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Marco last won the day on October 6 2018

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  1. IMO wardrobe is just too huge can of worms (we ain't playing RP here). At least it lets you disable it on client side... About matter of hitboxes, it uses the standard player model hitboxes. Wardrobe just replaces the model client side so its just a visual thing.
  2. Well could still give different valued awards to winners based on number of kills/damage.
  3. So this is only an idea. How about change of ZE mechanics where there would always be 50 % humans and 50 % zombies; - if zombies kill a human they instantly redeem - if a human dies to a trap, then then a zombie with most damage dealt will be redeemed etc... Of course humans would still lose if a massive kill all trigger hurt kills everyone. The goal would be that the humans who DO survive at the end gets rewarded with points/cards. Would this make the game mode a little more competitive rather then one sided (and less tedious with repeating same map chapter over and over when humans cant complete the map)?
  4. Does anyone think this feature is just stupid? I mean where does it pull out those rocks to begin with... Shade should function as a prop throwing boss or as a shield for zombies. It shouldn't be able to deal damage to humans on its own. IMO it should be removed or have a great damage debuff as it shouldn't be able to one-shot a human.
  5. Marco

    Help With Code

    You may want to rather use printf/sprintf for proper output formatting: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/printf/?kw=printf / http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/sprintf/?kw=sprintf Use printf to output to terminal window, or sprint to output a string line (if you need to also output to a file log).
  6. What I liked a lot back in 2010's was Joker Ice minigames server where you could vote between a lot of different minigames to play. Sadly after the gmod update that introduced the new serverbrowser UI, it totally hid that server and killed it off. So maybe a server with several different quality minigames to play?
  7. Ok for upcoming update following changes are pending: Chest point costs for chests have been reduced by roughly -40 % in price. New target scores: Big Spender - 300-2500 Boss Exterminator - 1-10 Barricade Destroyer - 5000-60000 Survival Veteran - 6-24 International Assassin - 2-8 Need more input!
  8. Now it's been nearly a week since this update went live. What are daily achievements you may ask? Every 24 hours you log on to ZS server you get a new daily challenge to do, where every challenge lasts for 47 hours. They mostly stack up to 2 challenges if you don't complete them in time, but sometimes they can go up to 3 (depending on when you logon to server). By completing these tasks you gain Chest Points to unlock extra card chests and some ZS points (plus mention in F10 leaderboards). To view your daily achievements, go to upgrades menu (F3 or F2 key depending on if you are a human or zombie) and in the bottom of the menu. To see when is your next daily challenge coming up, hover your mouse over your "Next award" icon and a tooltip pops up. To see additional information about the daily challenge, hover your mouse over the icon for it to see a tooltip of it. Current award range for daily achievements are: 10-70 chest points (ZS points is X3 of that), depending on difficulty level of the challenge (see the range values below, if its at lowest Target score, it will give 10 points, if its at highest target score it gives 70 points). Current (random) awards you get with chest points: Small deck, cost 30 Large deck, cost 75 Chest, cost 120 Large chest, cost 250 Mystical chest, cost 800 Legendary chest, cost 500 Epic chest, cost 500 Draft chest, cost 1200 Current daily challenges: Zombie slayer, Kill X zombies, Target score: 50-450 The Redeemer, Redeem X times, Target score: 2-10 I Zombie, Volunteer as a zombie for X times (not ZE), Target score: 2-10 Brain Muncher, Kill X humans, Target score: 3-25 Point Whore, Earn X point profit in a single round, Target score: 200-1500 Infernal Zombie, Deal X after-burn damage to humans, Target score: 50-900 Big Spender, Spend X points in a single round, Target score: 500-5000 Death Incarnate, Kill X zombies in one blow, Target score: 10-50 Boss Exterminator, Kill X boss zombies, Target score: 4-100 Life Leech, Drain X health from humans using Blood Warden zombie trait, Target score: 200-3000 Ruined Barricades, Deal X damage to cades using Ruin zombie trait, Target score: 10000-50000 Hardcore Parkour, Fall X m without dying as a human (not ZE), Target score: 20 (always gives 25 points) Barricade Destroyer, Do X damage to barricades, Target score: 10000-100000 Barricade Messiah, Repair X barricade damage, Target score: 10000-100000 Survival Veteran, Survive X waves as a human, Target score: 6-120 Medic!, Heal X health as a human, Target score: 500-5000 Blinded Taste, Blind X humans as Poison Headcrab, Pukepus or Swamp Legion, Target score: 24-100 Pandemonium, Deal X posion damage to humans, Target score: 250-10000 Devour Them, Obtain X barricade points as a zombie in one round, Target score: 12000-30000 Head Hunter, Make X headshot kills as a human, Target score: 10-100 Melee Fighter, Kill X zombies with melee (excluding hero sword), Target score: 15-130 International Assassin, Kill X humans from unique countries, Target score: 3-12 Suggestions? Feel free to suggest balance changes to excisting achievements and suggest new achievements. The target low score should be relatively easy to obtain, the target high score should be rather challenging.
  9. How about make prop prices ramp up as more props are being printed? Like price +5 % for each bought prop, so after 10 props it would be +62,88 % of original price? Or would that just cause trolling with people printing out shit props at first so nobody can afford to buy good props...
  10. Marco

    Card Bug

    This specific bug is already fixed but not on live server atm. It's just a network integer overflow and makes it visually wrap card count to zero at 4096.
  11. Happy Birthday!

  12. Happy birthday!

  13. So whats the public opinion to this, should all poison damage behave like poison headcrab bite (deal 25 % dmg instantly, drain 75 % of dmg over time), or should it work like original ZS (100 % of dmg dealt instantly, 75 % of dmg recovered over time). Personally I feel like this change that was done a little over half a year ago kind of ruined an unique mechanics poison had, making all of poison damage you take very obnoxious (especially with the OW OW sound effects played).
  14. Would anyone mind if I reverted poison behavior to how it was before the great poison buff? Meaning you'd recover poison damage rather then take poison damage over time (like a poison headcrab bite).