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Hg Leadership Council - Nominations & New Positions!

Homer By Homer, in HG News, , 33 comments, 3709 views




Good Morning Everyone, Today's the day :devil:


As some of you may have noticed on the HG Calendar.

  1. HG Leadership Council - Nominations Open TODAY, August 1st, 2016!
  2. HG Leadership Council - Candidates Announced / Elections Begin in TWO weeks, August 15th, 2016
  3. HG Leadership Council - Winners Announced in THREE weeks, August 22nd, 2016

Read all details below before posting or applying (which the instructions are at the bottom).





First, I would like to thank the HG '16 Furture & Direction Board that came together week after week to plan a better HG and address current issues across the community.

Thank you guys (and those of you not listed that came to some of the meetings):

Note: F&D Board Members are grandfathered priority into their respective new HG Leadership Committee if they choose.





To catch up on what this is for those of you who are new to HG, check out Phase 1 (lower management restructure) and Phase 2 (final, upper management restructure) shown below:


Hey everyone, I hope to clear up some more questions and attach a visual of the idea I have so far for the new structure.




As you can see there is a great deal of expansion to Council and new Committee additions. These are all areas of great importance that I plan to guide us to.


Phase 2 of getting HG back on track and addressing multiple issues among leadership involves the restructure and expansion of upper-management, that means Council and Community Directors.

All divisional operations and structure of Division Leaders and lower will not really be effected as we undergo the transition of Phase 2. Last year, Phase 1, was when we addressed the issues in lower-management, which has worked out pretty well. Our focus now is on the upper-management structure, which has been a great bottleneck to our operations and impairing lower-management's potential. I myself have been needing help at the operations level, and by expanding and aligning a new 'Council', we will be able to grow HG this year in the right direction.


I have had several leadership ask to be able to help contribute to the creation of an HG Handbook, and the new positions that will expand Council. I would like to open the document for Suggestions. In doing so, I have allowed all leadership to be able to make suggestions to the document, which requires logging in to the document with their HG Email to make live suggestions, which will be approved upon review from myself and upper-management. We will also start developing Committee specific documents, which is where all the processes, roles, and rights for positions will be documented.


Some have asked me where current Council and Community Directors will go with this transitions. Before the announcement of these plans, Council met often to develop many solutions to upper-management problems and as well agreed that Council will be grandfathered into a new invitation only Advisory Board, with the option to be grandfathered into one of the new active Council positions if they are able to fulfill its new requirements (that we are developing). The same is happening for Community Directors, we are discussing with each person individually to place them into the best position. There is a lot more for me to explain and finish writing up in the document regarding what the Advisory Board is and will assist doing, this is where many long-standing no longer active leadership veterans will reside.





'Council's Board' now consists of any Director or higher position either elected or appointed.

'Executive Council's Board' is kept small and nimble to facilitate easier scheduling for meetings.


Yellow = New Director positions.

Green = New Director positions available. **Subject to change at any moment as former CD/C are grandfathered priority placement case-by-case.**

  • Executive Council's Board
    • Community Leader: @Homer
    • Chief of Staff: Congratulations to @Sirius on the promotion to 2nd in command! Go Spam his Profile :P
    • Executive Secretary: Promotion by Election only (apply now)
    • Executive Director of External Affairs: Promotion by Election only (apply now)
    • Executive Director of Internal Affairs: Congratulations to @Kigen on the promotion to Executive Director! Go Spam his Profile :D

    [*]Council's Board

    • Director of Gaming Divisions: Promotion by Election only (apply now)
    • Director of Partnerships: Promotion by Election only (apply now)
    • Director of Community Engagement: Promotion by Election only (apply now)
    • Director of Development (HGDC): Promotion by Election only (apply now)


Yellow = New leadership expansion.

    • ** New divisions to come **








  • There will be no campaigning allowed.
  • Nominees will be contacted by Private Message regarding their Candidacy.
  • Candidates will be announced in TWO weeks, August 15th, 2016.


  • There will be no campaigning allowed.
  • Only internal leadership, Division Staff :staff: and higher ranks are eligible to vote.
  • Elected candidates are promoted by leadership-wide majority vote.



Requirements to run for one (or more) of the new HG Leadership Council Elected positions:

  • Must be 18+ years of age.
  • One year commitment. Option to re-run the following year.
  • Must be an HG Member :member: or higher rank for a minimum or 6 months since your HG Member Promotion thread acceptance date.
  • Clean record (no bans, no “derogatory†marks, no “confirmed†abuse reports)
  • Note: Division Staff :staff: can run for a new Director Position in addition to remaining as a DS of a Game Division.
  • Note: Division Leaders :leader: can run for a new Director Position, BUT will be required to step down to Divisional Staff :staff: within their Game Division.

Requirements to apply to become a 'Staff Member' for one (or more) of the new HG Leadership Committees:

  • Must be an HG Member :member: or higher rank for a minimum or 3 months since your HG Member Promotion thread acceptance date.
  • Clean record (no bans, no “derogatory†marks, no “confirmed†abuse reports)
  • Note: Division Staff :staff: can apply to be in a MAX of two HG Council Committees in addition to remaining as a DS of a Game Division.
  • Note: Division Leaders :leader: can apply to be in a MAX of two HG Council Committees in addition to remaining as a DL of a Game Division.


  1. Meeting #1 - HG Future & Direction Board Notes
  2. Leadership Operations


  1. Development Community








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Only internal leadership, Division Staff and higher ranks are eligible to vote.


Not exactly happy about this part. At least some positions should be voted on by the community, such as Director of Community Engagement. You should at least trust that position to the community to decide on. It is a position that screams "I am the face of the community and I am going to be working for you guys." Right now all a nominee needs to do is just pander to leadership without ever needing to know most of the community itself.

Edited by Adam Cole
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We got a lot of nominations and applications on Day 1!


We might shorten the nomination period to 1 week instead of 2 weeks, so make sure to apply by Monday if you are interested.


A Reminder:

  • To run for a Director position, you must be an HG Member :member: or higher rank for a minimum of 6 months. Apply Here
  • To apply to become a HG Council Committee Member, you must be an HG Member :member: or higher rank for a minimum of 3 months. Apply Here


Join HG Leadership, have fun and help grow the community!

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Lemon has been here for too long and has not gotten the respect he deserves, he needs this not only for us to show our upmost respect, but also to help make HG great again!

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Not exactly happy about this part. At least some positions should be voted on by the community, such as Director of Community Engagement. You should at least trust that position to the community to decide on. It is a position that screams "I am the face of the community and I am going to be working for you guys." Right now all a nominee needs to do is just pander to leadership without ever needing to know most of the community itself.

At the same time, do you really want to have these fucking trolls vote somebody like (insert some troll) as director of community engagement?

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We got a lot of nominations and applications on Day 1!


We might shorten the nomination period to 1 week instead of 2 weeks, so make sure to apply by Monday if you are interested.


A Reminder:

  • To run for a Director position, you must be an HG Member :member: or higher rank for a minimum of 6 months. Apply Here
  • To apply to become a HG Council Committee Member, you must be an HG Member :member: or higher rank for a minimum of 3 months. Apply Here


Join HG Leadership, have fun and help grow the community!


Yeah this is gonna be interesting...

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At the same time, do you really want to have these fucking trolls vote somebody like (insert some troll) as director of community engagement?


I'm not going to deny there will be troll votes. But usually trolls stay in their groups. Let's say we have 10 troll votes for Bryan. That's just 10 votes, and most of the community may not even know who this "Bryan" guy is or have a reason to vote for him based on that fact. Where as let's say Archie is running most people know who Archer is, and may have had a good experience when they dealt with him. So they would vote for Archier (Or someone else).



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I'm not going to deny there will be troll votes. But usually trolls stay in their groups. Let's say we have 10 troll votes for Bryan. That's just 10 votes, and most of the community may not even know who this "Bryan" guy is or have a reason to vote for him based on that fact. Where as let's say Archie is running most people know who Archer is, and may have had a good experience when they dealt with him. So they would vote for Archier (Or someone else).



Then it turns to a popularity contest, kind of like how voting for the president works. If we opened the votes to the community, I know for a fact that people will go around and pressure people into voting for X person instead of Y person and although we staff can do our best to limit that, why go through all that trouble in the first place.

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