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  1. Benz


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/20 in all areas

  1. Someone has a GTX 1660 on the way!
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Unfortunatly haze, You left out a few things in your report I feel I should fill in. First - Hundreds stated he didn't realize that it gave it after the second time, which makes sense, he has been on and off alot due to his life. As well, You can see inside of the video, that you, in fact, disrespected me, telling me to do my job after not letting hundreds explain his side, until afterwards. I did my job, as it is against the rules to disrespect higher up. I do agree I made the offhand remark of "Hundred's Probably Bought the Last Annabelle", as that is the only gun you used, and I figured it was funny. As for the Discord images, I post those kind's of interactions a lot, between me and players, the ones I find funny. If you notice, there is nothing target at you. No remarks like "retard" or "dumbass", just the interaction between us. I figured it would get a chuckle from the players. Also, in game, you can see that I, in fact, asked why before stopping the vote, wanting to get both sides. You proceed to say "for repairing an undefended supply" which is NOT against the rules BTW, cause it decreases difficulty and distracts the zombies. As well, you fail to mention hundreds didnt do it again, because he found out. Before hundreds could state his side, you tell me to "do my job" (shown in YOUR video). I take my moderating job seriously, and I do not like it when I get disrespected like that. I did not make malicious comments against you (like you did against me in VC seconds after, but you failed to pick that up), nor did I make fun of you directly, rather, making a lighthearted joke of the interaction. I apologize you feel this way, however, I feel as I "did my job" as you stated, properly.
    2 points
  4. My choice so far is scoutzknivez https://gamebanana.com/maps/20937
    2 points
  5. What should I and HG give out for prizes for our next CS:GO Event?
    2 points
  6. Im going to chalk this up as terrible misunderstanding that was caused by an uninformed player. Haze the "do your job" remark is just uncalled for, seriously dude come on. But i see no abuse because humans do get rewarded with lower difficulty while at same time zombies are rewarded BP. Its a win/lose situation mechanic that is in the game currently. This isn't abuse of power.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Hacker in the mist.... Pay no attention to the steam ID I was pasting, since copy/paste sucks in CS:S. I think it grabbed the steam ID from another guy in my status list. nanai.dem
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. If you don't wear a mask because you claim you can't breath through them you admit furries are stronger than you.
    1 point
  11. Welcome to the community voluntus
    1 point
  12. dont bend the pins like i did my first time lol
    1 point
  13. I can't wait to see your cable managment all jokes aside, im excited to see these parts, but if you take the CPU out of the clamshell imma kill you
    1 point
  14. Solid choices! Let me know what you think of the power supply?
    1 point
  15. @Silly @ValueSensei @EddieCam @DirtyDNA @Icon Congrats and Welcome to Council's Board of Directors This is going to be a very exciting year ahead! Thank you to everyone that ran in this year's elections. Those of you that were on the election poll but did not get elected, don't go anywhere just yet! Reach out to one of the new Director-elects and let them know you are interested in being their Associate or Assistant Director! If you truly want to help out, there may be a spot for you. Its up to the Director-elect to decide who they want to appoint. Director-elects are required to appoint a minimum of one Associate, and may optionally appoint an Assistant as well to help them achieve their plans and goals.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
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