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Limit explosives that one person can buy


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I should probably just record a demo of someone on human team having like -1000 points at wave 1 then once wave 3 kicks in and humans and super outnumbered, you just watch him chuck out 40 grenades one after another and profit at least 500 points.

The limit of explosives should also help with some Zombie Escape maps where 1 person buys ALL the claymores, and then perfectly claymore spam every single zombie spawn

Det pack spam is fairly annoying but I am fine with just hiding around the corner and asking someone to take it out for me

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I think this idea would be a great improvement for how throwable and deployable explosives are handled for the Human team. There's an issue, though.


Remember that Grenades, Detonation Packs, SLAM Mines, and Claymores have a fixed maximum that Human players can buy. Even if we choose to limit every Human player to only 5 grenades purchasable in a given round, there still poses the issue that some wouldn't be able to buy grenades because 4 people would get to them first. Not to be selfish here, but I would like my fair share of throwable explosives as well, and while this change for explosive consumables applies the saying, "First one awake gets the worm," sometimes we choose not to buy grenades now, but at a later time.


That mentality is what leads to one person buying all the Grenades from the Arsenal Crate in the first place. This one individual is getting them all now so that at a later time, they can use them all when there are enough zombies to profit from. As @Laces115 said, this is selfish and could be considered spamming explosives, which is especially the case with detonation packs, but at the same time, it's common sense and only human nature to prepare beforehand for what would be inevitable in the future.


I think a refined solution that integrates Laces' idea would be to provide all explosive throwables and deployables infinite stock in the Arsenal Crate, then set the purchasable limits to these values per Human player:

  • 3 Grenades
  • 2 Claymores
  • 2 SLAM Mines
  • 1 Detonation Pack

NOTE: all of these would be inclusive of those from the Worth Menu. This means that if a Human player uses their Worth to get a SLAM mine, it counts towards the limit of how many SLAM mines they can buy during a round.


By doing this, everyone can have their fair share of explosives without worrying about someone hogging them all for themselves, while driving more team-required gameplay because if the Human team needs AoE damage, each player needs to contribute.

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You will only see this issue when there are point multipliers enabled; once we go back to 1x mainstream gameplay the explosive spam reduces drastically and you will typically only see a couple of grenades thrown per game, even then the people who use those explosives won’t profit at all

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