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Life liberty

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About Life liberty

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  1. Fume never shuts up about rick and morty in Team Speak. It's constant "You just don't get the subtle humor in rick and morty." "RIck is so tortured. I can relate to him." "What's wrong with incest?"
  2. This is how Robot Chicken deals with furries:

  3. Here's the formula. It's basically the same thing that you all learned in high school to model population, but in our case it can be used to build a system that'll scale the zombies resistance based on the ratio of humans to zombies. multiple = (MaxMultiplication) * (1 - (1/(1+e^(x-positiveOffset))) + multipleOffset Here's a graphical example: https://gyazo.com/97...5619f987d2557a0 I made this example a bit OP for the sake to show how easy it is to balance it. In this example, when the Human/zombie ratio is 1/1, the zombies resistance is nearly cut in half. Not good. Simply adjust the numbers in a graphic calculator like Desmos, and you can find a more balanced example: https://gyazo.com/f5...1cde851521f55ae In this example, when the ratio of humans/zombies is 1/1, the multiple is 1. The game is acting as it normally would. When the ratio is 4 humans to 1 zombie, the zombies get a 1.5x buff to their resistance. When the ratio is 0.5 (Or about 2 zombies to 1 human) the zombies have 82.5% of their normal resistance, the lowest possible point is 64.2% of the zombies original resistance, but this is when the ratio is is 1/90. (1 human to 90 zombies ). 1.5\left(1-\frac{1}{\left(1+e^{\left(\frac{1}{90}-0.3\right)}\right)}\right)+0 Copy and paste this into Desmos and try it yourself.
  4. If you have rust you should install it and play this next Thursday when the HG rust server is reset.

  5. If you let go of the prop and shoot it with the super gravity gun. it can dmg nailed props. Plz fix.
  6. The only reason we win those maps is because we have access to Teir 6.
  7. To easy to troll Far to easy to troll him Troll Troll Troll Troll Troll
  8. Nasty asses. Putting water in your tomato soup. Water goes in Chicken Soup. You might as well piss in your soup...
  9. Cool Now, make a red explosive variant. Imagine a donkey kong map with these being pushed down by zombies toward humans.
  10. 1. ze_frostdrake_tower_v1s The map is cool, but it's almost impossible to win. Way too long. 2. zs_hg_space_street_67_h3 Only one building. 3. zs_abandoned_mall_v65. One abandoned mall or the other. I like the dark one better. 4. zs_abandoned_mall_c1 No reason to have two of the same map with only slight changes between the two. 5. zs_fissure Only a couple of good spots to cade. It's a great map, but needs a little more work for humans benefit. 6. Can't remember which Zombie Escape map it is. Which ever one that requires you to collect staffs to fight a boss that kills everybody instantly. That map is cancer.
  11. Car got stolen, 8 hours later it was found and returned. Almost out of gas and I'm pretty sure the clutch is about to go out.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Life liberty

      Life liberty

      Yeah, at least it's back.


    3. brgr.
    4. Eton145


      If thief was caught then they should've been charged for gas consumption, any damages, etc. If not then I guess talk to police about what happens when they do catch him

  12. @ForrestMarkX Great idea: function ENT:Draw() if ( LocalPlayer():SteamID() != "What ever Ceiling Fan's Id is" ) then self:DrawModel() end end No more visible bonus crates for Ceiling Fan.
  13. A comprehensive guide. Very amazing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFPu0R6kqc0&feature=youtu.be