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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/20 in all areas

  1. Congratulations on winning a Supporter rank from the SGM raffle yesterday Menoch! Hopefully our 2 communities can do that again soon!
    3 points
  2. Congratulations on winning a Supporter rank from the SGM raffle yesterday Lynxx!
    2 points
  3. Been a good while, hope everyone is doing alright during this wild time with the dumb virus and all!
    1 point
  4. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Garry's Mod In-Game Name MomsSpaghetti Location Melbourne, Victoria How old are you? 16 Which games (servers) do you play on? Zombie Survival How long have you been playing on our servers? A few months now, roughly 6 months What is your Steam ID / GUID? (This is NOT your Steam name!) STEAM_1:1:46403614 Why do you want to join HG? I wish to join HG as you all seem like rather enjoyable individuals to be around and it's nice to just pop on the server and start playing as it doesn't require really any skill. Furthermore, it'll be nice to be apart of a community new to myself as it will allow me to expand more and get to know more servers. All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing on our servers. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Do you have any current VAC bans? No Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? N/A Any other information you want to include? There is nothing more for me to include :)
    1 point
  5. I don't agree with upgradeable groups as a means for acquiring gameplay-changing perks. Balancing the Zombie Survival game mode is difficult enough as it is -- adding group perks adds an extra layer of complexity the game mode doesn't need right now. Additionally, a group who has all the perks would stand out as the group everyone wants to join because they will have the best gameplay bonuses. That creates unnecessary divisions in the player base, and we want to avoid that. From your suggestion, because XP is now an available currency in the game mode, I think it would be better to have members in a group be able to contribute the XP they earn to the group XP pool, allowing groups to level up and earn purely cosmetic in-game bonuses. We definitely want to stay away from making points a leveling factor because we already have the Cards system, which is a major points sink, and there are people with point banks past 6, even 7, digits, so any group they join can easily inflate it with levels. Below are examples for how group leveling and receiving group cosmetic bonuses would work. Ex.: XP Contribution: A member of a group who earns 50 XP will contribute that same amount of XP to the group. From a design perspective, this means the required group XP to level up a group would have to be significant to accommodate group leveling, otherwise, leveling a group would be too easy when it isn't one person alone achieving the same levels normally designed for one person. Ex. - Receiving Group Cosmetic Bonuses: Your group is level 4 right now, and to reach level 5, your group needs 250,000 XP. Your group eventually hits at, or past, 250,000 XP and reaches level 5. They unlock a cool badge to display on their in-game profile that is unobtainable by other means. We also want it where leaving the group removes group cosmetic bonuses. Ex. - Removal of Cosmetic Bonuses: Your group reaches level 20 and earns a cool emote to use in the text chat, which is unobtainable by other means. Should this person leave the group, or be kicked, they can no longer use that emote. It will disappear from their list of available emotes. Improving groups this way gives them more value, without disrupting the gameplay currently being worked on for balancing. With the current group size limit and custom group names, by making all the rewards the same for every group, the only uniqueness comes from the group itself -- the rewards are an icing on the cake. Thus, the contest between groups would be based on who's part of the group, and not the game-changing perks a group can provide.
    1 point
  6. Attention please read this before proceeding I am simply suggesting that the cards have special abilities after some certain level, the following are JUST ideas that I think would be good and are not FINAL, if you like the "suggestion" itself but not the following ideas or think some of them need some change then please reply what you think should be changed or added. But if you don't like the "suggestion" from the first place then feel free to object with a reply stating why you don't like it or why it should not be there. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why, what is the difference between this and normal upgrading? The reason I have suggested this is to encourage people to spend and have more reasons to collect points, other than the fact there are some cards untouched by the majority so it would be fun to actually see people seek to upgrade them and the difference is that these special abilities are a one time thing unlike the normal upgrading which attributes slowly upgrade till the card is maxed. And you might notice some of the following abilities have a unique power to them and you might be like if they are used by multiple they will be kind of overpowered while that is partially true but you have to remember that not everyone has the same number of cards, or even the same cards themselves, and maybe not even the will to upgrade in the first place. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keywords On kill --> In kill feed, it only shows your name as the killer no one else with you On assist --> In kill feed, it shows that you assisted someone in killing On use --> Applies only when you are using the weapon Consecutive --> One after another without a gap (miss) in between --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Let us start, I will not cover all cards but the ones I have thought of ideas for. Humans Silencer level 9 +25% more reduced aura range Drill deagle level 9 Clip increases by two bullet Glock level 9 Last bullet of the clip is 50% more accurate Eraser level 10 Last bullet in the clip does 5x the damage instead of 3x Fists level 6 After 3 consecutive successful hits to a zombie, the fourth one will deal two times the damage Jump card level 6 Your legs are strong now, when you fall from a height that knocks you down you take 25% less falling damage and recover 50% faster. Katana level 8 You are a ninja now, 50% more movement control when you are airborne Kongo Axe level 8 On use: when your health >= 50%, you get 25% poison resistance Executioner Axe level 7 non-boss zombies with health lower than 50% bleed on hit for 5 seconds a hit. Car Axel level 6 Hitting nailed car parts (tires, car doors, car themselves) increases the area of effect by 75% HMTECH-101 Medic Pistol & HMTECH-401 Medic assault level 11 10 worth points off discount of the worth menu Meat Hook level 6 Being within 10 meters of the hooked zombie, damages them +3% more a second Hunter rifle level 10 3 headshots make your 4th bullet do a headshot damage regardless of whether it hits the head or not Axe level 9 You are a trained fireman now, axe deals 300% more damage to doors. Knife level 9 Back stabs deal 100% more damage Plank level 9 Double right click drops the plank as a prop so you can use it for the barricade (this action cannot be undone as it will become a prop) Stun baton level 9 Deal two times the damage to zapped zombies Crowbar level 10 On use: You get 5% damage resistance to headcrabs attacks Destroyer sniper rifle level 5 Bullet penetration reduction is reduced to 40% from 60% Bow level 10 For every 5 bows, you get a bow that does 50% penetration Akbar level 6 On use: If you have a grenade, you will explode on death. Ender level 8 Clip increases by two bullet Promethium Magnum level 5 If you kill with the last bullet in your clip, one bullet is transferred from your ammo to your clip (without reloading) regular Impaler level 6 30% chance that your next reload will be as fast as the photon impaler Grim Reaper Machine Gun level 6 On Kill: One bullet is transferred from your ammo to your clip On every two assists: One bullet is transferred from your ammo to your clip (both cases without reloading) with a maximum of 100 bullets then you will have to reload again Dragon Breath level 6 Last resort: Your last bullet in the clip fires a special bullet that makes every zombie you burn with it burn 2 other zombies burn if they make contact to them (Note: you are required to fully reload the gun to do this) Doom shotgun level 6 Be economical, new secondary fire mode that deals half the damage but only shoots one bullet at a time Destructor automatic shotgun level 6 Clip increases by 3 bullets Evo level 4 New fire mode that you can switch to by E + R, semi-automatic Grenades level 6 5% chance your explosion burns zombies Health level 6 Other players heal you 10% more (More) Carpenter hammer level 6: 50% more nails from arsenal crate & resupply box Wrench level 7: Every 2 consecutive successful wrench *repair hits* to Supply crate give you 2 seconds of damage resistance buff Zombie Damage Resistance level 2 Gives you 4 more seconds of damage resistance buff from Defender trait. Worth card level 3 Points multiplier bonus crate (double points and triple points) lasts 50% longer Suicide bomb level 3 If the wave is not 6, then 10% chance that you will survive your explosion and be unable to buy suicide bomb for the rest of the round. Speed level 3 Gives you 4 more seconds of speed boost from Adrenaline and Defender traits. Zeus level 3 The further the zombie is in the shock chain the more they are damaged by +2 a zombie Stormforce sniper level 3 Heat vision mode that can be activated at will can ONLY be used on scope after dealing 6000 damage to zombies, the mode lasts for 10 seconds. And it is different than the one in the bonus crate as it does not show you their health or which zombie they are, just their aura (similar to the one that zombies see but without health status) Gluon level 2 5% faster ventilation Hurricane level 2 10% slower cooldown Grenade Launcher level 2 50% resistance to your own explosions Zombies Regular zombie level 10 As regular & Fresh Dead & Gore On knock down: 65% resistance to all types of damage until you get up except Shovel As medic zombie: your flesh heals 30% more Ghoul level 8 Ghoul & Alpha Ghoul: You can make a spawn 10% closer to humans in distance Putrid Ghoul: Hitting a human gives you 1 second speed boost Bloated zombie level 7 Dealing 125 damage to the barricade increases the puke emitted on death by 40%, dealing lower than that will also increase it but the lower you damage, the less extra puke. Fast zombie level 7 50% faster climbing Fast headcrab level 7 10% smaller size Regular headcrab level 7 15% faster burrowing (Shift mode) Wraith level 7 As Wraith on kill: You get 30 seconds of being completely silent or until you die As Apparition: When your health is above 60% you don't make pain sounds when damaged Crow level 7 50% more barricade points gain Poison headcrab level 6 As regular poison headcrab: 10% faster lunge attack As venom poison headcrab: While a human is under bitten poison effect others heal them 33% less (More) Bullsquid level 5 2 extra secondary projectiles Revenant level 6 As regular: You are legion's best friend!, around legion you deal 10% more damage As fridge revenant: 25% damage resistance to fire As blood revenant: life leech trait gives you 15% more health Poison zombie level 6 50% thicker skull when your health is above 50% Immolator level 6 As immolator: Now you are fired up, the first prop/human you collide to burns then there is a cooldown of 6 seconds until you can do that again As chilled immolator: Snow ball (secondary attack) radius increases by 25% Zombine level 6 Claw attacks will not disable your sprint now Nightmare level 2 As regular nightmare: When your health is 15% or under your attacks will cause the barricade to take overtime damage (basically ruin trait) As steadfast nightmare: Get those runners, the further you are from the humans the faster, you are up to 25% faster when you are away from humans and the closer you get to them the more your speed goes back to the base one. As ancient nightmare: Those ancient angry bones of yours will teach those humans a lesson, a berserker bonus starts when your health is under 40%, your attacks get faster up to 20%. Tickle monster level 2 As regular tickle monster: 10% longer claws As tickle nightmare: You are a door cade destroyer now, aside from having 10% extended claws if the nailed prop is door model of any type you do 25% more damage to it. Shade level 5 As regular Shade & Omega Shade: You take 50% less damage from (the portable lamp) As Shadow Shade: Darkness shall take over, portable lamps within your area of effect completely disable As Frost Shade: 25% fire resistance and *ice explosion on death* Howler level 6 As Howler, Spirit Hunt: Every human effected by your howling gives you +1% extra damage for as long as they are under the effect with maximum of 20% As Sufferer: Your howls last 50% longer on bosses The butcher level 5 As regular butcher: When your health is below 50% you become enraged, being damaged with melee gives you 10% speed and attacking boost for 2 seconds As chrono butcher teleportation unfreeze: 10% faster Bonemesh level 2 Regular projectiles make bigger flesh projectiles that heals zombies more Gas projectiles get 10% bigger radius Wendigo level 5 Humans cannot slow you down with bullets and the less health you have the faster you get, you get faster up to 25% Nerf level 5 50% faster cooldown for your next secondary attack King headcrab level 5 As regular king headcrab: 50% faster burrowing (Shift mode) As doom headcrab: 15% smaller size Legion level 5 50% damage resistance to melee weapons Devourer level 5 Devourer: New fire mode that you can switch to by pressing R just like bonemesh, instead of hooking humans. You can use your hook to climb walls (just like spider man) Leecher: Two extra hooks Pukepus level 5 As regular pukepus on death: You explode like a balloon of poison in all directions (front, left, right, back). As electro pus you disable force fields for slightly longer As Gorepus: 25% beefer healing projectiles This topic is subject to be changed or have stuff added at any time, please give feedback and ideas if you are into it.
    1 point
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