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  1. I have doing that multiple times, this is my advice 1.Sleep more 2 days before the event (you can do exercice or other stuff to do that) 2.Don't drink coffee or any sugar base beverage for the week before this, the day of the event you can drink anything and get improvement in resistance 3.Take breaks yeah ,you need take breaks to be in the better form to play, try the 5 minutes between change maps and the end of round 1. 4.Eat enough, its important to be alert 5. This is the most important, put a sticky note front of you to remember what are you doing (yeah sounds crazy but can save you in the last hours) 6.Check your posture, if you play for that long, your back will hurt... Heal advice be awake more than 30 hours can be dangerous so be careful with this, first don't drink a lot of shit like coffe (can affect your heartrate), second don't be sitting for the 24 hours; the blood in your legs can accumulate and provoque a stroke or a heartattack (its not a joke). Third be aware of your state, if you feel dizzy or with headache probably its time to stop. Take care and enjoy the event.. sorry if i have errors in the text
  2. Neuro fiber armor is useless if you use melee bererker go for heal.
  3. Today i opened a ultimate draft chest to my surprise after choosing all the cards he was going to improve them when i realized that i did not receive anything form the chest.
  4. Great player, adult and fun to play with.

  5. i agree with the majority but in Majester submachinegun no. majester is one of the best weaponds t4 is ridicolous the amount of profit you can get with it. Normally when i use it between 800 to 1000 profit points. you can't compare Hailstorm with this beautiful weapon.
  6. bullseye,eraser,bulletorm,silencer,tiny,strom rifle,swift,remi ACW. All of them are garbage is so hard get profit or kill zombies with all
  7. is stupid as a glock tier 1 level 8 is better than all tier 2 weapons and some tier 3
  8. i know more bugs in this game that you. if i reported all how this you would go crazy
  9. i added you but you dont accept me for report that
  10. yep is so op and easy to use. remove is the best idea nerf is a garbage idea
  11. weps have a meta and hunter rifle is good but is not meta, how to the easer tactical pistol
  12. m14 is overprice and retolad so slow, alyx pistol is a crap, laser smg is so bugged ,laser boomstick overprice and is so bugged for this normal boomstick is so better, beretta is op but need good aim, and hunter rifle is a shit now.
  13. Nightshade you do not even play zombie, I can say that the photon does not occupy stock because only 5 players know how to use it in the server , play too much of zombie and never the photon wins a match
  14. Turrets are the most disgusting weapon that exists for only 50 points you have a grim reaper in round one 1000 bullets besides that does not occupy recharge gives you points x2 and crosses props that occupy more? You can easily make 200 kills on a map using only the turret Skay: turrets are not op