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Imperial Knight

Friend of HG HGCE Staff (Graphic Designer) | CS:S Moderator
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Imperial Knight last won the day on February 20 2021

Imperial Knight had the most liked content!

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    United States

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  • SteamID 3
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Imperial Knight's Achievements

Omniscient Member

Omniscient Member (10/10)



  1. Bro what you still doing here

  2. Congrats on [D] again! You were a solid director when you ran gaming. I'm sure we'll see that again with DC 🙂

  3. Congrats on [C] brgr.!

  4. Hey you outrank me lol

    1. Vesta


      thats weird to see

    2. Imperial Knight

      Imperial Knight

      You'll be greatly missed Misc! Hopefully everyone will still see you around at some times. Best co-DL I ever worked with!

    3. TestingM


      Thanks. I'll be around but won't be contributing to stuff.

  5. Congrats RedZone! Welcome to the team
  6. I'm glad to hear that the overall player experience has been better! I decided to return to CS:S when I heard about these issues and it's great to hear that's been helpful. The CS:S team has been working hard to help improve the server environment. Kudos to Lucas, the CS:S staff, Kikko, and everyone else who has helped. Haha yeah—if only more players knew about the !report functionality, its super helpful in notifying us when a cheater is on and ruining the player experience of the server. Thanks for actively reporting and watching out for that
  7. Welcome to HG! Glad to see you decided to join!

  8. Gratz on Mod!!! Happy to have you back full on!!!


    1. Imperial Knight

      Imperial Knight

      Thanks man! Glad to be here :)

  9. Congrats on MOD :)

    1. Imperial Knight

      Imperial Knight

      Thanks Blindy!!

  10. So happy to have you back home where you should be in CS:S Division! :css:

    1. Imperial Knight

      Imperial Knight

      Thanks bosch!!

  11. Maybe the TF2 soldier is historically based: WW2 German demand for American surrender: Official American Response: rofl, the Nazis got wrecked Anyway - this event looks like it will be fun (in a chaotic way)!
  12. Very glad to see this. I remember back when you were originally GMOD dL, you did an amazing job!