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  1. Dragonslayer killed Nightshade with weapon zs_zombieclaws
    3 points
  2. Hey. So, we've seen a couple similar threads regarding the Jailbreak server and everyone has different ideas and changes they want to see get implemented.. but, for now we're focusing on getting a (more) stable pop on our TTT server. This doesn't mean jailbreak is gone for good, but we just want to give our most populated CSGO server a better chance at growing and maintaining its population. We don't have a lot of (active) people in our division who aren't already mods. At least half the population on TTT is usually comprised of HG members anyway. We don't want to split up our numbers just yet. There have been ideas thrown around in staff chat to make jailbreak a seasonal server because that's when jailbreak gets the most populated, but we're still monitoring the activity on TTT. Back to the topic: We've all seen similar threads to this before. People miss the jailbreak server. People remember the fond memories they had on one of the most popular servers in HG. People want to bring jailbreak back.. But, it's hard to convey how much effort is truly needed to really bring back jailbreak. The things that we need the most for a popular jailbreak is... people! Active players who play often! We need people to be on every day but we don't have that many people in this division to make sure there's a steady population everyday. If there weren't at least 12 people on the server, people would get discouraged and leave. There were so many times that mods or I have notified the slack CSGO mods channel and tried to get more people to get on but people are busy and can't get on everyday. A mod schedule was made so that the mods could designate specific times to get online and try to get more people to join but that didn't work out well. I remember mods like JarJar would pick specific times later in the day so that people could get on and help populate the server and some did join.. but the population didn't grow after that. JarJar also made a couple new versions of the JB map and, sadly, that still didn't help. We told our mods and other members to "not rebel as much" so that leads wouldn't get discouraged from leading.. that also didn't pan out. We were lax on rule breakers and made sure to give people many, many chances before kicking or banning them. We loosened up on playing sound clips and allowed music to have the n word again (obviously, inherently racist clips were still banned) and that still didn't help. What we truly need are people. Active people. People who want to lead. We need creative leads that don't do the same day over and over. TLDR; we need active players. I miss jailbreak as well, but if you don't want to put in the effort to try to populate the server even when it's not fun, please don't start blaming everyone else for not stepping up and doing it for you. (This is a general "you", not a specific person.)
    2 points
  3. I know I just came back and you can choose not to listen, but regardless, I would like to start off by saying I apologize for not doing enough as staff and division leader in trying to get jailbreak back to where it was. I should have been willing to give up an arm for Jailbreak and I wasn't. It was the server that let me find HG and really the only server I ever played in HG. It is my biggest regret that i never fought hard enough to keep it alive. That said, the blame is not solely on leadership, but on the whole community. Staff should not have had to ask people to play on a server, or have events focused on populating the servers, people should just play. People would join for an hour when staff asked, and then never play again until someone asks again. I am tired of seeing the blame being put entirely on leadership despite the lack of effort from many members to play every day and not just when they were asked to. Now thats out of the way how do you get people on your server? You do whats popular. Yes that means being like the other JB servers. But is that a bad thing? I dont think so. If you ask me, repetition is what killed Jailbreak. We had the same map with the same activities every day. Once in a while something new (like wipeout), but eventually it is played so much it is boring. Jailbreak needs a map rotation. Different maps, with different activities, with new things for people to discover everyday. Incentive for players to come back because there will be something new to find or do. The bible needs to be reworked. Perhaps it is just the way it is formatted that it looks like you are actually reading a bible (no offense thomas). I think leadership and moderators need to sit down and just write an entirely new, more simple, list of rules, easy for new players to understand, using the current bible as a guide. We also need to be more lenient with new players. Lets say Bob joins CT for the first time. Bob doesnt know the rules well (because its his first time), and freekills some people. Bob gets tlocked. Bob leaves because rather than helping him learn the rules, admins just punished him. What are some solutions to this? We require players to have spent a certain amount of time on T before they can become a guard so they can learn the rules and how the game works. Dont be nazis with new players who dont understand the rules well, teach them how the game is played so they learn and dont do it again. Dont rule with an iron fist. Learn leniency. I believe rep also needs to be reset. This will provide incentive for people to play regularly. More incentive for players. I know suicide in his post suggested things like giveaways, such as free admin to the person with the highest play time in a given amount of time. I hope leadership hasn't just given up on Jailbreak, and does take this into consideration. Many people still care about this server. Jailbreak is near and dear to many peoples hearts in HG and is the server a lot of people found HG through. Clearly we went wrong somewhere. I have full faith that we as a community, all working together, can bring back our beloved server. I honestly should have never given up so easily and left hellsgamers and for that I am truly sorry. For not realizing this sooner, and to everyone who loves jailbreak and grew up in HG through it. Please, dont give up on Jailbreak as easily I did, or give up on CS:GO entirely. We should not give up so quickly. Perhaps im wrong and jailbreak truly is over for Hellsgamers, but I refuse to believe that given the popularity of other jailbreak servers. Please dont prove me wrong.
    1 point
  4. Except that it is relevant. Seymour said, and I quote: In my opinion that is the wrong path. Still my opinion, CSGO TTT is an imitation that pales in comparison to the original gmod gamemode. Unless I'm horribly mistaken, someone chime in if I am, a lot of the shortcomings that I've experienced like a weaker UI, less intuitive menu structure, questionable differentiation between specific people, etc etc, is more due to the limitations of SourceMod when compared to Lua. Thus relying on either TTT in it's current form or focusing on fixing TTT first to boost the overall CSGO population in my opinion isn't the right way forward when compared to a revitalized JB. JB was HG's CS bread and butter for years. But no just ignore the greater context of the conversation and get a jab in.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. *Poke North* There , you're on the ground now on the north side
    1 point
  7. First off, I just want to say thank you to Supa for stating this thread. I know that many threads of this nature have been made, but we needed a hard reality check and serious discussion about JB. As many of you have already pointed out, this community owes everything to JB. I, just as many of you discovered HG through JB. It's impact and place in this community is too big to allow the slow and quiet death that it has experienced. I can't speak for everyone, but the CSGO divison wants JB to return. We have 1 server, but we are still very active. The homies are always hopping on TS regardless of whether or not we are playing TTT. And the feeling I get lately is that we are bored, twiddling our thumbs with nothing to do. We hop on to TS because we still want to hang, but everyone is just playing random games because we have 1 lowly server. And Honestly, TTT is not that fun. It is a good break from JB after a while, but I always want to return to JB. These are just my thoughts. I unfortunately cannot code, cannot map and am not a staff member. So I tangibly cannot offer any services to help the situation. But I still think it is valuable to express my feelings as a member. I would like to conclude by challenging leadership to have some serious talks about what can be done to bring the server back. It could be very beneficial to invite people like -Broken- to a staff meeting to discuss in detail what it would take to create a better plugin for the server. We shouldn't take the skills and abilities of HG members for granted. And that doesn't necessarily mean that -Broken- will do the coding (I don't want to volunteer him for that), but he seems like he can bring useful information to the table as you plan the future of JB. Thanks, Brick
    1 point
  8. in my experience with tf2 and csgo jb, all you really needed were good, funny leads as well as a population. bible shouldn't be reworked, it is fine as is. tf2 has had the same map for a long time, and while I admit having no new maps was one of the reasons people stopped playing on them, I have a feeling even if I had made a new map at the time, the results would have been the same. csgo literally gets a new map every year, and it still died. tldr decent population + lead = people join. not changing the bible/map
    1 point
  9. Let me preface this post by saying JB is the reason I joined HG. I took a break after coming back last year due to how my wife was treated by the staff. I was saddened to come back only to see the JB server effectively dead. I guess it was a long time coming, suggestions on improvements and changes went unheeded and people aren't willing to do the same thing over and over again forever. That being said: That's bullshit. I'm a programmer for a living and offered my services multiple times to the community, I was ignored every time. If the current and past programmers wrote the plugin so that it was entirely dependent on the map, then I'm sorry but they are piss poor programmers. That means that every map fix, every map change, every map improvement could, and often would, break the plugin. If the JB plugin is truly so ingrained in one very specific map, this is an issue that has been stewing for far longer than any of us had imagined.
    1 point
  10. I agree with what Supa said here fully, and anyone who knows me knows that I only really care for JB in csgo. Not going to get into the "my grandfather was a jailbreaker so it makes me sad to see it this way" shit, but this gamemode is a huge part of what HG is, and for a lot of people, is solely what HG is to them. For the maps, it's genuinely such a huge thing for there to be more than just our map. In other communities I have played in, population would spike when a certain map came on because people enjoy that map, and people in general enjoy being able to do different things. You know what I don't enjoy? Running into blue room or ktichen every three minutes and being told to stop ruining the rounds by people because I want to rebel. Newer maps introduce newer metas for guards, some maps are great for people that are good at sniping, some have tight corridors and smaller rooms that require the guards to excel in their aim, and feel good about themselves when they complete a successful day. It's the same for rebels, having more than two set places to run to from the start of the day opens up their gameplay so much and makes it that much more enjoyable for people who enjoy to cause mischief and add a little spice into the day. This also doesn't mean we have to get rid of the jailbreak map. I also agree with the rep/gangs being reset. A lot of people wouldn't be happy with this, some of the main arguments being "this is my rep I played hours to get it" or "I've donated all of this to my gang and now you want to take it away from me wtf" etc. The counter argument to that however is the fact that as the server is literally dead at the moment, their rep and gang rep means nothing. Whilst no I don't think just taking it all away from us for nothing is a good idea, I feel like if we are going to attempt a relaunch of JB then starting from scratch is what we need to do. My personal idea for this would be to give people 5 credits for every rep that is taken away from them. Whilst of course that could seem OP, as 60k rep would mean you'd get laser letters, but the rate of it was 1:10 whilst the server was alive, with people often valuing 1k rep at $1. This would mean that people don't feel like they've been left empty handed if rep resets do occur. For the gang side of it, I think that gangs should keep trails unlocked, but not made immediately available. I also think that the gang leaders should be given the rights to the name of their gang if they wish to keep it, or let it be taken by others if they choose to not play the server or if they want to make a different one, so some random guy who comes on for one day doesn't take bald men away, as an example. Another idea for gangs, to make it a bit fairer on the higher tier ones, is to refund maybe 1% of rep that people had donated so when the gang system is wiped some gangs can start going straight away. Whilst I know it is a LOT harder to make a server be populated than me or Supa sitting here throwing out ideas, I feel like even if we are focusing our main population efforts on TTT, we shouldn't just let the other servers we have gain a pile of dust on top of them. Whilst TTT is the main project, we should still be working on the other servers, and showing that we're not giving up, we're just building through a tough time in the division.
    1 point
  11. *Poke DragonSlayer* Not a dragon nor a slayer I guess
    0 points
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