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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/19 in all areas

  1. Abuse Report Abuser Name Silly Abuser's Steam ID/Unique ID STEAM_0:1:112626875 Where did this occur? CS:GO What server? TTT How long ago did this take place? 30mins ago Give us a brief description of the incident. i was playing ttt normally trying not to cause anything out of nowhere I'm banned by silly for "Ban Evading" when I'm not even banned from servers then someone tells him he needs to reply and he responds with "Nope i don't" Proof Links? his reply to someone telling him to reply to the ban - https://prnt.sc/n9u0mx my ban - https://hellsgamers.com/legacy/hgbans.php?i=234874-twist me being unbanned for recruiting - https://hellsgamers.com/legacy/hgbans.php?i=232738-vg-twist-s
    3 points
  2. Welcome to HeLLsGamers! Welcome to CS:S Division. Let me or any of my staff know if you need any help.
    2 points
  3. So why is it that you came on TS trying to get friend tags by lying under a different alias?
    2 points
  4. Hi, @Vis1on Congratulations, you’ve won the $10 Raffle Prize in our CS:GO TTTuesday event! To claim your prize, please follow these steps: Confirm that you meet all of the entry requirements. Send an email to [email protected] within 5 days to claim your prize. In the email, please confirm that it is OK for us to publish your name on our social channels. This one is totally optional, but if you’re excited about winning, take a selfie and share it with us! If you have any questions, just email me at [email protected] - I’m happy to help Cheers, 
    1 point
  5. I was told that you were banned and not supposed to be in our servers by higher ups & my fellow staff members. Not to mention, your account here which was your main account (before you created several others) is still banned https://hellsgamers.com/legacy/hgbans.php?i=232737-twist. Leaving this for higher ups to deal with. Also not sure why you would post an unban request if you're not banned?
    1 point
  6. I'm not sure what impact having this would make on what we currently have when it comes to permanent upgrades. We have cards for specific weapons that increase the stats for those specific weapons.The stats that improve as a gun card levels up could include: Damage Accuracy Reload speed Clip size Penetration and these stats vary from gun to gun. A firearm like the Ricochet Magnum can get an extra clip size when reaching Level 5, but an assault shotgun like the Ender Automatic Shotgun wouldn't at the same level. Making it so each weapon has its own independent level, card, and upgraded stats is balanced such that a player doesn't become too strong using any firearm, which would be the case if we made the stats listed above universal upgrades. On top of that, establishing specific upgrade improvements for each gun enables choice and freedom to decide what the player wants to focus; it's more fun this way, and for the case of Zombie Survival, it forces point-whores to spend more to get more. Most importantly, keeping upgrades specific and separate across different weapons is logically-plausible. A universal upgrade that increases a gun's accuracy by 5% would be a boon for a weapon like the Grim Reaper Machine Gun, whose spray is ridiculous, but would be completely useless for a weapon like the Gluon, whose accuracy is pinpoint. By making weapon upgrades specific for every weapon, although it takes more work, it's the best approach towards making weapon improvement sensible and fair across the board. This kind of suggestion would just be more work on our developer for little impact and gain, so I don't think this is a route we would want to take, especially since so far, our card system is functional and fairly-balanced about 90% of the time. Fire rate is an attribute that we would want to avoid increasing for balancing reasons. The faster a gun fires, the higher the DPS if all the bullets hit a single target. Zombies need to close in on a human to attack, and one of the main reasons why people, who foolishly run outside to shoot zombies with little practice, die from getting caught is because they can't dish out enough DPS to kill a 300 health target, dealing only 20-30 damage on average per shot. Fire rate is a contributing factor to this issue, but it's fair for the zombies to deal with because that way, they are able to run up and kill humans that decide to run around. If we increase fire rate, humans could kill zombies before they even reach them. Even if most of the shots fired are missed, humans could easily reload their gun and fire fast enough to kill what's left of a zombie. This is one of the benefits of having multiple people firing at once because essentially, the more people shooting results in higher DPS not because there's more damage output, but because there is a higher fire rate from more bullets being shot in a short interval. This concept is what makes heavily-populated barricades difficult to breach. The point I'm trying to make of all this is that fire rate is a stat we stay away from for the reasons above. No offense, but this sounds like a point-whore idea, especially for point-whores who profit by shooting. Bandolier is fine and balanced as it is.
    1 point
  7. Cool, gotta post this again. Molted headcrabs box is still broken and you can get stuck on basically any terrain. I got stuck on grass on smily camp. Rather frustrating that this has not been fixed.
    1 point
  8. Traits are already pretty good as is I don't think we need cards to buff them anymore then they already are
    1 point
  9. If this was Incognito I talked to over TS3 a few days ago... holy s**t that's a huge wall of text. That doesn't mean I didn't read it, though. After reading through what you wrote up in this huge, worthwhile, and valuable post, few thoughts: The Hit Registration To be honest, this has usually been a recurring problem brought up by old players on the server. While most of these players complain about pretty much everything on ZS, their complaints toward our server's hitbox system is fair and worth a look. While I don't usually have an issue with how hit registration works for our server, it's certainly an issue for players who somehow get killed by Tickle Nightmare from miles away. Firstly, Extended Claws has become the staple for being a zombie; being able to hit something farther away is valuable regardless of anything in a videogame. When coupled with a weird hit registration system and someone going the Tickle Monster or Tickle Nightmare, it's understandable to see many players become infuriated over how "broken" it is for these zombies to be able to hit them from behind the cade, or kill them near-instantly behind the cade. But then again, if they were "hugging" the cade like a Kleiner, then it's their fault for dying. Secondly, suggesting a nerf for Extended Claws is probably not the way to go. From my experience being on this server for so long, when something gets nerfed, it becomes so obsolete that it's never used again. This is the common trend with weapons; T2 - T4 weapons have been nerfed left and right from recent patches that have resulted in them never being used again. As for a rework, there are possibilities with that. Rather than reworking the trait, perhaps reworking and/ or adding indicators as to whether someone is in range to strike or not could be a helpful visual aid. We get so many new players on the server that no one knows how far a Tickle Monster can actually hit. Visual aids help with this. Overall, hit registration is a problem on our server, and something that needs to be reworked and reconstructed. Zombie Escape: The Sequel As someone who doesn't like ZE as much as others, at often times, I find it more fun and relieving from playing normal ZS. It's something different, something new, something unique, but most importantly, it remains relevant to what Zombie Survival stands for. As a human, you aren't building barricades, but you're still running from zombies, you're still fighting zombies, and you have guns to kill zombies. This game mode is valuable such that it attracts, garners, and maintains the attention. However, as mentioned by Incognito, there are lingering issues. For one, making it where zombies get knocked back when fired on is ludicrously powerful, but ultimately annoying. From the many times I've played as a zombie on ZE, being knocked back as you're being shot as a zombie is annoying to deal with. It makes the experience of being an powerful, undead creature chasing after humans on a map where running is core boring, and when long-time players on our server die on a ZE map, they know this, so they go AFK or ragequit because they have to deal with this issue. If anything, zombies should only be slowed when shot upon, not knocked back. To compensate for the lack of knockback, the more damage a zombie is receiving at any given time, the stronger the slow effect, and this makes it so team firing is required. The more people firing on a zombie, whether directly or indirectly, the stronger the slow. As for health, I don't think there's much of an issue; it seems fine to me. As for ZE maps and collaboration, the problem nowadays with collaborating is that the other party wants something ridiculously-valuable in return. Even if HG collaborates with other gaming communities, I don't think we're at a point in which we, as a community, can pay back those who helped us establish minor things here and there. This is certainly a risk to take, and rewards aren't guaranteed with risks taken, but it could mean paving the road to greater heights for our ZS server. Weapon Variety and Balance Are many guns on our server obsolete? Yes. Is it the guns' fault alone? No. The reason why many players refuse to use other guns aside from their "favorite" gun is because their "favorite" is usually the "point-whoring favorite." Our ZS server saves points; that's not a surprise there. In fact, having a point save system is what helps our server maintain an ever-growing and steady player base. Unfortunately, it drives people to be greedy, and that greed harms other players in the process. This is no exception when players pick out their weapons. When Wave 3 rolls around on Intermission, I always see so many people purchasing the "Reaper" UMP because it's very strong in base damage, DPS, and stopping power, with low reload time and a decently-sized clip. Unfortunately, with this gun being so heavily favored, all other guns are left in the dark. This lingering issue rises from players' greed, not the guns themselves. From that, it brings up another important question: are the players to blame for weapons being obsolete? Yes and no. Yes, because players will only use the weapon they could profit most off of. No, because while players only use one weapon to make profit, it's the logical and sensible thing to do; you can't blame someone for doing something considered "bad" if it makes the most sense to do it in a given situation for a given reason. If we wanted to balance out our weapons, make some weapons have benefits and drawbacks. Maybe a shotgun has a larger clip, but less damage. Perhaps an assault rifle has a faster firing rate and more damage, but less accuracy. Making guns unique by mixing up weapon attributes as deemed appropriate could be a good way to go, but it will depend on our players for what they want to see and happen in-game. Zombie Classes & Bosses I don' really have much opinion about the suggestions provided for this area of interest because I play human more so than I play zombie. This is best thought about from the z-mains than from me.
    1 point
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