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Friend of HG (2/10)



  1. Our great master

  2. What did the nut say when chasing another nut?







    I will ''cashew''


    ba dum tssss

  3. Why do I always crash every map and how do I fix it? I crash at least twice every map and I'm wondering how you fix it since it is getting extremely annoying and gets me pissed every time I crash Also this is the only server that I crash on every 10 minutes.
  4. So i was playing some ZE about 3 days ago and then when I redeemed I somehow had 4000 hp as human? https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/951840890893957005/64FDF5F94679E2521AABF37032D70DE7B414092E/
  5. Nice now we get kicked whenever we use med zombie now