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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/20 in all areas

  1. Was messing around in GTA V and accidentally made an HG themed Bugatti. Enjoy.
    3 points
    2 points
  3. HeLLsGamers Sandbox We are very proud to announce we are adding a new server to the Garry's Mod Divison! The server will be up 7/13/2020 at 5pm CST. COME CHECK IT OUT! IP :
    2 points
  4. With all due respect, I think you're underestimating how hard it is to repopulate the server. You may have been DL at its prime, but I was there most of the times we tried to repopulate the server. You see another side to server population when there's no foundation of players who don't feel obligated to play. At one point, I was on the ground inviting 30+ people a day to the server for like 3 weeks, but after a while, people started to lose hope.  How would you approach it differently?
    2 points
  5. Hello it is accsick here. I am wanting to get unbanned to play on the jailbreak server like good ol' times. its been a long time and I am not that person anymore, I am past that phase anyways I just want to play jb with my good old friends. Sorry for everything that I have caused https://hellsgamers.com/hgbans.php?i=154748-accsick
    2 points
  6. Figured I'd post some of the commands and stuff I use daily in Jailbreak in case it helps someone. COMMANDS bind h "sm_flashlight" This toggles your flashlight, I use this everyday as a CT to spot out invis Ts. bind mouse3 "+jetpack" Underutilized tool that is available to Leads. Gives you the ability to fly momentarily to skip having to use ladders and to run away from rushing Ts. bind j "voice_scale 1"; bind l "voice_scale 0" I toggle voice on and off using these commands to mute lead if I'm rebelling or just to block music I don't like. bind u "say /lead"; bind n "say /pd" Pretty basic commands but saves a LOT of typing if you play enough. Also you need a lead command to save days after lead dies. bind ' "toggle cl_radar_scale .25 1" I default to having my radar zoomed out to the entire map so I can see red dots of locations of enemies from anywhere. When I have radar hacks I zoom in to get a more precise location of the rebels. bind 6 "say /buy" Having a buy command is also necessary so you can get out of echair fast as well as purchase cell openers at the very start. I use a number so that my fingers are already close to the numbers for menu choices. TIPS Invis people are still visible on radar. If you scan the cells after the T's are out of them and see a red dot you can't explain it's probably that. Armory vents breaking is audible from almost the entire map, and if you hear running in water they are in armory vents. Easiest way to keep a T from ruining a day in armory. When T's rebel to pool they only have really two options, scout or upper VIP. You can tell which they went to via the location of the sounds of the vents breaking. On Hide and seek days use +duck in console to keep you crouched so you don't have to hold a key for 5 minutes. -duck in console will revert this. These are just a few of the things I could think of off the top of my head, I'll likely edit this if I think of more. I'd be really curious to see if anyone else has JB specific commands or general tips that I don't know about.
    1 point
  7. Killing Floor 2 is free on epic games: https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/product/killing-floor-2/home
    1 point
  8. The purpose of this essay is to inform the reader of why I, Pongo, enjoy watching hehe xd funny cat memes. So, ladies and gentlemen, put on your seatbelts because this is going to be a bumpy ride. It all started back in primary school when I was getting bullied by the new Romanian kid, Gustav. He would constantly and relentless ridicule me, saying that my clout level was too low and that I didn’t get bare big booty bitches. Now, at this particular point in my life, it was factually accurate that I did not get bare big booty bitches. This time was to come later in my life. With the never ending bullying from Gustav, I needed to find something that would cheer me up after a long day of bullying. After hours of searching on YouTube for some content to just bring a smile upon my face, even if just for a meme second, that’s when I came across it. I came across my first hehe xd funny cat meme. I was instantly hooked. I wanted more. I sat there for hours on end watching compilation upon compilation of hehe xd funny cat memes. It made me forget about the pain and anguish that Gustav had made me feel that day. People always say that you can never have too much of a good thing. I disagree. My passion for hehe xd funny cat memes verged on unhealthy. I couldn’t harness any of my energy and focus that energy on worthwhile means. I could only think about when I could next watch my hehe xd funny cat meme. Every minute without them became a painful struggle. It was at this point I wish I’d never seen my first hehe xd funny cat meme as the pain that Gustav had me feel before being exposed to these monstrosities was a walk in the park compared the pain I was feeling then. When my parents found me furiously masturbating to one particular hehe xd funny cat meme, this is where they had seen enough. They removed all access I had to any computers, phones, or anything with internet access. My lowest point came when I was trying to get one more hit of hehe xd funny cat meme via the Samsung Smart Fridge. But then I found my answer. The one thing that could help me forget not only the pain and anguish that Gustav made me feel on a day to day basis. But also forget about my addiction to hehe xd funny cat memes, and do so in a healthy way. Some will say that the method I found is unconventional, but I think regularly taking MDMA as an 8 year old really helped distract my young and easily impressionable mind away from the negative forces surrounding me and enabled me to really focus and what I should be as an 8 year old, just having fun. So that’s my story about hehe xd funny cat memes.
    1 point
  9. Congratz don't get this revoked as well
    1 point
  10. Abuse Report Abuser Name Burnt Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID https://steamcommunity.com/id/Iambunt/ Where did this occur? CS:GO What server? Jailbreak How long ago did this take place? 3 minutes ago Give us a brief description of the incident. Out of four terrorists that I killed for rebelling, I accidentally shot into stack once and collateral killed a player. All in all, one player was freekilled, two were shot whilst shooting guns, and the other rushed a CT. I have since been permanently CT banned by Burnt for the single freekill. I tried to resolve this in server but he was not interested, despite him clearly having no evidence and being utterly false. Proof Links? The burden is on him to prove against me, he claims to have uploaded a video. If all else fails, there should be an un CT ban because there was only 1 freekill that took place. The burden lies on the one who took action, you cannot expect me to record 24/7. If he wants to permanently ban someone for one freekill, he better have some damning evidence.
    1 point
  11. If you want to relax a bit and reply and appeal this T-list you may do so here https://hellsgamers.com/hgbans.php?i=236286-aerovale. I see no abuse here what so ever. Not Abuse.
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. Does anyone smell Crentist?
    1 point
  14. Follow and Turn On Notifications located at the top right of this thread to receive updates when JB Perks Information is released!
    1 point
  15. Well I wanna lose 100 so wanna trade?
    1 point
  16. RIP Grant Imahara, he was a solid part of my childhood on Myth busters.
    0 points
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