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  1. scottcjohn


    HG Veteran

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  2. ASCII


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  3. Benz


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/20 in all areas

  1. csgo now the biggest division? poggies
    2 points
  2. What's up Angelz, haven't seen you on TS lately?
    1 point
  3. I can't be the only one that loves television! What are some of y'alls favorite TV shows?
    1 point
  4. welcome back bro! Long time no see
    1 point
  5. Thanks for supporting our community Asian State Trooper!
    1 point
  6. Welcome to HeLLsGamers new Recruit! We are glad to see that you joined our gaming community. Please take a look at this "Recruitment Guide" this will help you with being a recruit. See below a list of frequently asked questions. 1. Is there general rules and guidelines that are to be followed inside servers and out of servers? Yes, we expect everyone to treat each other with a decent amount of decency, courtesy, and respect when playing on any of our servers as well as engaging on any of our social media platforms, Steam, Discord, etc...Please read over the guide to familiarize yourself Here 2. Who are my current Divisional Leaders? The Peacemaker https://steamcommunity.com/id/speculationbreedsconspiracy Discord Peacemaker#0001 Miles https://steamcommunity.com/id/neoniles/ Discord Miles#7777 3. Who are my current Staff Members? HG | Computer Chip https://steamcommunity.com/id/ComputerChip/ Discord ComputerChip#1982 HG | JarJarBinks https://steamcommunity.com/id/puremindless/ Discord JarJarBinks#5278 HG | Uncle Steve https://steamcommunity.com/id/12135432123/ Discord uncle steve#7262 [HG] Fortis https://steamcommunity.com/id/Fortiiis/ Discord Fortis#9507 [HG] IronClawZ https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198083027952 Discord IronClawZ#7236 [HG] Straws https://steamcommunity.com/id/Strawsssss/ Discord Straws#6523 [HG] Panda Jankins https://steamcommunity.com/id/pandajankins/ Discord Panda Jankins#6922 4. Who are my current Global Moderators [GM] / Moderators [M] ? HG | SNOWKID [GM] HG | 7Z. [GM] HG | Eisen [GM] [HG] Scorch [GM] Check in-game for someone wearing our moderator tag if you need a moderator! 5. How active do I need to be on the forums and in-game? We would like to see as much activity as possible. The more the better! We love to see our members and recruits active and interacting with our community! Need to see a minimum of 1 post a month and one login on the forums per month 6. Where in the forums can I go to post my ten required posts? Please click on a couple of links below to get you started on your posts. https://hellsgamers.com/forums/forum/838-leave-of-absence/ (this is a leave of absence thread) https://hellsgamers....ons-start-here/ (this is an introduction thread) https://hellsgamers....hats-your-ride/ (this is a thread to talk about your vehicle) There are many more places to post in. Just explore the community! 7. What do I do if I have any kind of issue? If you have any kind of issue with a player or a member please don't hesitate to contact (The order chain if one isn't available at the time ) Moderators [M] | V Global Moderators [GM] | V Divisional Staff [S] | V Divisional Leaders [L] Hopefully one of these above will be available to assist you. We also have a thread available for any kind of issues or feedback as well if you choose to post publicly here 8. Where can I leave general feedback/suggestions? You can go to this thread and leave general feedback/suggestions: here 9. What do I do if I suspect someone of hacking? Contact: (The order chain if one isn't available at the time ) Moderators [M] | V Global Moderators [GM] | V Divisional Staff [S] | V Divisional Leaders [L] Hopefully one of these above will be available to assist you. 10. How can I move up the ranks within the community? Have good activity on TeamSpeak, in-game, and on the forums, Lookout for hackers and people causing problems on our servers. Don't cause any drama or unnecessary problems. Stay loyal. Make friends! 11. How can I become a moderator on the servers? There are 2 ways to become a moderator. 1. Apply for it: Here Or 2. Purchase a monthly gold account that will give you admin powers and a lot of other cool things to play around with on our servers. You can purchase Admin by clicking (Not available for Jailbreak): Here
    1 point
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