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An explanation regarding Slazenger [From the Staff and Council]


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DJ, i think u missed >> this post <<


I know you two have a bit of history but all he's doing is speaking his mind.. Plus he's not unreasonable to talk with :mybad::cheers:





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So you take away all of his powers and admin and transfer it to JJK.


Who wouldn't be pissed. If the logs are real he shouldn't have made those insulting remarks but he did it in anger.


He has helped JB so much and I suppose I'm the only one who voted for him to stay. Don't ban him, hes made/confirmed 500+ t-lists:

HeLLsGamers Multi Gaming Community: - Search Results


And 80 bans:

HeLLsGamers Multi Gaming Community: - Search Results


Plus hes active in forums, always in vent and active in a range of games. Give him time to cool off, hes just angry at the moment.


I don't know him that well, however I know how human beings are, and the above sounds reasonable and should be considered in a decision. I understand that the names of council and staff that were pointed out may be angry a bit also (I proly would be). But maybe making a decision so quickly isn't the way to handle the situation. Again, I don't know him that well, except for that he was extremely friendly and helpful in vent, but I will stay neutral in this situation. My vote is neither from the information that I have heard thus far.


But I put trust into the Council and Staff so, whatever they see fit I will follow until I see otherwise.d

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I know this didnt happen in a matter of hours nor days more like months

That doesnt seem very short now does it


Just read the rest of the posts. Like I said I didn't know him well and it seems like you guys had been having problems with him apparently. As I said earlier though, I'll go with the Staff and Council with trust for the better of the community.

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His "other side" involved:


Blatant abuse of rules/admin to give his "inner circle" advantages. Case in point:


Threatening to ban people on the GMod RP server after making up a rule that people weren't allowed to steal his car (an integral part of the RP mod, seeing as there is a "thief" class).


Continued disrespect of admins/staff/council behind their backs, while giving a sweet smile and asking for things to their face. Case in point:


Asking me for extended powers on SourceBans and other places, while at the very same time telling others how worthless he thought I and other staff/council members were.


Constant "name dropping" to attempt to coerce people into doing his bidding. Case in point:


Slaz wanted bhopping removed in Jailbreak, even going so far as to try to get it removed from all our other servers. When told no initially, he took it upon himself to demand that Crosshair (the one writing/updating SM scripts for our servers) create an anti-bhop mod on the servers, stating that "all the staff and council want it done, so do it now". This, of course, was a complete fabrication, as we told him the exact opposite previously. He's used this one quite a bit, to get people banned, admin removed, etc. We only recently found out the extent to which it was carried on, and are attempting to rectify all the damage done by it.




I know you love analogies, but please keep them simple, my eyes are bad enough as it is. >.>


Anyways, it's quite the opposite. I've never banned anyone for stating an opinion, and never plan to do so. If you see any staff trying to do otherwise, please contact me. However, please remember, there is a difference between stating your opinion and demanding your opinion be the right one.





I'd like to see some proof of us banning someone just for an opinion. Like I stated previously, there is a difference between stating your opinion and forcing it on others. We are not ancient Rome, we like to keep our forums martyr free.




It's as bad as we say it is. We aren't exaggerating. It was an ongoing issue before we even made him Jailbreak Warden. We had hoped that after being given the Warden position he would be satisfied with molding it. However that was not the case for long, and it did not take him long to go to his devious ways. In fact, it got so bad, we coined the term "Slazervention", which was essentially a talking to to him stating that he needs to calm down, and not talk trash behind peoples' backs.


As I stated many other times so far, we have no problem with people stating opinions. However, we retain the right not to agree with them. I'm sorry if you don't like it, but if you have the right to an opinion, we do too.




You're right, in some respects it is personal. In fact, that's WHY we made this decision.


I think the problem is that everyone is under the assumption that we just one day decided to ban Slaz off the face of the earth for no good reason. That isn't the case. We've worked long and hard attempting to cope with his way of doing things, and try to show him that his behavior is inappropriate at times. After months and months of failed attempts, we decided that the Jailbreak Warden promotion wasn't going to work out, so we went with the only option left, to remove him from it. After promising that he understood and said everything was alright, he immediately went to his devious ways, slandering staff and council, and others, insulting us for removing him, which essentially solidified our resolve in our decision of removing him.




Don't give me that "internet is srs bsns" sarcasm BS. The internet is OBVIOUSLY serious business or people wouldn't be making/paying money on/to it would they? Doesn't that fit the definition of a business? A revenue for a service? I think so.





I think a good old saying can be applied here.


We didn't fire Slaz, Slaz fired Slaz. We didn't ban him for addressing problems with us. We banned him because after we disagreed with his opinions, he took it upon himself to slander us because our views differed from his. Again, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but humility needs to be involved here. Sometimes, we aren't right. It's something we have to deal with from time to time. Many times we agreed with his judgment and let his plans continue as he set them. However, the problem was when we disagreed, and instead of accepting the disagreement, he raged out and talked about how inept we were for disagreeing with him.





When we initially removed his powers, he came across very clearly with us as being fine with it. To our face, he accepted it with grace. However, shortly after telling us he was fine with it, he began to spam staff and council members with how big a mistake this was and how much HG could be harmed if he decided to leave. We don't take kindly to threats, idle or not. We have a storied history of people attempting to strip our clan down for their own selfish reasons, and we refuse to cave into them.





You have every right to comment on this. Everyone does. I just want to make sure everyone knows the whole story. If you look at Cactus's thread, it's glaringly obvious he has only heard Slaz's side and has decided that is the right version.


This thread was simply a courtesy to the community informing them about the how and why of our decision to remove slaz. This thread was not made to be a trial of any sort. We do not wish him ill, or anything like that. We simply feel that his actions have proved that he does not have the best interests of the community in mind.


Also, lack of proof? Ask staff members sometime the kind of messages and emails slaz would send to them. We simply posted the nicer things he has said, because we don't want to slander him.


Also, a courtroom differs just a tad bit from an online community. We do not have an unbiased jury at the ready to determine anyone's fate. And we will not let this turn into a popularity contest.



Again, like I said, we simply made this thread as a courtesy to the community explaining the how and why of the events that transpired. If anyone needs any further information, please feel free to contact me. I can't guarantee I will divulge everything (this is to protect both sides), but I will explain as best I can.



And Church, for the love of god, make shorter posts. My wrists hurt.


Wow.......Thank's for your time and information Lamp. That pretty much summed it all up for me!! No further questions on my behalf.

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Eh, Slaz was the one that convinced me to apply and then processed my application into the clan, and I knew him best through jailbreak. He always seemed like a pretty cool guy and I agree with most of the other people in this thread in saying that I am quite surprised to see these logs.


That being said, it is JJK's JB and JJK is doing excellent work, so he is definitely best for the job.


I just wish it could have gone down a different way.

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It could have went down a very diffrent direction. If slaz would have done what was asked of him. He did do alot of work,but then complained about it? Seriously slaz would have became staff if he would have taken a diffrent route. Slaz was always nice to my face ,but in some of the e mails i read i found out he didnt like me much at all. QQ. I have never EVER heard of somone giving an opinion about somthing then getting banned. If this was the case alot of staff members would have been banned along time ago. When Council decides the way they want it. that's it They always listen to you and hear you out. Does n't mean they agree with you,but somtimes they do. So this whole thing about people getting banned for speaking thier mind is funny because there is no truth to it what so ever.And if you are having problems with an admin/staff/council member come into vent and it will be addressed! Bottom line you cannot threaten bad things are going to happen if this doesn't happen. You don't disrespect fellow HG members period. Now some of us in vent like to have fun and joke around!!! So maybe if majority of people who look/written in this thread would come into vent they would know us alot better. Staff and Council are not hard to get along with. You GIVE respect to get respect. People have opinion's which is part of life everyone has one. That's why "GAWD" created democracy. This is'nt a dictatorship.

Edited by Ambush
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Well I am friends with slaz as yall know but i dont like that he was telling people behind my back that I was going to leave HG when he got banned. I knew this was coming and I would never leave this amazing group of people. That being said I dont know if a perma ban was the right way to go. Yes he should of been kicked out of HG but i dont think all are servers. Thank you for showing the rest of HG what happened. He has already emailed me everything that has been said and chats. I didnt want to get in the drama so i stayed out of it. I did Pm some people with questions and got them answered! Thank you for those staff memebers.


R.I.P. Slaz old chap. You will be missed



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I don't see nothing wrong in the email. (Mccain forwarded to me) but staff say there was something wrong with them so maybe I got a different email.


You see this is the problem lol.


When someone has a problem, they message staff or council about that problem. When the problems are as amplified as Slazenger was making them, the Staff and Council have to make replies he may not like.


That was the big problem with him sending the chats. We were telling him to "just let it go" and he could be worked back in. Now we have 2 more members of the community saying he sent them private chat logs between the himself and various Council members about inner workings of the community.


That's what we have a problem with, as much as we told him not to, he went ahead and did it anyways.


I want you guys to know that you won't be punished for receiving, reading, or admitting to have seen the conversations between Slazenger and Staff/Council. The problem was him, and it will stay that way.

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Thanks again ttam for giving us the info what happen with Slaz. Slaz was a great guy, this is why alot of us appreciate what he could bring to the table, he help out alot with HG the down fall about it it's promotion he was basically upset about certain people getting promoted to staff, but he wasn't ready for it. What Lamp said they already have conversation about him what he needs to work on to get to that level, but he might of took it the wrong way. Our council and staff has a very clear set expectations for everybody and hold us accountable for what we do at the end of the day there the one that give us guide lines this why HG is at it's best. Slaz take care hope everything is well. We really do appreciate what you've done thanks again..

Edited by Noc2RnaLxCrU
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I have my opinions on this matter,but they'll get me kicked out, so I'll keep em to myself. I personally like slaz and never once had any problems with him. He's probably one of the few here I liked and got along with.Most of it is just because i'm older than most here and me and him always had good conversations.


P.S. JB is a lost cause. Not even fun.

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I haven't seen anything until these posts. Honestly, I hardly saw slaz around. When i did it was in vent for maybe half an hour to an hour at most. Other than that he was always too busy to talk or AFK.

Reading over everything about what he said to Clark and then seeing that you guys said he was nice to people's faces but talked behind their back...it really makes me sad and sit in an uncomfortable position because I always thought he was super cool, plus he was one of the many who told me to join HG lol

I almost want to go message him and ask him what the hell is going through his head...and I just might because I have a really bad tendancy to not let things...especially people I see as friends...go that easily...

Like I have said before...I'm very sad to slazie go, but if he was that big of a problem then I'm not about to step in and say he should still be here...I would like to see this clan continue to grow without halt or issue, even if it isn't that easy.

But, before I end this post, I do have to say that I give my sincere thanks to Slazenger for being a good friend to my face, helping me grow into an HG member, and persuading me to give HG a try. If he had been gone long before now then I wouldn't be here as a member this day, apart of a community that makes me smile day after day, and for all of that and the things Slaz helped the community grow with, I thank him with all of my heart.

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P.S. JB is a lost cause. Not even fun.


Slaz sort of made it a lost cause. It was not fun with all the rules and people trying to break them.

I don't see nothing wrong in the email. (Mccain forwarded to me) but staff say there was something wrong with them so maybe I got a different email.


I also received the chat logs via email from someone else in the clan, not Slaz. What was wrong was the fact that he sent the emails out, and kept pushing/threatening/crying to Staff/Council about the choices they made.


He knew what he was doing. He was trying to create a riot where riot was not needed. They gave him chances, and he failed each time. Chances were over. I believe this was the right action to take, other wise it wouldn't have stopped. Shoot, it most likely won't because he still has Steam Chat, and still has HG members on there. He will keep complaining to us about how Upper Staff and Council are "corrupt".


Let him cry...like I said...he had his chance(s) and he blew it.

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I have my opinions on this matter,but they'll get me kicked out, so I'll keep em to myself. I personally like slaz and never once had any problems with him. He's probably one of the few here I liked and got along with.Most of it is just because i'm older than most here and me and him always had good conversations.


P.S. JB is a lost cause. Not even fun.


You won't be kicked for having opinions on any matter, as long as you don't express them the way cactus did, trying to stir up an exodus.

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He made several thinly-veiled threats, saying that if we ever got rid of him that all of the Jailbreak recruits that worshipped him would follow him wherever he went.





No offense...I think he ruined jailbreak.


Same, I used to play jb all the time when JJK was teh "wardin" and i tried to play it a little once slazzy took over, but it was never the same, like you said in another post, all the 100 rules in the MOTD killed in. The point of JB is to be able to nitpick orders and force CTs to have to be strict and clear on everything they do and say. Now they dont have to say half of what they used to. "no detours and delays" used to be said after EVERY SINGLE command given. Now its implied...and as far as getting rid of bhopping, i know you bhop jess, so i bet youd agree with me....but thats just retarded to go out of your way to get an anti-bhop mod bc your too depressed that you dont know how to bhop yourself.



Gonna miss you Slaz best of luck and to JJK poor guy trying to run Jailbreak :P


Im assuming because you havent been here long enough, to remember that JJK ran and controlled jailbreak just fine before Slaz came into the picture....

Edited by JJK
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Thanks Lamp and ttaM for explaining the situation to me.


I believed it was more like: "Were taking your admin and warden" causing him to range but I know see it was a series of events leading to the ban.


They just explained how it wasn't like that, this happened over a huge time period.

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