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Happy Memorial Day Hg!!!


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I hope everyone had a happy Memorial day with their loved ones on this day of remembrance honoring those who have served, and those have fallen for the rights of their countrymen. This is for all of our members, no matter what Nation you are apart of, on this day we remember all who fought for liberty. For all of our members who have served, or have more recently went off to join military, no matter the branch, we applaud and thank you all from the heart. You follow a long tradition filled with heroes of the day, and we appreciate your service!


Thank you to the men & women of our armed services.



Edited by BOSCH
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Somehow, I missed this thread yesterday. I want to thank you for your wonderful post. I have served, in combat as well; but there is not a day that goes by that I don't forget about those that gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. It doesn't matter where you are from, every single country has been in a war of some sort. I hope that everyone had a fun and safe week-end. For those of you that are actively serving you are in my prayers (regardless of the country). I wish you all a pleasant day and week.

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