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  1. So I've just started working on a project and my idea was that I will be creating a random number generator, which will generate a random list of items that will be hardcoded into it. Shouldn't be too difficult. The hard part is the front end of this. If you have played call of duty zombies, you see on the main menu the characters are standing around while also still being animated and not a still like image. I wanted to render that into my project or a cutout of that animation of the character doing that. I also wanted to implement the mystery box rendering as well where it shows a random list of items that are hard coded in and it cycles through it like its being animated and the final proudct will display whatever the RNG chooses. I honestly have no idea where to start because the cycling seems already hard enough since it technically has to be written in swift and ran on an ios application if anyone can give me some pointers. Also Hi HG, I'm back ish lololol
  2. Best mod ever :monkey:

    1. Destroy


      Yet mclovin demoted me lol

  3. Teleported all zombies to a specific cade when some people claimed zombie spawn was broken, there were mods/staff on and he decided to tp everyone anyways because no one responded to him
  4. I am this innocent and i have no fucking clue what a brony is, just sounds like what guys would call each other like BRO, or broskys like that
  5. Destroy

    admin revoked OnePunchDestroy Abuse

    If you had looked at the video you had not warned in voice chat once at all, maybe a warning in chat but how can you expect people to see it when everyones spamming BBRBRBRBRB
  6. Destroy

    admin revoked OnePunchDestroy Abuse

    "According to other staff members, it is perfectly legal" then why was bananas zlist approved? that is considered trolling and making a "warning" does not suffice for that, and if you SAW the video, i never died, 4 other people had died, i started muting people who spammed more often which i saw was you and 2 others players which i had muted if you saw the video, obviously i can't mute everyone and i have to mute those individually who do it more often
  7. Destroy

    admin revoked OnePunchDestroy Abuse

    You type in chat "im gonna unail" with plenty of others spamming BRBRBRBRBBR and gungame, in the rules its staed NOT TO TROLL, if people had saw your warning then 4 people wouldnt have died for that, can you explain that part? Why would you build a skycade just to unail? To kill specially at least 4 people
  8. Destroy

    admin revoked OnePunchDestroy Abuse

  9. Destroy

    admin revoked OnePunchDestroy Abuse

    You should also understand this, your "warning" was not seen at all due to the constant spam in the server is which is why i started muting people that is why 4-5 people had died DUE TO YOUR SKYCADE
  10. Destroy

    admin revoked OnePunchDestroy Abuse

    Slap and whip was already removed, and already apologized to redr for that and he was cool and talked to talbot and mclovin, secondly yesterday the person that was kicked was destiny, destiny has a history of votekick abuse as shown in logs many times as per what talbot and i had discussed about, the zlisting is this, i blacklisted someone else yesterday for the same warning, you dont just make a skycade and do a "warning" and unail it, you KILLED 4 PEOPLE when you had unailed at the time, that is considered trolling. the muting is for the spam of BRBRBRBRBR and GUNGAMEGUNGAME, and for the slaying part i have told people many times as when i was on abandoned mall to STOP SPAWN CAMPING OR YOU WILL BE SLAYED, gave them a good 20 seconds and did not fall back to the main cade at all, keep in mind this was every single wave when staff members were afk. I had warned in chat, gave 15-20 seconds then started slaying people Please refer to this: https://hellsgamers.com/hgbans.php?i=235906-ðñ„ð³ð°ð½ðºð° https://hellsgamers.com/hgbans.php?i=235906-ðñ„ð³ð°ð½ðºð° https://hellsgamers.com/hgbans.php?i=235905-bananainc
  11. what did you send lol

    1. Zeused


      I think it was "that's a real bruh moment" 

    2. Destroy


      that's a real bruh moment right there

  12. Lets start off with this, how do you consider "dogshit mod" a joke and not disrespect? I was considering muting you at first but then had decided to pmute you, the reason for this because you have been recently pgagged just about a week and then you attempted to appeal it. My question is this why would you not make an abuse report then for that? You then quoted from appealing. The story was this, Ducky originally spawned in as a zombie, as shown in green letters in the console, next he crashed something like 'player ducky timed out', he rejoined as a zombie, i redeemed him and then many players on the zombie team started complaining that he was originally a zombie when he timed out, and that was when i decided to do some investigating. As when i had discovered he was orignally a zombie, you started protesting me to redeem you and spooky which i had refused and you kept pestering me to redeem you and then you called me dogshit mod, that's the end of the story. "Reason why you feel as you should be unperma-gagged/unperma-muted: it saw such an unfair gag from staff since i been playing music in front without any warning towards me it shows that staffs can be hypocrites towards people "mic spamming" even though people can get away by saying the n word with a normal gag/mute" You kept playing music in-game and some were complaining about it and this was before i was mod as to one of those times. "plus no was complaining about it " If you take a look at the video you can see multiple people complaining about it in chat including me that is just another thing to say when you had lied about that. This was just over in a span of one week as you have constantly kept breaking rules over and over and you had been warned, and as Talbot had said previously you had agreed to the MOTD every time you join the server and to follow the rules yet you kept breaking them constantly. one of them "Be respectful to everyone! A certain amount of smack-talk is ok, but do not be disrespectful." So you have been saying you have never been warned? You have been warned multiple times already over the course of the past few days and gagged by mods/staff. I even asked for a mod to mute you at one point but he didn't but that was besides the point with headphones on and you spamming music was over the course annoying and deafening. So yes YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED Plus you just got unbanned a couple of months ago
  13. Pick a number - 1 or 2

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TestingM


      sorry wrong profile - back to sleep for you

    3. TestingM


      You originally did win but you picked 2 numbers so got disqualified :(

    4. Destroy


      whattt really fuckkkk

  14. But you have to understand what the community wants or may need, like i have said, they may join for the first time, how would they know there are actually craftables in the game? Newcomers most likely won’t know a single thing about hg zs you have to take that into consideration that is why i have been suggesting like what snowy said either we make some kind of forum or topic on hellsgamers.com or set in the MOTD where it has links for craftables and how to access the list for it.
  15. A normal/ average person who just joined the hg server will have no idea its even on there considering its pinned in general discussion, how would you expect one person to find it randomly? Most would explore the forums more often, i for one had no idea until yesterday there was a crafting list on discord, why cant we make one for the forums as well and easily accessible for new players?