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*Jaws Theme*

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*Jaws Theme* last won the day on February 19 2019

*Jaws Theme* had the most liked content!

About *Jaws Theme*

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  1. Welp, there goes my plans for the summer.
  2. This is sad to see. I started on HG servers between the Dust2, Office, and Crackhouse servers many years ago. They will surely be missed.
  3. I'm so proud of all my babies, even @snaz. Shout out to @Shadowguard for being a great co-parent to our babies. Congrats everyone!
  4. Happy birthday! :D 

  5. Yay, I made it in the video! Am I HG famous now?

    1. SELERY


      Yes sir! I just need you to sign a couple legally binding contracts and you'll be officially HG famous

    2. *Jaws Theme*

      *Jaws Theme*

      That can't possibly ever go wrong. Where do I sign?

  6. I think it's working: https://streamable.com/sqabg7
  7. Happy Happy Birthday!

  8. Happy Birthday Jaws.

  9. This will be EPIC

  10. Did you know Ariana Grande's ponytail has super power's?

  11. Come join us on our brand spankin' new Surf server! A huge shout out to @FreeHugs for all the amazing work he put in to this server to make it happen! Come have some fun and beat some records! Here you can see all the helpful information about the server. Server IP: