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eXfro last won the day on February 9 2018

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  1. Map Name: Get to the Choppa Current version on the server: zs_Get_to_the_Choppa New version: zs_Get_to_the_Choppa_v1 Link to map download or thread containing the download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l94vb46mozsyz40/zs_Get_to_the_Choppa_v1.bsp?dl=0 Reason for update (if applicable): Fixed Area Portal brushes and omega shade (hopefully)
  2. zs_Pier_o_Fear https://www.dropbox.com/s/0njhuip3mxvkpr1/zs_Pier_o_Fear.bsp?dl=0 -Carnival themed map -Secret/unlockable cading areas and weapons -Games!
  3. zs_observatory_v1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/bx7whxfx542gpob/zs_observatory_v1.bsp?dl=0 Night time map, unlockable teleporter to moon base, working observatory doors, optimized
  4. Map Name: Salt Mine Current version on the server: zs_Salt_mine New version: zs_Salt_mine_v1 Link to map download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/j6qw1v4xrk2h02c/zs_salt_mine_v1.bsp?dl=0 Reason for update: Fixed Teleporter in zombie spawn, No more throwing props down mine shaft
  5. Map Name: Get to the Choppa Current version on the server: zs_Get_to_the_choppa New version: zs_Get_to_the_choppa_v1 Link to map download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/bec3f3chsi4ehr7/zs_Get_to_the_Choppa_v1.bsp?dl=0 Reason for update: Optimization, Removed Omega Shade, Small texture changes
  6. Just looking for a little guidance here. I want to disable only one certain boss for the entirety of a game. Trying to do this through hammer for ZS. Thanks for any help!
  7. Cant say im a huge fan of the over time either. Is the whole point of it just to discourage solo cading? I thought the supply crates were added to incentivize the players to cade in different places? Now it seems they are there to force you to cade only specific spots.
  8. I noticed Christmas stuff is being added to the server. Reminded me of an event idea I had a while back. Something I think would be somewhat simple? Either a Battle Royal or Team BR event in which the only weapons available would be stones all over the map. I imagine it on snowy levels and it would be a giant snowball fight!
  9. So I was playing zs_evacuated_town_v2 and was killed wave one by a Butcher that was completely invisible other than the knife. I noticed once the butcher was killed he respawned as a normal zombie but was no longer invisible. I asked the player had picked up any crates and they said none at all. I think there must be some sort of bug. The next wave the same player went butcher again and was not invisible so I'm not sure what up. I was playing a map earlier as well where Bansheeshrek had a cade that was taken out by an invisible butcher as well. I believe he assumed it was invis from a crate but think that might not be the case. My only thought is perhaps its something to do with the spawn protection.
  10. looks nice and clean, I dig it. Ty good sir
  11. I will fool around with it and see what happens
  12. soooo if you remove spec i will just disconnect when i get picked on ze? doesn't really fix anything
  13. Thanks for the tips and feedback! Hopefully I have it all worked out now. Editing the link on the main post to the updated version.
  14. even got the sound bite from the movie in the map! Took about a month to do most of the work then another month of tweaking and troubleshooting