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    I enjoy Zombie Survival

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  1. It’s been a a LONG while since I updated, but to all my old HG peeps, hope everything is going well! Currently laying in a hospital recovering from jaw surgery, so life is a glorious time atm.

    1. EngineTrap


      oof rip. hope you're alright!

    2. Northground


      Get better soon and come play some zs after that

    3. Helix


      Welcome back. we've missed ya!

  2. With all due respect North, there have been PLENTY of suggestions for removal, additions, and updates since the last map update. I know Ryze knows the system best and it’s not his responsibility anymore, but at some point we need someone to do it.
  3. Please make this fix as urgent as possible, as its a huge issue that is incredibly exploitable for the zombies. Zombies basically stick humans in place and you can't escape. Going outside is suicide as a single headcrab can glitch you in place and peck away your health with 0 issue.
  4. ZE is probably fape scape because back in the day we used to make mad profit on double points. People knew the profit potential so one time we managed to play the map for almost 2 hours straight with several of us making 2k+ easy. Objective is really tough because I like a lot of objectives. Event Horizon is probably my fav map because you can make mad profit, it’s really hard, and my name is on it in the starting room! Enervation is a low key favorite because it’s actually hard as balls these days, the winrate is inflated from the past. The mineshaft part got changed to make it really hard, I haven’t seen a human team get past the part with the lift since it got readded.
  5. Oof. Good luck Forrest hopefully we can get it resolved.
  6. For such a massive server crash I demand nothing less than 24 hours straight of Rampage on quintuple points. Failure to meet this requirement will result in a curse of an ungaggable hypemaster who will speak of nothing else but his yeezys collection.

    1. Destroy


      porter it would be worse if we all lost our points lol

  7. Best player currently is ceiling, dude just tears up and I don’t understand how he goes off to the level he does almost every game. Weather you love him or hate him(and many people hate him), it’s undeniable how much a game can change with him being online. Close ones are moo, QuiQue, and Fume. I’d still say the goat is Matt Marche. In a different era of zs he innovated the game with some of his cades, brought pointwhoring to new limits(he got caught using alts to get double worth, that’s next level hardcore), and broke down Vertigo/objectives in general to a science. Just go read his old posts/perma ban report, he broke the game down piece by piece. When Matt was on, you knew you everything was gonna be ok. Absolute legend. Current best cader is tricky. I’d go with Banshee when he wants to cade, but really we have a lot of pretty good caders playing right now. As of the past month I find myself, corgi, and techmo doing a lot of the cading. Goat cader is easy. Dylan, as toxic as he could be, was an absolute game changer with a hammer. He taught me basically everything I know with cading. The balance between too simple and too complex, the importance of every props placement as to be able to fit forcefields and repair props towards the front, weighing the benefit of an extra layer of props versus the cost of losing shooting positions, maximizing the distance the zombies have to reach to hit the props, and many other small details. Most importantly are the community players, the ones you get on to have fun with. Goat is probably Kendall. He makes everything more fun when he’s on and brings people back to the server. Da Cow, Soldier, Hector, Dha, Firewall, thorium, tryna, Eduardo, meme tech, hype master(in a hating but likeable way, Lumpy, Tof, bwaap, arepa, and Brendan Tan all jump to mind right now.
  8. Had my biggest goof ever on zs today. Playing Event Horizon on the compactor part I grabbed a box super fast to the column in the middle to start climbing. It had been 8+ months since I last played it so I kinda forgot where the drop hole is at. Next thing you know I killed half the team by nailing the box right on the spot where you’re supposed to land in the water from the vent above. WHOOPS.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Destroy


      I shouldve banned you but i was feeling nice. We couldve won horizon but ufucked over so many pdople

    3. ValueSensei


      Was a mistake. Be more careful next time but otherwise don't feel bad. Nearly everyone that plays ZS has at one time or another caused a large amount of the team to die by accident. :P

    4. ValueSensei


      Well I mean mistakes happen. One time I unnailed my shelf by accident and 60 players died lol :P

  9. That's stupid. Maybe you should learn where the batteries are or buy them from the supply
  10. I've heard requests for it many times. The rage induced by someone stealing your prop to craft is enormous.
  11. With batteries being super hot commodities as people are figuring out the crafting potential, it is so annoying when someone is following you around knowing what you're about to do, staring down your battery to grab it. Can we make it possible to where if its your nail in the prop to craft with, you can craft it with the nail? It would be so much better.
  12. I like the supply crate ideas, but I think it’s important to keep in mind that for everything you add, that’s just more stuff to lose points over every game. Before implementing new stuff, I think there should be ways to earn points with each of them(nailbot should give you repair points, prop transponder should give you points for props bought, etc.)
  13. They grow up so fast . Congrats Ryze well deserved!
  14. If you and North want to establish yourself as the superior dLs, I think the only reasonable event to add is Max Threat event where each kill nets ya +250 and stacks with double points. Make it happen Ryze and North xD. For real though, ATB hero events were WAY too generous. The worst one I was involved in was during double points on infected square. Made 14k and THEN we replayed and made another 16k. xD