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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/15/19 in all areas

  1. Activation usually takes 24 hours but I will activate it now for you. Thank you for supporting HG!
    3 points
  2. Fred's Cover Songs I wanted to make a thread I can keep updated with my covers and bump whenever there is a new one. Your feedback and constructive criticism is both wanted and respected. Thanks for listening.
    1 point
  3. Ever since Doomcrab got nerfed a while back, I haven't seen anyone use it except from bonus crate spawns. To see why, all you have to do is use his attack. I'm certain it does less damage than a chem zombie, which is absolutely pathetic. Why would I go Doomcrab against a cade when Nightmare or Tickle Monster can do much more barricade damage given the same period of time? What I would suggest is a buff to its damage to barricades to match a chem, at the expense of a longer delay between each leap, maybe 50% longer? This way, hit and run tactics make this boss a valid tool against doorcades and other multi-prop entrances. Human damage should remain as-is, because the alt-attack to debuff humans is already good enough to reduce the human team's killing potential.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Doomcrab was weak ever since the nerf. A lot of players, including myself, wanted this nerf, specific to its damage output, because this boss kept devastating human team and barricade compositions to the point that there wasn't any point in trying to build a cade because we would be killed from the inside-out by this boss. Additionally, this boss had insane AoE damage potential that made it overpowered because it was capable of killing multiple humans in quick succession. Personally, it deserved the nerf. As a human, I was tired of building a well-established barricade, only to have it fall apart because people from the inside would die, many of them at once, even when they weren't hugging the cade. However, instead of boosting its damage, why not add an extra debuff to this boss' attack that would be inaccessible otherwise?
    1 point
  6. Thank you all very much. I am looking forward to working more with all of you and helping our community out more!
    1 point
  7. @EddieCam @Admiral MacK On LOA.
    1 point
  8. Wow #knifesquad is really moving up in HG huh? Congrats bro, well deserved I'm sure you'll do great. Also wow my valentine is a DL
    1 point
  9. yo its Charlie can I be unbanned on TS I just wanna chill with the homies im sorry for my autistic outburst ily all
    0 points
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