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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/13/19 in all areas

  1. So give your congratulations to... HG | Snowyamur on his promotion to HGDC GFX team leader!
    5 points
  2. Graphics created by JarJarBinks Event Host(s): brgr. When & Where & How Long?: Dates: Every Saturday of March. Times: 5:00 PM (PST) - 6:00 PM (MST) - 7:00 PM (CST) - 8:00 PM (EST) Game Server: March 9th: [HG] Crackhouse Deathmatch ( March 16th: [HG] Crackhouse Deathmatch ( March 23rd: [HG] Dust2 Deathmatch #2 ( March 30th: [HG] Dust2 Deathmatch #2 ( TS3 Server: Be sure to join our TS3 server. (hellsgamers.com) Event Duration: 1-hour long event. How to play: [HG] Crackhouse Deathmatch <--- Join this server on 3/9/2019 & 3/16/2019 There are two teams, CT & T. CT spawn outside near an armored truck and have to bust into the crack house and kill all T's while T's spawn inside the house and have to go outside or stay inside and kill all CT's. [HG] Dust2 Deathmatch #2 <--- Join this server on 3/23/2019 & 3/30/2019 Same as before, its just a different map but CT & T's still have the same objective. Who can play: Everyone! Prizes: $10 prize. Rules: You must be in TeamSpeak, the required channel, and in-game to be counted for the event & raffle. All HG rules apply. Additional Info: A raffle will be done for those in the required channel in TS and in-game (in the Dust2 server) Join the channels made for these servers on TS, we will be grouping in there when the event day comes! It's required you join these channels in order to be counted for the event & raffle. Crackhouse Deathmatch channel is named Crackhouse Dust2 Deathmatch channel is named Deathmatch Please remember that we'll be playing the same server for two days then we'll change to a different server for two days.
    1 point
  3. I like it. Can't wait to buy some halo games!!
    1 point
  4. Congrats buddy! I am looking forward to having you make us some more GFX
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Congrats on GFX Team Lead! You're gonna do great.
    0 points
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