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HeLLsGamers News

CS:GO Narco Takedown

By Benz, in Events, , 14 comments, 2571 views

Ready to perform a raid?

Date: May 14th, 2021
Times:  7:30 PM (PST) | 8:30 PM (MST) | 9:30 PM (CST) | 10:30 PM (EST)
Game Server:
Event Management:
Host(s): HG | EddieCam [D] [CE] Event Manager: HG | EddieCam [D] [CE] Event Streamer(s): N/A Voice chat attendance:
Please join the TeamSpeak channel before the event starts. TS3 IP: hellsgamers.com How to play:
Bomb/Defuse Plant bomb at opposing teams bomb site
Kill all opposing teams players before the bomb is planted
Who can play:
Everyone! Event rules:
Have to stay the entire duration of the event in order to receive prizes and or badge. Prizes are restricted to HG Recruit+ If caught not trying at all in the event the said player(s) will be kicked from the event and disqualified as this is not fair to other participants in the event. General HG rules:
NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players. NO ghosting. DO NOT be disrespectful NO sexual harassment of players. DO NOT be racist or use racist terms. NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow clan members or players are complaining. NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here. DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are a part of HG and are assigned that rank. All HG Recruits+ are required to wear their respective clan tags. NO name impersonation of anyone. If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server, you will be permanently banned. Prizes:
There will be two raffles and one first-place winner. The person with the most kills will receive a Corsair TC60 Gaming Chair and their own custom badge! The First Raffle will be for the winning team and the winner will receive a 4k Amazon Firestick The second raffle will be for the losing team and the winner of that raffle will receive a 5.64oz container GG Gamer supps with a shaker Prizes will be handed out 3 to 7 business days after the summary is posted.

Participants Badge ^

First Place Winners Badge ^
Additional Information & Credits:
Graphics created by EddieCam

Meltdown on Nuketown!

By Eric, in Events, , 5 comments, 2526 views


Date: May 7th, 2021
Game Server: CS:S Event Server (IP:
Event Management:
Host(s): [HG] Eric [M|CE] Event Manager: [HG] Eric [M|CE] Event Streamer(s): N/A Voice chat attendance:
Please join the TeamSpeak channel before the event starts. TS3 IP: hellsgamers.com How to play:
Straight up deathmatch. Most kills within the allotted time wins.
Map - dev_nuketown17 (https://gamebanana.com/maps/182975)
Who can play:
Everyone from Friend of HG to Council Event rules:
Standard HG rules. General HG rules:
NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players. NO ghosting. DO NOT be disrespectful NO sexual harassment of players. DO NOT be racist or use racist terms. NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow clan members or players are complaining. NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here. DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are a part of HG and are assigned that rank. All HG Recruits+ are required to wear their respective clan tags. NO name impersonation of anyone. If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server, you will be permanently banned. Prizes:
Top 3 players at the end of the tournament will receive prizes!
1st Place: Choice between 4,000 rep, 30,000 credits or 20,000 ZS points
2nd Place: Choice between 4,000 rep, 30,000 credits or 20,000 ZS points minus whatever 1st place picked
3rd Place: Choice between 4,000 rep, 30,000 credits or 20,000 ZS points minus whatever 1st and 2nd place picked Badge:

Additional Information & Credits:
Thanks to @Ryze for the amazing GFX work!

HG Community Newsletter (April 2021)

By Lucas15, in HG Newsletter, , 16 comments, 2156 views

Promotions on top of promotions pretty much summarizes a large part of April. Let's get you up to speed!

Let's start with welcoming our newest -hg- Recruits:
-hg- Blue Cube
-hg- froggies093
-hg- Gh0ST
-hg- Hood1e
-hg- LeifyBeans
-hg- Pay Pay
-hg- PEMIS
-hg- Phineas
-hg- Space
-hg- TopBlokeGman
-hg- Watur
-hg- Zemonator
Congrats to our new [HG] Members:
[HG] Amish
[HG] BravoMan
[HG] Imperial Knight
[HG] It's Tommy
[HG] Moose
[HG] Rains
CS:S Division News
The waters in CS:S have been relatively quiet this month. A lot of work and discussions have been happening behind the scenes. 
Once we're caught up with our background work, CS:S leadership are looking to spice up our current servers and possibly add some more variety. Stay tuned for more on that!
Be sure to stop by one of our Source servers and prove you're the dominant gamer! A full list of our servers and their IPs can be found here.
CS:GO Division News
CS:GO leadership has an addiction to promotions. Congratulations to these new Trial Mods: AllmyhomieshateEmma, BravoMan, caplep, Icaema, KikkoMan, KingLime, logster004, myes, Rains, snaz, and Suburban!
But wait, there's more! Congrats to Meowing Banana, sqnch, SenpaiiPlz, and Tbonesteak on becoming Minigames Mods AND Arrow, Finch, HyperActive, and Jimothy on becoming TTT Mods!
Believe it or not, there's one more, and that's Scorch who was promoted to Global Moderator!
Okay I promise, this is the last one. Congratulations to the newest Division Staff, ComputerChip!
GMod Division News
Zombie Survival continues to be a place where many gather and have a fun time. Do you have any suggestions to improve the experience? Go here and share them with us!
Are you in the ZS Discord yet? You can find the link to it, as well as our other Discords, at the bottom of the newsletter.
Rust Division News
The base showcase contest has concluded and there were some great submissions. Find out who takes home the grand prize May 7!
Don't forget about weekly server wipes! They happen every Thursday afternoon, usually around 4pm Eastern. This is the best time for new players to get started on their journey!
Rust welcomed their newest leadership member last month. Congratulations to Malice on his promotion to Division Staff!
TF2 Division News
We've got the inside scoop that new servers rolling out soon for TF2. Keep an eye out for future announcements so you can join the fun!
TF2 is looking to expand their Mod team! If you want to help keep the servers fun and clean for everyone, send in a mod application!
Let's also give a congratulations to Vesta on his promotion to Division Staff!
Community Engagement News
The GFX team is now part of HGCE! Welcome Moose, Rains, Snowyamur, uncle steve, and Winterlynx to the pink side! Congratulations to our newest members, Imperial Knight and S!
Also congratulations to EddieCam and JarJarBinks on their promotions to GFX Mentor!
Are you interested in helping out the community? HGCE is looking for help with Partnerships, TF2 events, and streaming. Submit an HGCE application to get started!
Development Community News 
We have a few new faces in HGDC. Jimothy has joined the Sourcemod development team.
James and Lucas15 joined the Server Manager team. They will be working with CS:GO and CS:S servers, respectively.
Are you interested in becoming a Server Manager? Fortis is looking for people to help manage our CS:GO servers. Get started by submitting an HGDC application!
Gaming Divisions News
We're actively looking to make our servers more appealing for everyone. Have suggestions? Let us know in our Discord using the #recommendations channel, or post in your division's forum.
New servers are also coming soon. We can't say much yet, but we'll let you know as soon as possible!
General Community News
As always, we want to express our appreciation to these donors from last month:
Blindy clearlynotjake EddieCam Icon irishmang Jimothy SenpaiiPlz Space Moth We appreciate each and every donation to the community! If you'd like to help out, you can do so by going here:
https://hellsgamers.com/donate/ Did you know HG doesn't just exist on the forums? Check out our platforms at the link below!
https://hellsgamers.com/forums/topic/135157-hellsgamers-social-media-more/ Check out our HG Discord Servers:
https://hellsgamers.com/discord/ We have more than just the few servers you currently play on! Check out our full list here:
https://hellsgamers.com/servers/ Thank you for reading this month's edition of the newsletter. We'll see you next month!

Degroot Knockout

By Vesta, in Events, , 4 comments, 1783 views

Let's see who has the last laugh

Date: Sunday, May 9, 2021 
Times: 5:00 PM (PST) | 6:00 PM (MST) | 7:00 PM (CST) | 8:00 PM (EST)
Game Server: TF2 Events Server (
Event Management:
Host(s): Misc2008 Event Manager: Vesta Event Streamer(s): N/A Voice chat attendance:
Please join the TeamSpeak channel before the event starts. TS3 IP: hellsgamers.com  How to play:
Map will be Degroot keep. Class locked to Heavy. All heavies will be given the holiday punch gloves, with a 70% crit chance Who can play:
Everyone Event rules:
Must be present for most of the event to get the badge  Prizes are based on top scores General HG rules:
NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players. NO ghosting. DO NOT be disrespectful NO sexual harassment of players. DO NOT be racist or use racist terms. NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow clan members or players are complaining. NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here. DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are a part of HG and are assigned that rank. All HG Recruits+ are required to wear their respective clan tags. NO name impersonation of anyone. If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server, you will be permanently banned. Prizes:
Top 4 scores at the end will receive prizes 1st place- Choice between 1 gold account, 1 vip account, 1 of 2 15,000 HG Bux
2nd place- Choice between 1 gold account, 1 vip account, 1 of 2 15,000 HG Bux | Minus whatever first place picked
3rd place- Choice between 1 gold account, 1 vip account, 1 of 2 15,000 HG Bux | Minus whatever first and second place picked
4th place- Choice between 1 gold account, 1 vip account, 1 of 2 15,000 HG Bux | Minus whatever first, second, and third place picked

Additional Information & Credits:
Graphics created by EddieCam

Bad Card Showdown

By Benz, in Events, , 9 comments, 2285 views

Got card game skills?

Date: April 24th, 2021
Times:  6:00 PM (PST) | 7:00 PM (MST) | 8:00 PM (CST) | 9:00 PM (EST)
Game Website: https://allbad.cards/
Event Management:
Host(s): [HG] IronClawz [S] & -hg- SenpaiiPlz Event Manager: HG | EddieCam [D] [CE] Event Streamer(s): N/A Voice chat attendance:
Please join the TeamSpeak channel before the event starts. TS3 IP: hellsgamers.com How to play:
  Throughout the game, you have a set number of cards in your hand. When you play one, you draw a new one. If you don't like the cards in your hand, there is an option to let the computer pick the next card from your hand at random, then you discard the rest of your cards and receive all new ones. The Card Queen is given a card to start the round but has the option to get a new one if they don't like the first one they were given. Once they choose a card, the round will start.
When the round starts, you have 45 seconds to pick the "best" card from your hand for the scenario.
Once everyone has chosen their card, the Card Queen then looks through them and picks their favorite card based on the scenario. Whoever's card was chosen, receives one point and becomes Card Queen for the next round.
Once someone reaches the winning point #, the game is over. Depending on the # of players, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place point placements will receive prizes. Or if there are 30+ players, 4th and 5th place will as well.
When the game is over, we can play another if people would like, just without prizes and simply for fun/community engagement.
I believe this is all for gameplay. I will update if I think of something else
Who can play:
Everyone! Event rules:
Have to stay the entire duration of the event in order to receive prizes and or badge. Prizes are restricted to HG Recruit+ The game plays just like Cards Against Humanity. There is a "Card Queen" who chooses the best card to award them a point for winning the round. It will be set up so whoever wins the previous round, will be Card Queen for the next round starts. This way it gives everyone a fair chance to get points without the chance of someone getting the majority of all points. No write-in cards will be allowed to help avoid breaking any of HG's general rules (racism, etc.) To help speed along with the game (especially if we get a lot of players), there will be a 45-second card choice cutoff. If you don't choose your card within 45 seconds, one will be randomly picked for you. The winning score will vary depending on player #. Under 20 players, the winning score will be 15 points. 20-30 players will be 12 points. 30+ players will be 10 points. (The more players, the longer it will take to accumulate points, which is why the winning points # gets lower as the player # gets higher) PLEASE don't just pick the most absurd option as the winning card. Make sure the card at least fits the scenario in some manner. Obviously up to the Card Queens discretion. It's not a requirement, but would be nice to have the participants in a TS/Discord channel during the event as people playing Cards Against Humanity face to face can speak to each other and laugh together General HG rules:
NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players. NO ghosting. DO NOT be disrespectful NO sexual harassment of players. DO NOT be racist or use racist terms. NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow clan members or players are complaining. NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here. DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are a part of HG and are assigned that rank. All HG Recruits+ are required to wear their respective clan tags. NO name impersonation of anyone. If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server, you will be permanently banned. Prizes:
1st place - Your choice between the following: One month of "Super Backer" on All Bad Cards, Gold+, VIP+, 4k JB rep, or their own TS Channel. 2nd place - Your choice between the four 1st place rewards that weren't chosen. 3rd place - Your choice between the three 1st place rewards that weren't chosen. 4th place - Your choice between the two 1st place rewards that weren't chosen. 5th - You get what is left on the table. Prizes will be handed out 2 to 3 business days after the summary is posted. Badge:

Additional Information & Credits:
Thanks to EddieCam for the amazing GFX work!

HG Chess Club

By Miles, in Events, , 8 comments, 2511 views

Prove your chess skill in the first official HG Chess tournament! 
April 17th, 2021
4:00 PM (PST) | 5:00 PM (MST) | 6:00 PM (CST) | 7:00 PM (EST)

Date: Saturday, April 17, 2021
Times: 4:00 PM (PST) | 5:00 PM (MST) | 6:00 PM (CST) | 7:00 PM (EST)
Event Management:
Host(s): Miles Event Manager: Miles Event Streamer(s): Contact me via forum PM if you would like to host a stream for this event! Voice chat attendance:
Please join the TeamSpeak channel before the event starts. TS3 IP: hellsgamers.com  How to play:
Sign up via this forum post to play in the first official HG Chess Tournament!  Standard Chess rules! Checkmate your enemy to win! Matches will be 5 minute blitz, grand finals will be 10 minute rapid. Who can play:
Everyone, but only HG recruit+ is eligible for prizes!  Event rules:
Single elimination. Sorry we don't have time for double elimination!  No chess engines, AI, etc... If you are found to be cheating you will likely find yourself removed from the tournament and possibly HG.  General HG rules:
NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players. NO ghosting. DO NOT be disrespectful NO sexual harassment of players. DO NOT be racist or use racist terms. NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow clan members or players are complaining. NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here. DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are a part of HG and are assigned that rank. All HG Recruits+ are required to wear their respective clan tags. NO name impersonation of anyone. If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server, you will be permanently banned. Prizes:
Badges for all participants! 1st place winner gets a Gold Account. 2nd place winner gets VIP. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place get a SPECIAL BADGE as well as the participation badge! 
Top 3 Badge: 
Participation badge: 
Additional Information & Credits:
All GFX credit goes to @Rains. Thanks for the GFX! (P.S. I couldn't choose between the two badges so I'm using both!) 

Eric's HG League 1v1 Tourney

By Eric, in Events, , 5 comments, 1949 views

Do you have what it takes to escape the Abyss as the sole victor?

Date: April 9th, 2021
Game Server: Teamspeak 3 (IP: hellsgamers.com), League of Legends Client (Riot ID: krapcire)
Event Management:
Host(s): [HG] Eric [M|CE] Event Manager: [HG] Eric [M|CE] Event Streamer(s): [HG] Eric [M|CE] Voice chat attendance:
Please join the TeamSpeak channel before the event starts. TS3 IP: hellsgamers.com Please join the Discord channel before the event starts. Discord Invite: https://discord.gg/2ue8EJM How to play:
Just straight up League on Howling Abyss. Who can play:
Everyone from Friend of HG to Council Event rules:
Players must sign up on the event sign up post (https://hellsgamers.com/forums/topic/145218-erics-hg-league-1v1-tourney-sign-up/) to participate. Both players will hit "Random" during champ select 3 times. Players will then take turns banning 2 champs that were rolled into the champ pool similar to Draft Pick and Ranked. Lower seed will get first ban. Both players will agree on what same champion they will both play based on the 6 champs that were rolled and banned between the 2 players. First kill wins match. Semifinals and 3rd place match are best-of-3. Finals are best-of-5. All other matches are best-of-1. Standard HG rules. General HG rules:
NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players. NO ghosting. DO NOT be disrespectful NO sexual harassment of players. DO NOT be racist or use racist terms. NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow clan members or players are complaining. NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here. DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are a part of HG and are assigned that rank. All HG Recruits+ are required to wear their respective clan tags. NO name impersonation of anyone. If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server, you will be permanently banned. Prizes:
Top 3 players at the end of the tournament will receive prizes!
1st Place: Choice between 4,000 rep, 30,000 credits or 20,000 ZS points
2nd Place: Choice between 4,000 rep, 30,000 credits or 20,000 ZS points minus whatever 1st place picked
3rd Place: Choice between 4,000 rep, 30,000 credits or 20,000 ZS points minus whatever 1st and 2nd place picked Badge:

Additional Information & Credits:
Thanks to @zoomy for the amazing GFX work!

HG Community Newsletter (March 2021)

By Lucas15, in HG Newsletter, , 12 comments, 2409 views

While last month had plenty of basketball fans focused on March Madness, we had our own exciting evolutions in HeLLsGamers.

If you missed our totally real newsletter from yesterday, you can check it out here.
Our list of -hg- Recruits is slowly growing as these new faces joined us last month:
-hg- Apocalypse23
-hg- bazyX
-hg- Bronson
-hg- dorito^
-hg- food
-hg- Gm0X
-hg- gokuUI
-hg- InsiderS
-hg- Joe Bidens Right Nut
-hg- KikkoMan
-hg- liamispressed
-hg- Lover Of Milfs
-hg- Lulzycat
-hg- Master Chief
-hg- Numeras
-hg- Sag
-hg- SenpaiiPlz
-hg- the_raccoon_GOD
-hg- TheRealEagle
And also congratulations to these new [HG] Members:
[HG] Aquadango
[HG] Icaema
[HG] Jimothy
[HG] SpaceGhost
[HG] snaz
[HG] Tbonesteak
[HG] ToXiC.
[HG] TyGuy464646
[HG] WhoISthis
CS:S Division News
The divisional forums have been tidied up a bit. Stop by and have a peek! While you're there, let us know what CS:S servers you'd like to see in this topic.
The weather is slowly starting to heat up. Need to cool off? Hop on Iceworld to cool off and dominate some noobs!
CS:S brought on a new Mod to help keep the servers enjoyable for everyone. Congratulations to DAPPERxDUCK on the promotion!
CS:GO Division News
Gamers beware! One of you is not who they say they are; at least not on the new TTT server that was released last month! Shoutout to our SM developers and CS:GO Staff for the great work!
If you've never played TTT before, all the information you need can be found here. Once you're familiar with the rules and how to play, give it a go yourself!
New maps will be coming to both TTT and Jailbreak after they're tested. A new Jailbreak map is also in the works so keep an eye out.
With the new server launch, CS:GO needed some new Mods to help out. Congratulations to Bubbles, Hyperion, and Meowing Banana on becoming TTT Moderators!
Jailbreak has several new full Mods. Congratulations to Amish, Ashe, clearlynotjake, Hobo, Jasssono, Jimothy, Sno, and sqnch on the promotions!
Last but not least, CS:GO welcomes Panda Jankins back to their roster of Division Staff.
GMod Division News
In the early 2010s, a thrilling gamemode called PERP was part of our GMod division. It eventually faded away as players lost interest and other issues arose. PERP would never be seen again in HeLLsGamers...
...until now! PERP is back and better than ever! If you're unfamiliar with the rules, give them a read here before jumping in. When you're ready, you can join and start your journey!
In addition to last month's new PERP Mods, four more were added in March. Congratulations to Broken, EtherealHope, HyperActive, and Lemonade on the promotions!
Rust Division News
Our Rust server continues to thrive. The weekly resets every Thursday bring in new players left and right. There's also some exciting new stuff coming soon!
You don't have to wait for the resets to get started yourself. Jump on in and prove you're the better survivor!
Tired of waiting in queues to join? We now offer a VIP Skip Queue for $4.99/mo in the HG VIP Shop! It comes with several other perks as well so check it out.
Do you have an outstanding base to show off? EddieCam and Rust leadership are hosting a Base Showcase Contest throughout April. See the post for rules and prizes.
TF2 Division News
A new server is in the works behind the scenes. Keep an eye out for future news on that!
TF2 is well-known for its hats, and I tip my hat to the handful of members promoted last month.
First up, two new Mods were added to the lineup. Congratulations to Imperial Knight and Sqratattack on the promotions!
Next in line is Asian State Trooper who is the newest Division Staff! Job well done, and congratulations to you as well.
Last but certainly not least, congratulations to the man himself, Alex Thunderhunter, who was promoted to Division Leader!
Community Engagement News
We would like to welcome Ambassador Spock as the newest Ambassador! He will be our line of communication with Gaming Community Central (GCC).
Community Events also brought on two new people. Eric will be helping with events across all divisions and Vesta will be doing TF2 events.
Are you a fan of League of Legends? We have an upcoming 1v1 tournament on Friday, April 9 at 9pm EST! If you'd like to participate, go here and sign up.
Don't play League of Legends? We've got a movie night coming up Saturday, April 10 at 8pm EST! Read the calendar post to find more information.
We mentioned in January's newsletter that Senior Staff was being incorporated. That has been renamed and reworked and is now HGCE Mentor!
EddieCam and JarJarBinks have been moved to that role as they were previously Senior Staff. Mr. Robot has been newly promoted to Mentor for Community Events!
Would you like to give back to the community? By joining HGCE, you can host community events, manage our social medias, or help acquire partnerships. Apply today!
Development Community News 
HGDC has a new addition to the Mapping team. Congratulations to Sno! The Sourcemod Dev team has a new face as well. Congratulations to FaZe!
As mentioned earlier, CS:GO launched their TTT server thanks in part to our Server Managers and Sourcemod Dev team!
Both of these teams are looking for new bodies; Server Managers are specifically looking for CS:GO SMs and require no experience as they'll help you learn. The Sourcemod Dev team is seeking two individuals who, preferably, have some previous experience.
If you're interested in any of the aforementioned teams, or any other HGDC team, take the initiative and submit your application!
Gaming Divisions News
New players are constantly joining servers hosted by HeLLsGamers. We'd like to turn those players -hg- Recruits and get them involved in the community.
If you ever find a player who is enjoying themselves and not causing problems, consider asking them if they'd like to join HG.
If they decline, that's fine. However, if they'd like to take you up on the offer, you can walk them through the process of joining (registering, linking Steam, and submitting recruit application).
Recruiting is a fairly simple process and it helps the community in so many ways. Without recruiting, most of the people you see here today wouldn't be in HeLLsGamers.
General Community News
Have you ever wondered how to get those Donor Level coins you see on posts and profiles? Check out this post and see how close you are to the next coin!
As always, we'd like to take a moment to thank these generous donors from last month:
clearlynotjake EddieCam Jimothy Lucas15 SenpaiiPlz SpaceGhost We appreciate each and every donation to the community! If you'd like to help out, you can do so by going here:
https://hellsgamers.com/donate/ Did you know HG doesn't just exist on the forums? Check out our platforms at the link below!
https://hellsgamers.com/forums/topic/135157-hellsgamers-social-media-more/ Check out our HG Discord Servers:
https://hellsgamers.com/discord/ We have more than just the few servers you currently play on! Check out our full list here:
https://hellsgamers.com/servers/ Thank you for reading this month's edition of the newsletter. We'll see you next month!

Wolf's Among Us

By Mr. Robot, in Events, , 17 comments, 2758 views

Blue is sus

Date: Wednesday, March 31st, 2021
Times: 8:00 PM (PST) | 9:00 PM (MST) | 10:00 PM (CST) | 11:00 PM (EST)
Game Server: Teamspeak
Event Management:
Host(s): Wolf Event Manager: Mr. Robot Event Streamer(s): N/A Voice chat attendance:
Please join the TeamSpeak channel before the event starts. TS3 IP: hellsgamers.com (remove this line if TS3 is not required) How to play:
10 Player lobbies, the goal is to find out who the imposter(s) are. Who can play:  
Everyone Event rules:
Please arrive early at the event. Absolutely no microphones allowed while the game is in session ( OUT OF MEETING ) No Metagaming. General HG rules:
NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players. NO ghosting. DO NOT be disrespectful NO sexual harassment of players. DO NOT be racist or use racist terms. NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow clan members or players are complaining. NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here. DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are a part of HG and are assigned that rank. All HG Recruits+ are required to wear their respective clan tags. NO name impersonation of anyone. If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server, you will be permanently banned. Prizes:
An event badge to all those who play during the event.

Additional Information & Credits:
Graphics created by @Winterlynx
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