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  1. Vinny Mac

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/19 in all areas

  1. I don’t think I have any better way to really start this whole discussion, but with one sentence: Complacency is the enemy of longevity. Many times, I seen this happen to servers I love, they fade away like a wayward dream, their existence only ever bearing in the memories of those who had fun there and made good memories there. It’s a fact, everything comes to an end at some point. Nothing is spared from the sands of time. So, when I see the warning signs and I’m flagged as a madman, or some sort of pest for attempting to motivate the crowd however I can, even if I had to resort to vulgarity, it gets me even more worried. Recently, I’ve noticed a greater influx of strong personalities, whose charisma has overtaken the server like a starlit singer at a pub. But I feel that some of those who come to the server, don’t come in with the right intentions. Most of those people who come onto the server and just dump their exposition and garbage into the server, bring it down further and further, demotivate the players and ultimately, kill whatever they liked for Zombie Survival, and they move on. Yes, you can argue that people’s interests change, and people come and go. When it feels like you’re only starting to see more regulars than new players, or anyone different for that matter; that feeling of comfort tends to go south. I think I see maybe one of two new players eventually become regulars. While the people who thought Roleplaying in the middle of a Zombie Survival round encouraged people to basically hop off the server and go there, ultimately kills the mood of the game mode, and devalues it. Provided, I understand the original creator of the game mode has very little association with the mode nowadays and the code is completely open source now. But I feel like, it has a certain legacy to it. There are a lot of game modes for Garry’s Mod: GMod Towers, Elevator Source, Stranded, Roleplay, Hide n’ Seek, Prop Hunt, and many other modes exist because of how open Garry’s Mod was at a point, to where the code gave people the flexibility to create something great, something beautiful. Zombie Survival stands as a testament to that, where at this point, HellsGamers is currently the king of that mountain. One of the longest standing Zombie Survival servers, thanks to user-friendly features and a sense of direction that captivated people to create more content and introduced many bright minds into the fold. Now, it feels stagnant, cold to the touch. I’ve seen this before, and you can say anything you want to hide the inevitable truth, all things come to an end. It’s about what we do to make the best of it. And I strongly feel, the server isn’t making the best of its time. Eventually, people will stop playing and move on to bigger and better things, or they will move on because other demands in their lives call for them to spend more time on that than video games. I know for me, that might be coming soon, I’ve personally been dealing with plenty of issues and I want to do more with my life than simply being a veteran at this point. But I want to be able to leave things on a high note, then to come back years later, only to discover it’s been wiped clean from the face of the web. The only thing that may document any of this is the Wayback Machine, and usually, that’s for things people won’t ever forget. What is the point of this post? It’s a call to action. We have so many players who are willing to give inputs, create content for the server and give back the love the server has given to the player. Something that can be agreed on, we keep coming back because we care, no matter how angry or embittered we seem at times. I’m a testament to that. There have been times I’ve given myself breaks from the server to try other games, or to deal with life issues, but I always come back. Because I enjoy playing on the server. But when I see these people with gilded smiles and foiled masks just wanting to bring the server down and bully the people from thinking differently, of course I get angry. I’m a confrontational person; I may be soft spoken at times believe it or not, but when it’s something that pulls my interest, or something I care about, I tend to react strongly. I do not lie when I say, I do quietly enjoy my time on the server, despite the things I’ve said. Now what I wanted to bring up is we need to start focusing on is more activity with the community, we need to find a means to reinvigorate the staff and higher-ranking individuals who have lost interest or is tired of Zombie Survival in general. A lot of the members got there for good reasons, most of them do care despite the contrary reactions they often have on the server. And one of the ways I was thinking about was a modification to the current standing rules of the server. This is probably the hardest part of all of this, finding the right balance between leniency and strictness. Now one of the key things I wanted to look at is zombies doing anything other than actively helping the team. This is arguably one of the biggest issues when you’re playing as a zombie, especially on low population. The zombies tend to get disorganized and choose to act more friendly towards the humans, or flat out ignore them. At one point, a recently banned player that went by Phooogie, was no joke, leading the zombie team in a RPing session in the middle of a round, leaving only the bosses to do any of the actual work and ultimately ruining the match for the players that wanted to play the game as intended. There’s nothing wrong with people having fun, talking about different things, or even goofing around, but there are far better ways to go about it. Not to mention, it’s entirely possible for players to be able to shoot the shit, and play the game as usual. One of the reasons we added groups was for that purpose; so, players can talk amongst themselves to ensure it doesn’t disrupt the flow of gameplay. We need a policy, if not already in place, that bars zombies from being friendly or neutral. Zombies should be attacking the cade or actively hunting humans to ensure the game mode doesn’t lose what little competitive nature the mode already has. Another point I wanted to bring up, is about Human players giving out false commands. Many could argue with me all day long on this topic, because “the players have a choice to follow it” or “if they fall for it, they’re gullible.” To put it simply, that’s Elitism. You’re basically saying at that point, “So what if they’re new to this or are unfamiliar with ZS, if they listen to the assholes screaming out troll commands, that’s on them and only them.” That is quite frankly a complete Neanderthal way of thinking about troll/ false commands. I’ve seen too many times players being led to their deaths or being told to basically walk into a deathtrap, to artificially inflate the amount of points those kinds of players can earn and to access higher tier weapons early on. In my opinion, stuff like that shouldn’t be tolerated in any setting, and should be aggressively dealt with. It’s only going to get worse if left unchecked and unregulated. It’s the norm at this point, a meme you can say, to do such things. Even the mods have participated in this behavior, only enforcing the idea that this is in any way acceptable. It’s not, it should be frowned upon, not praised. That’s what creates the Elitism attitudes, and that’s what creates the real toxic players. I pale in comparison to the venom they can produce. Sure, they can keep their little cade a secret still, no one has to know, we have settings in place so people can hide their resupply and arsenal crates from wall spy already, and it’s a matter of keeping it hush, hence why we have the group chats in the first place. I’ve seen a lot of people ask for it, and recently I seen a post on the forums about it, we need weekly events. Yes, we had that Sunday/Saturday thing we used to do, but I personally think that idea that was up there, would be perfect for the server. The server for the most part, even at its lowest, gets at least 30 players. I don’t think I’ve ever seen it empty, unless it crashes hard. We need people to ultimately feel as if we care, so in turn, they start caring. I’m not saying that we should have to bend over and let the player base go to town, rather, meet them halfway so we can get more activity on the forums. Because for the most part, unless it’s a hot topic, or it’s actively advertised, I don’t see too much activity for polls or any sort of requests or suggestions. Most posts are made by members of HG, or by people who hold a passion for the server that sit outside of HG. More communication and chances for players to interact with HG, and HG to interact with them in turn, will strengthen the player base, and may win over tougher customers. There is power in unity after all. I think I’ve said all I could here. Not much else I can say or suggest, besides maybe read some of my previous suggestion posts and give your thoughts. I want to hear what others think and see some actual input. Because without input, without interaction, without heart; the server will become hollow. It will slowly fade, and eventually, disappear like a dandelion ripped apart by the wind. If anyone takes the time to read all of this, I truly thank you, and want to hear your opinion on this. We need a more active community, and we need more interaction in general. Otherwise, this will all become nothing but a distant memory.
    4 points
  2. First - but probably not first
    2 points
  3. I agree wholeheartedly, this server needs some more upkeep with player feedback and focusing on spicing things up. And focusing on dealing with trolling. I recall a few days ago, on Christmas Towm, someone left a hole in their cade zombies could get through. The cader was warned in mic, in chat, and in vote zlist. Nothing was done for 2 waves. Then, when zombies broke in and got people killed because they walked through the hole, I did a votekick, because he obviously must have known about the hole. No way he was blind and deaf. A mod REMOVED my votekick and threatened ME for trying to kick someone. It's time to give the staff a wakeup call and focus on the rules that ACTUALLY matter rather than exclusively kicking and punishing people for the N word. Trolling your own team isn't being punished. It's being ignored. Also, as for the question of more events, I suggested a few days ago an automated system that does a small little event every day. No need for mods to deal with it at all. Here it is.
    2 points
  4. It brings me great pleasure to announce the latest HG Veterans! HG | Talbot HG | Lynxx HG | Petercs94 HG | Techmo GO SPAM THEIR PROFILES!!!
    1 point
  5. There's good reason I want this post to get attention Fume, so people feel comfortable responding on the forums and they start to utilize it more. I want both HG and the player base to be able to express themselves without feeling as if it's a one way street. We all can figure out what's a joke and what isn't at this point, and some people on here have genuinely come up with excellent ideas that I do wish see the light of day. And if we have more people interacting on here, then a clearer picture can be painted for both sides.
    1 point
  6. it would be a lot easier to catch people who troll if people didn't purposely encourage it, get angry when we punish people who troll and then harass mods and other players, and plenty of other things. If you are to immature to not say the N word in game then its your own fault you get banned, its easy to catch someone saying a banned word unlike determining if "trolling" was really trolling or not. I guarantee you people would get banned at very high levels if "trolling" was defined very very easily. I would also argue that it is IMPOSSIBLE to get good feedback from 99.9% of the player base as they purposely troll with ideas, whine instead of explaining why a change should be implemented or how things could be changed. The people who actually contribute I thank greatly.
    1 point
  7. It's probably got a lot to do with new games coming out, diverting people from older games like GMOD, CSGO, TF2 and CSS. Got to remember how old they are, some of us of the older generation love playing these games, but the kids coming up are all about the next best thing. I personally think we are doing fantastic, we still get an influx of youngsters still, and the dynamics of leadership has changed in many positive ways. Don't look short term, look long term and consider the whole picture. Thank you for your input buddy
    1 point
  8. All I know is reddevil did it better you shitposters
    1 point
  9. "I like this map because 90% of the team gets lost and I get to tier 6 farm" Shit like this is why people don't come back on the server.
    1 point
  10. Yo I miss tec9 frfr like this message if you agree #cssJB AQAQAQ
    1 point
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