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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/12/19 in Posts

  1. I wish when they're muted they could show duct tape on their mouths if we go by the gag-ball thing
    2 points
  2. hilarious, but unnecessary
    2 points
  3. Most people that play on ZS know how common it is for humans to lose on objective maps. As of now, it's not a funny thing to laugh about anymore because, for me, I feel like humans should be winning more, but there are four reasons as to why we don't win objective maps as often as we should: most of the players on our server nowadays are relatively new there are Kleiner filters on all objective maps that are unfamiliar to new players, so they die by "accident" lack of team cooperation in-general and specifically people join our server during an ongoing objective map at the wrong time For starters, Reasons 1 and 2 are not necessarily horrible because if players are new to our server, of course their chances of dying on an objective map are higher because they might get lost or die to an environmental hazard they didn't know about beforehand. Reason 3 is the greatest reason as to why humans lose objective maps most of the time, and something like that is difficult to change, but Reason 4 is something we can change, and from what I've seen, this has been a leading reason behind Reason 3 as to why humans lose. Whenever the objective map starts, there's usually only about 12 - 15 zombies, unless of course players are dumb enough to get themselves caught and die in the process. However, let's say no one dies during the first "wave" of the objective map, and it starts like normal following the intermission. All of a sudden, about 4 - 6 players just join out of nowhere, and they become zombie because they missed the beginning "wave." Now we have to deal with about 18 - 20 zombies, and that only makes survival chances lower. Next thing you know, another 5 players join, now it's up to 25, etc.; you get the idea. Basically, I propose that unlike regular ZS maps, on objective maps, should any player join within the first 2-3 minutes after Intermission, they will be placed on the human team. By doing this, we're giving humans a better shot at surviving because they don't have to deal with this sudden increase of zombies by people just joining the server late. Additionally, for those who are late and missed intermission, they can hop on and try to survive alongside the humans, giving them the experience of enjoying the objective map and a reason to stay rather than just leave. However, this is only the case so long as they arrive before the 2-3-minute timer ends.
    1 point
  4. When 50% of the humans are dead tier 4 weapons become unlocked, but tier 3 weapons remain locked. It would make more sense if both tier 4 and tier 3 weapons were unlocked at 50% dead. I can't imagine this would have any negative effects on the balance.
    1 point
  5. And I would like a pair of ruby red slippers
    1 point
  6. I would like a counter system that let's you know how often specific people get gagged or muted..
    1 point
  7. This reminds me of a certain family member going to the bathroom.
    1 point
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