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Things You Used To Hate That You Now Love


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People tend to change over time, and as they change, so do their tastes. Things they hated become things they love. It can be anything. Food, music and all kinds of other media, sports, clothing, even people and much more.


As for me, used to hate parmesan cheese as a young un. Despised it. Wouldn't even touch something that had it. Nowadays, people are likely to ask if I'd like some parmesan to go with my pasta. Only freshly grated tho. No pre-packaged stuff.


Or music. Used to be a hardcore metal head. Big on prog metal too. The more complex, the better. Pop and electronic music? Talentless hacks that just press a button and then playback. I got over it and myself. I love all kinds of genres now. Or rather, I enjoy a very wide variety of artists. My rule is that there are no bad styles of music, only bad artists. Someone talented enough can make anything work.


Eh, men's dress shoes. Stuff like oxfords and derbies. Always hated it when my mom made me wear some as a kid for family gatherings and fancy stuff. Why couldn't I just wear my sneakers? Now I pretty much don't wear anything else. Got a preference for Italian styles.


So how about you? What is something you used to hate that you now love?

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I've come to terms that these poeple are just retarded and love them for that


Thank you.


I used to like League of Legends, now I fucking despise that game.

Moba Division btw


I used to hate the taste of Cider, Pizzas and Pasta. Now I love em.


Also Bert. Weaponised Autism.

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Paté although I have a preference for ones with some sort of added flavour such as a fruit. Beef I didn't used to be keen on as my mother would overcook it typically. I love a nice brisket these days.


Black pudding I will never like. I bought some gourmet stuff and the best I could do is make it taste like cardboard.

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Before I used to hate wearing polo shirts. They seemed too nerdy for me, but I was a kid, so who gave a fuck about my opinions, right?


Now I fucking love wearing polo shirts, especially the ones that have a juicy texture applied to them. They tend to be expensive, but I still like to keep my new style in shape. The polo shirt craze came in with a sudden boost of self-confidence after a breakup I had not so long ago. People started complimenting my style and clothing all-around. Definitely a step in the right direction.


Also, before I used to hate wearing fancy shoes along with a suit. Now, I'd wear those to college any day :)

Edited by Comic King
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