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Fried Egg

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  1. Maaaaan I've been so inactive. I'm still alive, promise.

  2. I should just play ZS again. Yeah, that sounds fun.

    1. brgr.
    2. Zeused


      Zs is ok, but have you tried tf2?

    3. Destroy


      fried egg is my moderator zs bich dont touch him

  3. I'm back from my ZS hiatus.

  4. Chicken fingers are DELICIOUS.

  5. I'm back from my unintentional mini-hiatus. Not that anyboy cares. #foreveraloneripmylife

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fried Egg

      Fried Egg


    3. Eton145


      Hot Leg. Hot Hot Leg. Leg so hot, Fry an Egg

    4. brgr.


      welcome back

  6. It sounds unlikely, I know. What happened was I had the console open, ready to hit enter, but on most keyboards (mine included) the backspace key is right above the enter key. I hit enter when I meant to hit backspace. That's all.
  7. I died in the very same train car I supposedly "no-clipped out of."
  8. To check something like zombie spawns, for instance. Perhaps it's not the best reason, I admit. But each time I've used it I have been in a safe area or in a cade.
  9. With all due respect, that rationale is as flimsy as the sparse evidence provided. How you can say it was clearly obvious (assuming you meant obvious and not oblivious) without seeing any way in which it could be proven is absurd.
  10. You can't take a claim made by someone as evidence. If you couldn't take screenshots from there or see what was happening, neither could Kendall.
  11. Each time I use noclip I'm either stuck, checking something that I can't check on without being killed, or something of that nature.
  12. Didn't happen. Terrible, can you show me where I wound up in the other train car on that map? I had the ulx noclip ^ command typed in, then I remembered it was abuse. I accidentally hit enter, but then disabled the command immediately after. Thanks for the knee-jerk report, by the way. I shouldn't be surprised, but I am. I really don't think you should've made this report unless you could show with evidence that I wound up in the other train car. Frankly, it feels like you're trying to ruin my credibility.
  13. Interesting idea, but for the aforementioned reasons, I don't support it.
  14. [*] Hearing so much about him now, I'm envious of those lucky enough to be friends of Nano. I didn't really know him, but nonetheless, I hope he rests in peace.