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HG Zombie Survival Utility Suggestion

Aeux Deus

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Well there i was sitting, smoking a cigarette, whilst playing ZS, and i came across a comment in the Message Board, POLICE RIOT SHIELD


Personally i know the idea of a shield is kind of frowned upon but hear me out.

Police Riot Shield / Riot Shield

Information: A riot shield is a lightweight protection device deployed by police and some military organizations. Riot shields are typically long enough to cover an average-sized person from the top of the head to the knees, though smaller one-handed models may also be used. They are generally intended to be used in riot control, to protect the user from melee attacks with blunt or edged weapons and also thrown projectiles. They can also be used as short-ranged melee weapons to push back rioters. Most riot shields do not offer ballistic protection; ballistic shields are instead used in situations where heavily armed resistance is expected. However, in this case the Riot shield Can be used to push out During intermission, however your movement speed is slowed by half at best but within reasonable Percentage, Since the user is totally Protected in the front and will not take damage from anything from the front unless the shield breaks or they are hit from the sides or the back, from above or below, wherever the wielder is aiming they are protected, also Ghoul resistant if the ghoul should hit the shield.

Wave Unlock: None 

Limited Stock: 5 Available At supply A or B

Cost: 250 Points


Health: 500 Good | Repairable with Wrench Along with 15% damage resistance, Higher or Lower Adjustable by Devs

Damage: 25.5 Decent | Higher or Lower Adjustable by Devs

Damage per Second: 25.5 Bad | Higher or Lower Adjustable by Devs

Rate of Fire: 1.1 Decent | Higher or Lower Adjustable by Devs

Range: 10 Very Close | Higher or Lower Adjustable by Devs

Knockback: 37.101010232% Decent | Higher or Lower Adjustable by Devs



Questions Asked


  • Would the riot shield still be equipped upon ghosting through props during intermission?
  •  No, the Riot shield Must be unequipped before ghosting, where they then undergo a cooldown of 3.5 sec of equipping the shield after ghosting is finished, Player cannot ghost whilst equipping the Shield they must switch! which has same timer as well.
  •  Regarding Balancing, it will Help feel players feel safer when pushing out, But that's where the timer comes in. once completely equipped they will be protected at the facing direction.


  •  What's the point of this shield doing damage? Isn't it primarily meant for defense?
  •  The point of damage is to make it less boring, even tho the amount of damage is minimal and would at most kill headcrabs only, but can kill everything else except for shade if it has low enough Health!


  • Does it block all forms of damage?
  •  Yes, However the Shield still takes the Exact same Damage, if you don't take the damage resistance into consideration, but is primarily meant for pushing back, Ex a prop throwing shade, it does block Hooks from Devoure as well, but instead the player is pushed back a few feet, as the shield also takes Damage, but is however Resistant to Poison. but can also be damaged by bullets, and hooked by Devo, if the shield has low Health, Falldamage is still a thing, tho, it does not block bullets from friendly units. so they have to be extra careful


  • Can they shoot while using the riot shield?
  • The short answer is no, However, Stun stick follows in the Riot shield, so they have to equip both the shield and the Stun stick. which is why it takes 3.5 sec to Equip.
  • I did do some thinking when you asked the question, and a standard Police issued pistol could follow with the riot shield with 1 magazine. Hence the Price.


  • How would you repair the shield if it isn't a deployable that everyone can repair?
  • Now this is why i love feedback from you Snow. Goto (2)
  • I would put it into the same category as the Supply/Props, considering the Wrench repairs more when repairing the Supply, and would ideally be used to defend supply when pushing out.
  • And if that is not possible then, Supply could give it a Health regen over time, which is relatively decent but not  OP, Within Reasonable Percentage.


  • Why did you choose 500 health as its durability? Could it have been considered durable through another statistic?
  • I used 500 health as it's durability, simply because it must no be too high, or too low, it must also not be too durable or too squishy. since the thought of a immortal shield kinda kills the point in the game.
  • i primarily used Prop Health as my form of statistic, where i included 15% damage resistance to damage. but total immunity if ur hit face front by pukepus since its a liquid.
  • The health could be lower or higher depending on what the devs think!

What you think Feedback down Below would this be great in ZS?

As well as more penalties or benefits it can hold.

Edited by Aeux Deus
Minor Adjustments 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10
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14 minutes ago, Charlie said:

The sizes and fonts you wrote this in are extremely hard to read and pretty cancer


Also aside from just "Benefits and Penalties" I feel like you typing out how this would change the meta in positive/negative ways would be a much better way to present it.

Don't know what you are on about, the fonts are all the same.

i changed the color tho, Thanks!

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There are a few things I'm unsure about this suggestion:


  • Would the riot shield still be equipped upon ghosting through props during intermission?
    • If so, how could that be balanced against zombies?
    • If not, would there be a few-seconds delay in which the player needs to undergo an animation where they raise their shield, and once fully completed, then they would be shielded?
  • What's the point of this shield doing damage? Isn't it primarily meant for defense?
  • Does it block all forms of damage?
    • If not, what damage does it block, and what can't it block?
  • Can they shoot while using the riot shield?
  • How would you repair the shield if it isn't a deployable that everyone can repair?
  • Why did you choose 500 health as its durability? Could it have been considered durable through another statistic?
  • Thanks 1
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the idea really is interesting, tho I think it's still a bit unbalanced since 500 hp Is allot and not being able to makes those  250 points back just by pushing zombies away with a little bit damage is still a bit meh, even tho I know you probably shouldn't be able to make mainly  points with it besides winning the map or something like that it should rather be less hp and less points so you are actually able to afford it and it's not so unfair against the zombies 

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9 hours ago, Snowyamur said:

There are a few things I'm unsure about this suggestion:


  • Would the riot shield still be equipped upon ghosting through props during intermission?
    • If so, how could that be balanced against zombies?
    • If not, would there be a few-seconds delay in which the player needs to undergo an animation where they raise their shield, and once fully completed, then they would be shielded?
  • What's the point of this shield doing damage? Isn't it primarily meant for defense?
  • Does it block all forms of damage?
    • If not, what damage does it block, and what can't it block?
  • Can they shoot while using the riot shield?
  • How would you repair the shield if it isn't a deployable that everyone can repair?
  • Why did you choose 500 health as its durability? Could it have been considered durable through another statistic?
  • Would the riot shield still be equipped upon ghosting through props during intermission?
  1.  No, the Riot shield Must be unequipped before ghosting, where they then undergo a cooldown of 3.5 sec of equipping the shield after ghosting is finished, Player cannot ghost whilst equipping the Shield they must switch! which has same timer as well.
  2.  Regarding Balancing, it will Help feel players feel safer when pushing out, But that's where the timer comes in. once completely equipped they will be protected at the facing direction.


  •  What's the point of this shield doing damage? Isn't it primarily meant for defense?
  1.  The point of damage is to make it less boring, even tho the amount of damage is minimal and would at most kill headcrabs only, but can kill everything else except for shade if it has low enough Health!


  • Does it block all forms of damage?
  1.  Yes, However the Shield still takes the Exact same Damage, if you don't take the damage resistance into consideration, but is primarily meant for pushing back, Ex a prop throwing shade, it does block Hooks from Devoure as well, but instead the player is pushed back a few feet, as the shield also takes Damage, but is however Resistant to Poison. but can also be damaged by bullets, and hooked by Devo, if the shield has low Health, Falldamage is still a thing, tho, it does not block bullets from friendly units. so they have to be extra careful


  • Can they shoot while using the riot shield?
  1. The short answer is no, However, Stun stick follows in the Riot shield, so they have to equip both the shield and the Stun stick. which is why it takes 3.5 sec to Equip.
  2. I did do some thinking when you asked the question, and a standard Police issued pistol could follow with the riot shield with 1 magazine. Hence the Price.


  • How would you repair the shield if it isn't a deployable that everyone can repair?
  1. Now this is why i love feedback from you Snow. Goto (2)
  2. I would put it into the same category as the Supply/Props, considering the Wrench repairs more when repairing the Supply, and would ideally be used to defend supply when pushing out.
  3. And if that is not possible then, Supply could give it a Health regen over time, which is relatively decent but not  OP, Within Reasonable Percentage.


  • Why did you choose 500 health as its durability? Could it have been considered durable through another statistic?
  1. I used 500 health as it's durability, simply because it must no be too high, or too low, it must also not be too durable or too squishy. since the thought of a immortal shield kinda kills the point in the game.
  2. i primarily used Prop Health as my form of statistic, where i included 15% damage resistance to damage. but total immunity if ur hit face front by pukepus since its a liquid.
  3. The health could be lower or higher depending on what the devs think!
Edited by Aeux Deus
Minor Adjustments 1,2,3,4
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2 hours ago, Lunar said:

500 hp riot shield lol, you know instead of that. You can just make it so human can buy it and have a new blocking mechanic but consider humans already strong.


6 hours ago, KeanuV said:

the idea really is interesting, tho I think it's still a bit unbalanced since 500 hp Is allot and not being able to makes those  250 points back just by pushing zombies away with a little bit damage is still a bit meh, even tho I know you probably shouldn't be able to make mainly  points with it besides winning the map or something like that it should rather be less hp and less points so you are actually able to afford it and it's not so unfair against the zombies 

Not a lot since it takes friendly fire damage. 

you cannot shoot through the shield unlike with other entities. so you cant stand blocking several entrances because u need see the zombie before shooting it, consider it an unnailed prop.

so you have to work together. especially let's say in some Survival maps or maybe Objective maps, u cant just stand behind and shoot since it blocks your bullets and your vision, only the wielder can see through the lid of the shield. so teamwork is the Key.


i do agree on the price being high and all, but better higher than lower. it can be adjusted.

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2 hours ago, LynxMas said:

The fact that it blocks friendly bullets seems a bit like a troll, as you could stand infront of the shooting humans, and block/reduce the damage of their shots. I think a riot shield is an amazing idea, just and you proposed alot of great ideas, however I am not the person to ask, as i know jack shit about balance.

The point of this feat was to also give a chance to devoure to be able to hook people, instead of people blocking the holes making it impossible at all to inflict damage to the caders, shooters and the cade included, also giving chances to zombies in general so that the shield wouldnt be abused, this is one way to counter abuse.

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