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  • Donor Level 2
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    25.00 USD 

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    United States
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  • Bio
    Enjoy life; there is plenty of time to be dead... ツ

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  • Minecraft
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  1. Happy Birthday Fweakz!

  2. Welcome to the community, enjoy your stay Hope to see you around
  3. Whale cum back, glad to see you back
  4. Hi I'm totally new here 1. What's the story behind your username? It is a play on words with freak, I like to be authentic, I also like clowns/jesters. 2. When did you start following HellsGamers? 2009 is when I first heard about and played on their servers, didn't join the site till 2012. 3. Favorite video games, shows, movies, etc? COD, CSS, TF2, GTA, shooters for games. Rick and Morty and Seven Deadly Sins for shows. Any studio ghibli film for movies. 4. Any cool facts we should know about you? I was in the military for 4 years and I work on aircraft >:) 5. Any feedback or comments about HellsGamers? itz siik bro
  5. That's so awesome, glad someone from our community got it too
  6. We appreciate your donation @Fweakz :D Thank you!!!

    1. Benz


      Thank you very much for the donation Fweakz!

  7. Shotgun, huntsman, and sandvich would all be cool
  8. Congrats on Vet. :D