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Talbot last won the day on March 12 2020

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  1. If you stopped playing before 2018 chances are your card data is lost since there was an error with their database.
  2. For reference Fundamentals: Any zombie: 1 Fundamental Boss: 10 Fundamentals Special Boss: 20 Fundamentals Super Bosses: 30 Fundamentals Blueprints: Boss: 5 Blueprints Special Boss: 10 Blueprints Super Boss: 20 Blueprints *Keep in mind these can change depending on how it plays once both features hit live. *In all cases, assists do not count towards earning these currencies
  3. Please post a ban report on the ban section, with valid proof or you can contact a GMod division staff to handle the situation, also do not insult players.
  4. Talbot

    admin revoked OnePunchDestroy Abuse

    I will take a look at logs to see which posts are true/false. If you don't have anything to provide as in screenshots or videos please don't post.
  5. Spoke with the applicant, he intended to apply for moderator.
  6. The fact that you kept adding jiggleboned models behind our backs when we told you not to, disrespecting staff and developers because your models were deleted from the workshop (which we have nothing to do with it), starting drama on discord over said issue, going in game and framing developers for 'stealing content' and calling them by offensive names. Sorry, when you have matured you can come back.
  7. Bots auto join when game has below 20 players, now, to your second question.. by simply letting developers work on what needs to be worked.
  8. Problem boils down to this: No incentive to play as a zombie. I have tried my best to make zombie play style more entertained but I insist, the community wants what it wants, which is the opposite, I am outnumbered when I try to implement new mechanics that give the zombie team a little more leeway other than serve as point bags for the human team. But to no avail, I have stumbled across excuses such as: 'I don't play a game called zombie survival to play as a zombie' 'it's ******* that zombies easily get rewards compared to humans' And there's more to be added, I just can't be arsed to list all of them. I'm also being vain as to not point out who are these people. In regards to the mods or staff not adding bots, the times I have seen bots be required other than EU hours are when the server has a high population so you understand as a former moderator, that bots can't be added on high pop simply because they will hold player slots and the problem doesn't focus entirely on how the zombie team has less players, instead of how very human sided the server has become and players, demanding the zombies to be nerfed for simply getting killed by them. (Of course, I completely disagree with them, but I repeat, I am outnumbered) In other words, this is on the zs community who insists on having humans buffed in every aspect, the latest community meeting notes demonstrate that, I am still doing my part on adjusting or nerfing what needs to be nerfed (buffing the opposite is not the correct move) but the community itself wants to have what it wants. So I must ask.. Do you want to be part of the problem or part of the solution?
  9. Plague crab's bleed is different from normal bleed, for that one you need 'Hazmat Armour'
  10. I planned on adding extra ones, but not yet.
  11. Stay out of trouble. ~Unbanned
  12. Do not use beta builds for now, if that doesn't help check your addons.