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Friend of HG
  • Donor Level 7
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    175.00 USD 

Sirius last won the day on October 9 2019

Sirius had the most liked content!

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Profile Information

  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Somewhere between Cuba and Canada
  • Occupation
    SrVP / CIO
  • Interests
    Outdoors, Camping, White Water Rafting, Hunting, Underwater Basket Weaving
  • Bio
    Probably considered an old fart given my Steam_ID and how long I've been active in the CS community (Almost 10 years now). When CS first started, we were one of the largest game server providers and had some of the most popular and active counter strike servers available.

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Elite Member V

Elite Member V (9/10)



  1. Hope you're well Sirius!

  2. hello old friend, how many hours have you got on css now?

  3. I c u lurking there xD

    1. Sirius


      Always! Hope you are doing well!

    2. TestingM


      Yeah, doing fine here. How are you?

  4. Sirius

    HG fa**** Rule.

    Just wanted to pop in and say, "Thanks for making this post!" I agree with you. It's long overdue.
  5. Happy Birthday Buddy!

  6. Happy Birthday :cat:

  7. You smell :D

    1. Sirius


      Your mama dresses you funny.

    2. DragonSlayer


      Thats the only come back you got. Jeez weak sauce :D 

  8. Congrats dude. Welcome to the Dad club. Now you just need to get fat and you're all set. Sirius
  9. Sirius

    CS:S Lakeside Boom

    As long as I can camp....
  10. I was right up the middle, between the two boxes the entire time.... until Ascii tried to make me his bitch. lol