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  1. Snowyamur


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/19 in all areas

  1. I'm glad I was able to be apart of the Christmas at the Crackhouse event! Even though I'm still kind of salty that I got 2nd place(again); I am glad to be apart of such a badass community. Here is the corsair mouse I won courtesy of Eddiecam. Thanks again!
    2 points
  2. I'm thinking of creating a 6's UGC team to participate in an upcoming tournament(s). I need to see if there would be enough people to participate so I can start getting permissions from Directors and Outreach. (We need to fuck this guy's team. https://hellsgamers.com/profile/41874-pichu/). Anyways we're not going to be able to form soon enough for season 29, so when season 30 for 6's rolls around we should be good to get on the roster. We need 8 people Scout 1 - Raging Scout 2 - RELAX Soldier 1 - Soldier 2 - Demo, Pyro, Heavy, Sniper, Spy, Engineer - Medic - It's Admiral, I don't care who you are, it's gonna be Admiral Sub 1 - Sub 2 -
    1 point
  3. I've updated the Infiltrator GDD with some new changes; be sure to check it out via the link below: Infiltrator 1.7 Changes: Infiltrator - Mechanic Attributes changes: Health value increased from 3250 to 4500. Overdrive ability adjustments: Adjusted ability description to match how the ability is explained mechanically. Added how the player camera will change activating and cancelling Overdrive. Removed redundancy with how disabled objects can still be destroyed by Zombie players. Adjusted how the gauge indicator for charging will display to the player. Updated when and how equipment is disabled by the Overdrive shockwave. Phase Shift adjustments: Adjusted what happens upon expiration or forceful-cancellation of the Phase Shift ability. Infiltrator - Appearance changes: Model: Separated the original "Model" tree into "Model 1" and "Model 2" categories. Added another model option for "Model 2." Icon Appearance: Added "Model 1" and "Model 2" categories for the icon appearance. Added another icon option for the Infiltrator for Model 2. Animations: Updated basic animations format with what will occur when fully-charged and on death. Added "Model 1" and Model 2" categories for the Animations. Added another set of animations for the Infiltrator for Model 2. Sounds: Updated the set of sounds to apply for different behaviors. Added "Model 1" and "Model 2" categories for the sounds. Added another set of sounds for the Infiltrator for Model 2. Removed Death Animations; these are now located as a sub-category under "Animations."
    1 point
  4. @Hugin&Munin If swapping models out for the Infiltrator is indeed possible, then I have no problem with incorporating the type of model you suggested for the Infiltrator. I think it would look great and pretty cool for the players to see, if that's the case.
    1 point
  5. @Snowyamur Ah I see, due to the resources already available. I understand now. No worry about the incorporation of the appearence, in case we are not able to do, I can easily rig a model from another game to source that fits the boss description (like I mentioned models from KF1 or KF2 or any other game that has any kind of crazy zombies) It just turns difficult if the models are too complex. But in case we can incorporate that appearence, I think that would be Forrest doing since its mainly scriptable effects with particles, would have to ask him when he is online to know for sure. In case none of the above works, the original nightmare model modification you said is still nice by itself. And if this boss is accepted we can just sure add it with the original model and then change it for the new model later on.
    1 point
  6. Trade Servers: Pushing teammates is now disabled. Fixed weapon spreads were enabled for a short period of time but are now disabled again as they were deemed too over-powered with all crits. All Servers w/ Jetpack: Jetpack now produces no noise as the sound was very buggy for a lot of players.
    1 point
  7. @Hugin&Munin I like that thinking for its appearance. The reason why I was going for a re-colored and alternate-version of the Nightmare was because I'm considering what's doable given the available resources and skills at our disposal. However, if we can incorporate and electrical, anomaly-like being for the Infiltrator Zombie Boss, then I think this would not only be a refreshing and relieving sight from all the other Zombie Boss appearances, but it would also expand on how far Zombie Survival can be taken in-terms of creativity and imagination. I like it, and I will consider it when I update the Infiltrator GDD.
    1 point
  8. @Snowyamur I see, and I don't think I actually gave the idea on the first place. I have talked alot of ideas with Forrest, but I don't quite remember talking about the infiltrator, even tho it would be the kind of Idea I would have if I was thinking about zombie bosses. Atm the ideas I have shared are related to some other game mechanics. But back to it: I don't quite imagine it using a body.. an electric spherical being kind fits it better like if it was some kind of anomaly. Although we could make a vote to add a body to it or not, IF YES, we should not use something that exist in game, we could just take a model from KF1 or KF2 or any other game, do a little modification if needed and add it to the game as the new boss model. Also thanks for the contribution credits, nice of you. < exemple of what I mean. Remember, we should as well keep it refreshing on the visual side.
    1 point
  9. @Snowyamur Just before I read the document, my idea was that the boss could be like shade, but since its supposed to disable humans devices it should be like a sphere of eletricity particles flying around (without any "body" just like I said, a sphere os electricity particles with perhaps the same effect of the auto nail repair on the center aka image distortion). After I read it to get more information about it, I see you somehow already imagined the same thing. We would need a new tool for repairing disabled props to make it more interesting perhaps. Disabled props could have a new bar on the top of the props health bar. The color for the "disabled bar" couldn't be blue since blue means no one owns those props anymore, we would need a color suggestion for that. Or either with the disabled timer alternative, just the bar no top showing how long to be enabled again. This boss could be fun.
    1 point
  10. This is not a bad idea tbh, could become a little challenge for the humans, Just like when a crono appears within the cade.
    1 point
  11. Overdrive is nice, 12 seconds are great, an indication where it's gonna blow is good So my Questions here are: Would this boss has the same after-phase effect of chrono? (Green Aura emitted after phase and render immobile and unusable for x seconds based around the time of phase) as i could see this being troubling and make it a waste of worth. Would it have the sound played upon phasing? if so it is both or only upon entering phase or exiting phase? How would the Deployables and Utilities would look like when they were EMP'd? Would it still affects deployables when they were picked up before the overdrive then placing it back? Overall neat idea, i hope i didn't misread most of the document and missing vital info
    1 point
  12. @Fredrich Rath Thanks. I'm trying to get people to start posting higher-quality and more well-thought out suggestions rather than creating this "Design for the Dump," where people are throwing in a bunch of random ideas that they pulled out of nowhere and have such little detail that it's slightly-obvious that not much thought was put into them. Eventually, these suggestions get ignored and are thrown away, which made them pointless to have been mentioned to begin with. When it comes to these suggestions, it's better to have ones that are well-written because it's good practice for game design, plus the feedback received and the thinking going into reading the suggestion itself are more in-depth and specific. As I see it, a well-thought out and well-written game suggestion or idea is more valued over a hashed one.
    1 point
  13. Meh, I guess, I'll try to. Btw nice advice
    1 point
  14. thanks to @Tack, my game so far is going well and it doesn't seem like it's crashing anymore.
    1 point
  15. @Fredrich Rath Nothing wrong with being simple about a concept. However, if you want the best feedback or the best chances at something you suggest being incorporated in-game, it doesn't hurt to take some time thinking and writing out what Ricky Swift is supposed to be as a Last Human Boss in-terms of mechanics, characteristics, attributes, etc. As a good ZS player once told me, "I would rather have suggestions that were well-thought out and fleshed-out than these small, broken, possibly hashed ideas that won't even work for ZS," and that's how I've been approaching these ZS suggestions. It's better to have something detailed that people can think about than something so simple, yet lacks so much detail that people will only approach its concept, not how it would actually affect the general gameplay of Zombie Survival.
    1 point
  16. Jump Maps Server: Updated one of the maps from jump_academy_beta3_v1 to jump_academy2_rc7 (#1 in rotation)
    1 point
  17. My questions are: 1. Does he teleport? If yes, his just like the Chrono. If no, meh. ------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. What's the playermodel? -------------------------------------------------------------------
    0 points
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