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  1. Jeri :)

    Jeri :)

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  2. Sit.


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  3. The Governor

    The Governor

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/21 in all areas

  1. lmao you thought Congratulations to our newest CSGO Staff! Panda Jankins & IronClawZ Go spam their profiles!
    8 points
  2. I miss you all! You'll never stop being family to me. I aim to help our community in forms of suggestions, attending our executive meetings and bring a shining light back to our community in favor of every Friend, Recruit, Member, Veteran and Leadership. I've been tragically absent from our community but have strived to remain in the loop with our administrative team. I'm looking forward to attending future meetings with our wonderful team and speak to our community directly to gauge the necessitating factor that we can grow in more ways than one. I'm very much looking forward to working side by side the community once again and hope to see you all in the servers soon! With all my love, The Governor
    7 points
  3. Howdy y'all I think this is probably the 100th time I have come back to HG since leaving with a group of friends a few years ago to start our own community. Perhaps deep down I have always had some care for this community that I had poured countless hours into improving, even when I felt like I just had enough and left to start anew. Between then and now it had been on and off, the fact that CS was the only game I really played that HG had to offer combined with the limbo state the division was in for a while before relaunching Jailbreak, just never gave me a reason to stick around. Back in 2019 HG launched a Minecraft server, that drew some interest from me and I ended up becoming a staff member and developer for the server. However honestly the work required to be done on the server became too much for only two devs to handle in reasonable time (me and Fortis) and the server ended up dying fairly quickly. I never left HG but I most certainly took a hiatus. Once I saw Jailbreak was relaunched, I would occasionally hop on the server and play for an hour or so, with different aliases as to maintain some anonymity. I just didn't feel like getting spammed with hi supas, though a few people recognized me. FFW to the relaunch of minigames, and here I am back again. I needed to take a step back and look at why I kept coming back to HG, what kept drawing me in. Was it nostalgia? Old friends? Truth is, it was the community. HG has been through some tough times, but the community always seems to end up pulling itself out of the grave. And though I may not have agreed with EVERY decision made in HGs history, those who join leadership have always brought and implemented great ideas to further the growth of their divisions. Perhaps there in something satisfying in seeing something to continue to grow that you had a part in. I think I could be around for a lot longer this time, we will see. ♫ Guess whos back, back again ♫ ♫ Supa's back, tell a friend ♫ ♫ Guess whos back, Guess whos back, Guess whos back, ♫ ♫ Guess whos back, Guess whos back, Guess whos back, ♫ ♫ Guess whos back ♫
    5 points
  4. 3 points
  5. I don't know if this is the right way to do this,, but I thought I'd start a suggestion thread for the new minigames server. -the duckhunt map needs to have like 1 CT - 4 T ratio. This is definitely negotiable, but it feels about right to me. Currently it lets the teams be 1:1 and it causes headaches and arguments about who should get off CT. - duckhunt seems to have become known to be a points farm for the gameme plug in. The map is a lot of fun, but no one wants to play considering that they lose a ton of points. If we could disable the plug in on duckhunt exclusively I think it would benefit the server. -it's also been brought to my attention that a great idea for duck hunt would be to auto rotate people from each team each round. - I personally think that many of the maps with the boosts and such should have auto b hop turned on and possibly fall damage off depending on the map. It may be a harder to shoot people, but I think it will attract more people than not having it. - There has been talk of minigames specific rules. I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid and I am struggling to find any rules specific to minigames listed anywhere on the forums or the server. If we're going to enforce minigames server/ map specific rules I feel like they should be published somewhere. I may add more as we go, but I thought I'd start with these. I'll keep playing on it and see how it goes. If anyone else has reasonable, I repeat reasonable, suggestions feel free to add them here.
    1 point
  6. Depending on the length, width, and color of your nipples... welcome back
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. ahh i guess u are my little pog champ
    1 point
  9. mfker to staff in 2 days, wild shit. grats janky
    1 point
  10. Just one of the many! Officially a husband.
    1 point
  11. Welcome to the community Doughnut! Are we allowed to eat you?
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Welcome to the HeLLsGamers Community!!! Gratz on !!!!
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. This is the New One that came out like 2 years ago. Had a terrible launch but has become a fantastic game since they finally listened to the community!
    1 point
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