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    Student/Aspiring Radio Broadcaster
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    24 years old, junior at the University of Northwestern - St. Paul, married, aspiring radio broadcaster.

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  1. Happy birthday! :)

  2. I have a 1050ti and I'm pretty happy with it. Lots of flexibility in terms of the kinds of machines you can put it in, and you don't need to power it separately from the motherboard.
  3. congrats on mod boi

    1. Pongo


      thanks dude!

  4. [*] while I didn't know you, I can see you left an impact here on HellsGamer. Rest in peace.

  5. Congrats on member!

  6. Less than 3 weeks until finals, and then off to Florida for a little vacay before summer work!


  7. Just chilling at the radio station. Let's be honest I was probably playing JB when I took this pic Edit: and it's sideways. Cool dunno how to fix that on my phone
  8. I'm not sure if anybody has made a thread about this... but anybody else playing? My PC isn't the most powerful to play it, and it's still a little buggy but it's a super fun game. For anybody who doesn't know what the game is about, imagine it as a video game version of hunger games. 100 person game, you parachute into a 7x7 kilometer island and you are trying to survive as long as possible. As the game goes on, the play area gets reduced gradually through the use of a slowly encroaching forcefield. You get 5 minutes when the game starts to find a landing spot and raid the surrounding houses/environment, then after 5 minutes the play area is reduced. Rinse and repeat until there's only 1 person left alive. Just lemme know if you play! I believe it supports parties of up to 3 people, so it might be fun to get some HG people playing.
  9. Fortunately, living in Minnesota has benefits now! http://www.startribune.com/minnesota-legislature-pushes-back-on-internet-privacy/417670943/
  10. Just upgraded my PC from a 3.3ghz i3 to a 3.3ghz i5 for $100! Thanks Amazon.

    1. s e a l

      s e a l

      & amazon thanks you for yo 100 dollas

  11. Can't say I've ever gotten this notification before.... http://imgur.com/a/8JCdc

    1. Image Ex

      Image Ex

      Poor TTT :( I feel bad for Ruthless

  12. 12. Pro tip, good leads say things like "AFK freeze" or "KOS"
  13. So, I've been busy the last week and a half working at my university's theatre getting ready to run lights for the show. We had two shows Thursday and Friday night, and now two today and 4 more next week! This'll be my view for the next week! https://imgur.com/gallery/HVckA

  14. Sometimes when if I ever need a pick-me-up or some light reading, I look through the ban reports for the last day or two.

    1. Hedgemon


      Haha, yea. I usually look back 14 hours or so and catch up each time im online

    2. SPlink :)

      SPlink :)

      My favorite things to read on the forums are ban reports, abuse reports, unban requests, and "reapply" recruit topics with over 10 posts

    3. Link3588


      IKR i always look through the ban report when i'm bored :P