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    25.00 USD 

Ryze last won the day on May 1 2020

Ryze had the most liked content!

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  • SteamID 3
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Omniscient Member

Omniscient Member (10/10)



  1. Benz

    Happy Happy Bday Friend

  2. KB

    Have a fantastic birthday!

  3. The man the myth... Happy Birthday bro

  4. Ryze

    Promoted to Trial ZS Moderator

    Eligible for full ZS Moderator upon review 1 month from today

    1. Ryze


      Forgot to say lmao, congrats!

  5. Wolf

    grats on dL

  6. In light of recent events, I have decided to step back in an active role of Division Leader for the GMOD division. I'd like to welcome (back) McLovin as Division Staff and Train as Moderator back to the team. I recommend you check out the GMOD Management page and familiarize yourself with the new team as there have been several changes recently. I want to remind everyone that we actively seek feedback to improve our servers and that as a team of volunteers, we try our best to follow-up and respond to and/or implement your feedback into the game you enjoy on a daily basis. One of my goals is to ensure communication from players to staff to upper management is not fragmented and that we are transparent on both ends. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to me.
  7. Ryze

    Meltdown on Nuketown!

    hot damn, I made these GFX so long ago!
  8. Great job guys, would definitely participate again
  9. Super Mario Odyssey, Mario Kart 8, Super Mario 3D All-Starts (need this in my collection & is basically 3 campaigns) Super Smash Bros Ultimate & Super Mario Party when hanging with friends
  10. Felicitations! (sans les accents :P)
  11. Best of luck to all :)


  12. Ryze

    Survival of The Sweatiest


    I am advisory, i flex my wand and want in just kidding, my girlfriend would most definitely interrupt me, good luck to all
  13. CS:S events are always fun so make sure to attend tonight!