This next paragraph is only the extended details, it will be simplified below! (AKA TL; DR)

From the dates Friday, September 30thall the way to Sunday, October 2ndand its gonna be the GREATEST 3 DAYS OF YOUR LIFE! It will start as previously said, on friday with perp 3.0. We will all get in there and play it like we're never played perp 3.0 before (Hopefully me too). Next we'll be hitting up TTT for the biggest terrorist event you've ever been to. Last but not least some Dark RP on sunday all the way until 8pm eastern. The event will be hosted by me (The lovable Mark teh Kat) and more than likely the gmod division's best. The rules will be simple, follow the MOTD to the letter. It will not be tolerated and it not be acceptable if you break the rules. Anything else pretty much goes so have as much fun as possible!
Here is the easier to read part
A 3 day gmod event going from Perp 3 -> TTT -> Dark RP and its all about fun!
Friday September 30th starting at 8:00 PM EST (Perp 3.0)
Saturday October 2st starting immediately all day (TTT)
Sunday October 2nd starting immediately until 8:00 PM EST (Dark RP)

All of the rules in the MOTD. This is probably the easiest to remember!
(For those of you who don't know em here they are -> https://hellsgamers.com/motds )
To RSVP Click Here: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/53627-Gmod-3-Days-of-Fun!

Back to Business! HG Game Giveaway

By Guest, in HeLLsGamers News, , 0 comments, 5502 views
Hello HG Members,
I have an exclusive giveaway for you!
That's right! If you're in HG (-hg-, [HG], HG |, [L], [A], [M], [DC], [TC], and yes, [C]) and you're looking to pick up a game; here's your chance to win your game of your choice!
There will be 3 separate prizes; two valued at $50 and one valued at $25.
If you win, you get the choice of picking a Steam (or retail game, assuming availability) game of your choice to the dollar amount.
How do you sign up? Comment below.
Basic rules:
1. One entry per person please
2. No guarantee on availability, if I cannot find the game from a reputable dealer or Steam, I cannot process the win as required. I will however make full effort to find your game of your choice
3. You may forfeit your win to anyone you please.
4. Be active in HG!
Note: Clark will be doing the GiveAway. I'm just paying for it ^.^

New TF2 Server 24/7 Mario Kart DM!!

By Guest, in Server News, , 0 comments, 2030 views
Server IP: (dm_mariokart2_b3) FastDL
GameME Stats: http://hellsgamers.gameme.com/tf19
Players in server: https://hellsgamers.com/servers.php?do=view&id=201
<a href="http://www.gametracker.com/server_info/" target="_blank"><img src="http://cache.www.gametracker.com/server_info/" border="0" width="350" height="20" alt=""/></a>
Mariokart 2 is a sandbox map filled with interactivity and fun. The colorful map supplies you with several interactive features such as drivable gokarts, a blimp that's capable of dropping nukes, aswell as a unique quest for the players to reveal secret locations of the map.
There are also several ways to get around the giant map, such as riding vehicles, launching yourself through cannons, or by using the warp zone that allows you to travel through the underground pipe systems.
New features include minigames, more interactions and a few surprises.

Have FuN!

*NEW* Battlefileld: Bad Company 2 Server *NEW*

By Guest, in Server News, , 0 comments, 1158 views
With the exciting renewed interest in BF:BC2 we now have a new server!
In addition, the BF3 release is just around the corner and it is never too late to practice.
Join up:
[HG] HeLLsGamers 24/7 Mixed Hardcore
Search the [HG] tag in the server browser and add it to your favorites!

[Monthly Giveaway] Logitech G500 gaming mouse that's right G500

By Guest, in Free Giveaways, , 0 comments, 1501 views
[August Giveaway]

Hey guys who wants to win a brand new logitech G500 gaming mouse..Yes I said it a brand new mouse, I will be giving this away for the month of August. Well here is your chance to get it. Make sure that your a -hg- [HG] HG | and don't forget Guest are welcome to enter as well. Make sure to post here to enter to be in it. I will be announcing the winner by the end of the month and GOODLUCK TO EVERYONE. Thanks Again Guys and Keep Supporting HeLLsGamers..

HG Tournament-7

By Guest, in Events, , 0 comments, 1514 views
Everyone show up in Team Speak at 7:00 pm. est. I will be picking teams and moving you into your channels.
TODAY July 30! at 8 EST, 7 CST, 5 PST
The event is available for -hg-, [HG] , HG |, s, S, C only!
HG Members must RSVP: https://hellsgamers.com/threads/49311-Tournament-7

August's Giveaway

By Guest, in Free Giveaways, , 0 comments, 1557 views
So, to celebrate the recent release of
Star Wars : The Old Republic Preorder
I will be raffling off THREE preorders of the game (Normal Edition)! All preorders come with 30 days of game time and a color stone.
Warning : This being an mmo, There will be a monthly fee included. If you do not like paying monthly. Do not apply.
If you want to enter please say so below.
This giveaway is only for -hg- and above! If you are not a member and would like to be then please apply!
This giveaway will end at 12:00 EST on September 1st!
Good luck to everyone.
Oh and yeah we have two guilds set up so far, One republic, One sith
Republic = http://www.swtor.com/guilds/13212/hellsgamers
Empire = http://www.swtor.com/guilds/22259/hellsgamers

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