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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/04/20 in all areas

  1. Zmain Tips - 1 - Upgrade your normal zombie card, and your bloated card first, these are the 2 zombies you will be using the most 2 - Bloated Zombie is the gold standard for an all around great zombie. 3 - If no one is going med zombie, it might be a good idea to take one for the team. Med zombies earn a shit ton of BP, and everyone will be thankful 4 - Never go Nerf or Normal Butcher, there is rarely a time you should ever consider it. 5 - Shades are vital for winning against certain cades. If the zombies are having an extremely tough time getting to a cade, bite the bullet and click shade, the Z team will be thankful 6 - Shade is what you should go, Omega Shade is when there are tons of loose props, as omega has way less health. Frost is for smaller cades to hurt the humans when the shield pops, and Shadow is for healing any of the other shades 7 - Communicate with your team. Ask for med zombies, and someone will go med zombie, dont just wait and die. Call out any runners, or anyone with god mode, etc. If you are shade, call when you are pushing up to the cade so the zombies know when to rush. 8 - Dont use Zombine grenade unless on a doorcade or something similar, claws will do just fine, and allow you to focus one prop rather than all 9 - Always get Gold Scraps, Extended Claws, Blood Armour, Eviscerator, Ruin, and if possible Devour Hope. These will make you a killing machine. 10 - Upgrade your cards. Unlike weapon cards, Zombie cards are never changing, they usually only add new cards for new zombies, so it wont be a waste to upgrade your cards, as they have a very slim chance of going away, unlike weapon upgrades, which may get nerfed or buffed weekly.
    2 points
  2. about time u became member. grats!
    1 point
  3. repair main during dh
    1 point
  4. Never underestimate poison zombies in early waves, both as a human and a zombie. With cading, watch how others do it first, don't just jump in and nail any old prop. If you're unsure, try to get someone else to cover over for cading. Also use smaller props during death hours. large prop cades tend to get demolished fast.
    1 point
  5. There is a lot of news to cover in April and May. HG has grown and brought in new members and leadership to ensure the functionality of the community. Continue reading below for only the latest HeLLsGamers news. Please welcome the newest additions to our community. See you ingame guys! -hg- Hurkle Steve -hg- Hun -hg- Cool Bear -hg- Zericle -hg- Silent -hg- Angel Maria -hg- Peligro -hg- saxton hale -hg- StErFry -hg- 1229Forever -hg- maffiosso -hg- uNluCky -hg- TheMedic -hg- Joey Silos -hg- Jabber_wocky -hg- MomsSpaghetti -hg- Kenneth -hg- Legalized Meme Stealer -hg- Major C. -hg- omifear -hg- *Cthulhu* -hg- Ninja-1243 Counter-Strike: Source Division news CS:S Division has a new Division Staf! Congratulations HG | DetectiveYellNow [S]. CS:S has a new Server Manager and moderator! Congratulations ne0g33k! Upcoming CS:S Civil War event! https://hellsgamers.com/articles/hellsgamers-news/events/css-civil-war-r733/ Counter-Strike: Global Offense Division news Upcoming Shreks Shrieking Swamp event! https://hellsgamers.com/articles/hellsgamers-news/events/shreks-shrieking-swamp-r735/ Garry's Mod Division news GMOD Division has two new Trial Mods! Congratulations Señor CuddlesWorth & Jabber_wocky. Team Fortress 2 Division news TF2 Division has a new Server Manager! Congratulations HG | Raging [SM]. TF2 Division has a new moderator! Congratulations [HG] AveragePerson51 [M]! Upcoming Cleaver Storm Round 2 event! https://hellsgamers.com/articles/hellsgamers-news/events/cleaver-storm-round-2-r734/ Community Engagement (HGCE) news HGCE Community Events has a new HGCE Leader! Congratulations HG | Colonel Potter [CEL]. HGCE Community Events also has two new staff members! Congratulations to Raging and JarJarBinks! HGCE has a new ambassador from Serious Gmod! Congratulations & welcome [HG] Jabba the Slut! Development Community (HGDC) news Graphics Design has a new member! Welcome back JarJarBinks. Gaming Divisions News A message from the Directors of HGCE: HGCE Media team is looking for more staff members! If you are interested, view this topic. Check out our social media pages! http://instagram.com/hellsgamers http://www.facebook.com/hellsgamers http://www.twitter.com/hellsgamers http://www.youtube.com/hellsgamers
    1 point
  6. 1 point
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