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Awesome dude

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Awesome dude last won the day on December 12 2017

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  1. Happy Birthday and I miss this developer



  3. happy birthday i miss dis developer weeb

  4. was a good dev... also the servers don't feel the same without you and trazix

  5. These obj maps is less than 20minutes and not enough time to unlock the zombine. So the tier 6 is making ez to win and Obj filth doesn't have unlock ANY single the zombies from the obj timer.
  6. Alright, next update will come with limit the tiers in an objective maps. Tier 3: zs_obj_bluevelvet_v4 Tier 5: zs_obj_enervation_v17 zs_obj_evac_v7a zs_obj_filth_v14 zs_obj_mine_v8n zs_obj_pharmacy_v19
  7. e50m, t22 med, maus, wz111 5a. http://www.noobmeter.com/player/eu/ShowMeYourCheaters/503432170/
  8. So, I am not going to nerf the medic for now but I find a solution for give more a work to medic person, I just removed regeneration poison projectile that mean if you hit by a poison or gas so your health will take damage by 1 as per second. (Before poison headcrab hit you 15 dmg but health recovery by 11 so now it's 15 damage with 7 damage toxic. Zombie Gas Spawn, Pukepus, Poison Zombie, Ghoul and Sweep Legion and such as more will have this.)
  9. Armory feature introduction One Armory will spawn randomly on the map by coordinates assigned with admin path (mostly around 6, 7 spot more or less depend the map) most of time a shitty spot and never the best spot (ex: never security mall) with that armory human can access to the new upgrade weapon feature and upgrade armory. Armory is not something you need to keep alive for win, we do not want disappear the solo cade gameplay so you are not forced to defend it BUT you need to know if zombie team destroy it, zombie will get a buff the buff zombie can be improved in the future A lot of strategy and teamplay confirmed sometime the armory will spawn on a so badly spot that you know its impossible to defend it for 4 waves, you needed maximum protection for avoid zombie buff early wave and lose the upgrade weapon shop then at this moment you must have a plan B (main cade) for survive This is the solution and fix for people who want spend more his their points and cading at same spot everyday since 5 years. More information here: Link: https://pastebin.com/2Hz01BRZ
  10. When I join the server then they yelling me about "START THE EVENTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", "VOTEMAP THIS SHIT MAP!", "WHEN THE ZS UPDATE NEXT?" and "VOTE ZE MAPS SUPER PLS".
  11. This idea is not good because of that quote from Trazix as well so I'm not going to make this for due to people will left when they check how much counts to unlock the ZE or OBJ maps. This is horrible idea.