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cs:s Let's Talk Serious


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This night, as history shows, is an incident that happens from time to time.


First off, I would like to introduce myself. My name is PhizZle, and I have frequent the HG JailBreak (JB) server since 2011. Although I may not have been here long compared to other members, I have been here long enough to see the changes and trends of JB, particularly the trends in players and also the repercussions, for better or worse. I would like to propose a theory of what has happened as of late and how we can deal with these problems as a community. I encourage those who reply to this thread to not speak out of spite, but to better the HG community as a whole.


Many players come and go over time. HG is successful in providing servers that have games and entertainment that accommodate many tastes. The majority of the players are mostly casuals, particularly in the JB server. I, myself, work a part-time job while attending university. I cannot speak for all, but I can speak for most when I say that we play JB to relax and decompress after a long day. Of course, there are trolls and the like, but JB players come here for the entertainment. That being said, excessive behavior and immaturity should be punished, but the point is that these punishments should be dealt with a clear, unbiased conscious.


Let's begin to talk about the situation at hand: Tech N9ne Hope For Higher Power. . He is a player that played for about 3+ months. He often leads in the late night hours in JB. Many liked Tech N9ne, but there were some that did not agree with him. I do not deny the rules that he may have broken, but I must disagree with the punishment that was served. A mute was in order, but a mute that lasted more than a decent amount of time is surely only given out of spite. We all understand the rules and regulations of HG, but we must question what suffices as an adequate punishment. We must question the authority: are these punishments done to discourage "bad" behavior, or are punishments given to the accused to discourage the players from playing in the JB server ever again?


Tech N9ne, Pho, Consuela, GI Jose. These are the few that were loved by many, but hated by just enough to get them punished severely, even with results that are permanent. Here is a trend that I have seen personally. A new player, such as Tech N9ne, comes in with a fresh attitude and unconventional tactics that many senior higher ups see as irritating. The same people that hold grudges are the the same people who complain about the lack of the "old days". These people are jaded, and do not like the change that they see, yet they hold the authority. They once joined the HG community for friends and fun, but over time, the changes in how people act and play are not what they are familiar with. As a result they abuse their power in hopes to stop the "chaos". So what is the trend? A new player comes in, becomes liked by many. Eventually a higher up comes in, a severely punishes said player for a rule violation or disagreement, usually resulting in that player never returning. The majority truly miss that player, some even stop playing, but it does not matter. We are sheep that must conform to the authority, or we are forced to leave. Is that the message HG wants to condone?


I want to make this clear: I understand this is a very controversial topic, but it is something that should be discussed. Those in power must have the decency and morality to lead and protect the common player, but those with an unbiased agenda are few. There are many that may label this thread as TL:DR, or just plain ridiculous to take seriously, but those who think like that are most likely the ones perpetrating the lack of respect for the common player. If those who want to discuss, please do, but only with the intent to make HG better as a gaming community, for the players and the authority alike.


Thank you for your time.


TL:DR? I guess you don't care about HG.

Edited by PhizZle
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I can definitely agree to protecting the common player. Players come to JB to have a good time, and laugh (I do). People will love and hate each other for as long as human's exist, but adopting an unbiased view on something fun and simple like the JB server will go a long way in HellsGamers' community. Rules should always be enforced in a server with such heavy traffic and variety, but like PhizZle said, players won't want to come back if certain players are treated unfairly outright.

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Tech N9ne, Pho, Consuela, GI Jose. These are the few that were loved by many, but hated by just enough to get them punished severely, even with results that are permanent.


Jesus, you make it sound like these guys were disciples who were physically crucified or something. For the latter three players, they were given multiple chances (two of them on multiple accounts as well). As you claim that the server is meant to be played for the sake of unwinding, these players were not conducive to such an environment. Their bans were made rather objectively and not with subjective "hatred"; there is proof attached to their respective bans/t-lists. As for Tech N9ne, he was not forced to freekill; he could have passed lead rather than taking out his frustration on other users.


We are sheep that must conform to the authority, or we are forced to leave. Is that the message HG wants to condone?


Authority? You mean common sense? If acting within a reasonable bounds is something you don't want to abide by, then sure, you're not meant to play on these servers. And by no means are you forced to leave immediately. 99% of the time, unless you did something totally irreconcilable like hacking or threatening to take down the server, you're given many, many (probably too many) chances to shape up. I'm not sure what message you're interpreting from the punishments administered; I think you may have too much of an emotional investment in the players involved, which has influenced your judgment of the staff who play in Jailbreak.

Edited by RageQuit
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Seen what youre attempting to get at from both sides, from being fresh into JB to being a CSS dA who only played JB. You have to understand that just because someone has a E-Fan base they are not exempt from our rules, and most often players get this false sense that they are 'special' and attempt to flex our rules as much as they can. A player who is liked by 2,000 people and a player who is a complete 'noob' both recieve the same treatment when it comes to punishment. RageQuit summed up what I want to say pretty perfectly, the amount of chances players are given to rectify themselves and learn to follow the rules is insanely higher than I even feel is needed. Your portrayal of leadership being biased and unfair is completely unrealistic and borderline delusional. You think we banned Jose and Consuela soforth because we hate them? That is so inaccurate its frightening to think that you reached that conclusion. The reason you see these popular players vanishing is because they let it go to their head and break more rules than youre giving them credit for. This is a 'serious' thread with a not-so-serious point of view (yours). Admins give out accurate and fulfilling punishment that most people who arent solely defending someone out of friendship will agree with. The actions and punishments handed out are given with the interest of keeping the server and community enjoyable and positive for EVERYONE, not just jailbreak soforth. You may find these rule-breakings to be fun or even dynamic for stale jailbreak nights, but rule breakers do not get special treatment because they have an online fan base. We are not trying to point anyone away from our servers (how you figured that is beyond me) but rather trying to make it as enjoyable and structured as possible.


TL:DR: if everyone followed the rules in the motd nothing would go wrong.

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You use the word unbiased a lot. What makes you say that Tech 9's tlist was biased in anyway?


If a player comes into the server and mass freekills, the unbiased decision would be to permtlist them, as that is the rule. In this case, the biased decision would be NOT to permtlist him because the admins know him and he's been playing on the server awhile.

  • In Consuela's case, if any old player got banned and raged, disrespected the admin in question, and the community as a whole in a really rude way, then they'd get perm'd. This was what happened in Consuela's case. Yet again I see no bias.
  • In Pho's case, oh come on, this guy had some 25 or what bans on all his accounts before he was finally permed all around? If any player did that, they'd have been perm'd long before.
  • In Gi-jose's case, again, he had some 11 tlists/bans going on before he was perm'd. Look at what I said above.


So what exactly is biased about this again?

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Admins abusing powers? record demos, take screen shots and make an abuse report.


got banned? you can always contest it on HGbans or the forums depending on where, why, when, ect.


Having fun is one thing. Causing problems, breaking rules repeatedly, and trashing our leadership publicly is another.


This has been the procedure since I've joined HG and it seems to be simple and effective.

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No no no no no.


I have been on JB for a year. (Not as long as any of the people who posted here, or some) but i must say. People get too many chanes way too many times. Tech n9 broke a rule by spamming, got muted. Got butt hurt and mass free killed. Also just because he is a "new" player doesn't mean anything, i've seen people that were here a long time and just by a blink they're gone. So what makes him so special? i never liked him anyway.


Not here to start drama. Or hatred.


But i must say that the people who "left" did either all or any of these things


1- Broke a rule, trolled or etc

2- Disrespected and hated

3- they were so "bored" or wanting of the "old" jailbreak they thought that the rules don't apply as harsh any more


Just some things. Also i do agree on some points you have. But i honestly don't think any of the people who were permed didn't deserve it (except for jose.. he fucks up a lot but still nice)


Pho and consuela are differnt. While consuela was a bit nice pho never really was. Ever since he got on the server he was into trouble. He was given so many chanes. By dAs or uM. Hell even C forgave him. But he never learned.


That's the problem. People who get permed never really learned from their mistakes. Wether it would be for them to keep on going what they were doing or just not caring.


Decisions made by dL+ to perm a player (non cheating / non threatening of taking down the server) are right.


HG gives people tons of chances.. Have you seen the amount of player unbanned from a perm ban after waiting "3-9" months? lots. And they still NEVER learn.


People being banned doesn't mean anything, it happens a lot and it will keep happening. The "quality" or jb was ruined when HLDJ users started spamming, trolls came in, and abuser were in.


I have typed too much for this and i am really lazy. So let's just end it here:


People who get permed are given another chance (maybe) in months, except cheaters. Fuck cheaters.

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well i spent about 15 minutes reading what phizzle had to say and what everyone else has had to say and this is what kushee thinks.

if somebody gets permbanned then there must have been a good reason to do so as poohunter clearly showed the actions of the people who got banned. now im not taking his side though because theres more to it than just "results".

i think what phizzle is trying to get at is that just because someone is fucking around or doing stupid shit yea they should be punished but have a fucking heart.

its like when a policeman makes an arrest he says put your hands behind your head and reads you your maranda rights and does everything by the book.

a bad cop would still read your maranda rights but he would smack you around a little and call you unneeded vulgar names and throw you in the backseat instead of "watch your head".


so since some people think "just have common sense and you wont get banned" that is true but you dont have to be a dick about it.


if you are given authority to lead over people then BE a leader and not a power hungry paidfag douchenerd that feels "superior" to other people because he paid for admin.


so phizzle i dont fully support you 100% but i do get where youre coming from so im glad you posted this. and another thing too is even looking through the other posts most of you are trying to prove phiz wrong when really hes just stating an opinion i mean hell somebody might comment after this and say im wrong too but thats just how HG works and im pretty sure were all accustomed to douchebags at this point.

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well i spent about 15 minutes reading what phizzle had to say and what everyone else has had to say and this is what kushee thinks.

if somebody gets permbanned then there must have been a good reason to do so as poohunter clearly showed the actions of the people who got banned. now im not taking his side though because theres more to it than just "results".

i think what phizzle is trying to get at is that just because someone is fucking around or doing stupid shit yea they should be punished but have a fucking heart.

its like when a policeman makes an arrest he says put your hands behind your head and reads you your maranda rights and does everything by the book.

a bad cop would still read your maranda rights but he would smack you around a little and call you unneeded vulgar names and throw you in the backseat instead of "watch your head".


so since some people think "just have common sense and you wont get banned" that is true but you dont have to be a dick about it.


if you are given authority to lead over people then BE a leader and not a power hungry paidfag douchenerd that feels "superior" to other people because he paid for admin.


so phizzle i dont fully support you 100% but i do get where youre coming from so im glad you posted this. and another thing too is even looking through the other posts most of you are trying to prove phiz wrong when really hes just stating an opinion i mean hell somebody might comment after this and say im wrong too but thats just how HG works and im pretty sure were all accustomed to douchebags at this point.


Disagreeing with an opinion doesnt make you a douchebag. In my (humble) opinion Phizzle is standing up for people who break rules, nothing more. If anyone is coming off as a douchebag I think you could be added to that list generalizing HG as being full of douchebags. You expect special treatment from admins for people who break rules. You break a rule, you serve the consequence. HG is not a democracy and as you stated, every 'cop' (admin) has a different heart.

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are these punishments done to discourage "bad" behavior, or are punishments given to the accused to discourage the players from playing

This is the main point and I do see this happen to popular lead's/people in JB (But this is probably because they like the person being punished and think its harsh because they like them), but i disagree with the people you are talking about being perm'd, they all had a lot of chances and didn't take any of their bans as hints they should stop.

Edited by Pole
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Tech N9ne, Pho, Consuela, GI Jose. These are the few that were loved by many, but hated by just enough to get them punished severely, even with results that are permanent. Here is a trend that I have seen personally.


Trend? I see quite the trend....




First SteamID - 14 different bans/tlists

Second SteamID - 5 different bans/tlists


GI Jose:


First SteamID - 23 different bans/tlists

Second SteamID - 28 different bans/tlists


Consuela went full retard.... he will likely be allowed back if he comes back and apologizes.


As for tech nine... he's not a new player. He's played here for YEARS and know's better.


So what's the trend? People do dumb shit and HG forgives and forgives.... then the last straw is broken. Some stay perm'ed... some come back, apologize and clean up their act.


As someone earlier said, these guys may have many eFans but that doesn't make them any less toxic to the community.

Edited by sirius
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@paragraph 3:

Sounds like you think a situation was handled incorrectly by an admin. Just post abuse report


@paragraph 4:

There's a definite line between fun+HG's rules and intentional trolling/pestering for your own lulz/using a jb server to vent one's anger. Respecting that line begets respect from others.


+1 for fun




mfw i read

Your sig is what I think of this thread.


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Your goal seems pure and wonderful, but how you are trying to carry it out is not. I know exactly what you mean, but that's how all senior's in real life and until the end of time will become!


It isn't that they've changed or become too severe, with leadership comes great responsibility and if you are not firm 100% of the time then people will doubt your authority. Those who are management are exactly like that, so HG actually was able to effectively recruit great leading members. Why do you think HG has gotten so big and done so well? There is no such thing as a fierce army without any generals.

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I just want to go on record and plead the fifth. Ya you can't make me incriminate myself.


+1 for fun

Yes! Jjk I only play for the LAWLS!



This is what I was doing all day on my cell phone on this server OMG!


Hi guys, I'm Nite and I abuse.

It's TRUE I have a demo I well report!


I'd just like to add that tech n9ne has been around much longer than 3 months. He dates back to early 2010 (or earlier) when I was a jail breaker.


edit: here's a recruit app! http://hellsgamers.c..._hl__1:25350573


And Ty Mccain MY fucking brother All these shittys from non old shcool won't know that Tech is Old School Bitches.

Edited by Clifford "No!" Kinkade
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