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  1. Anyone got a valorant key and want to play? 

    1. B-Nye


      Nope, only got 1200 bucks from Donny

  2. I've been doing a lot of thinking recently and i've come to one conclusion, it really do be like that sometimes

  3. no beta cucks allowed

    1. Wonderland


      Now that I've established dominance over you that doesnt mean we can't be friends.. Usually this happens when an alpha male asserts dominance over a beta.. They tend to shut down

    2. SherlockPwnz


      Ya'lls imagination is cute.

  4. i dont know who thought a white stroke was a good idea but i need to have a talk with them
  5. This forums has been stuff about gaming and why is a gaming community forum only about gaming? I want to keep up on my favorite gaming community AND get some political discussion because there is not enough of that on the internet!
  6. thank you i am very dumb and didnt realize this is a scam and obvious one that has been going on for years, thanks for tell us!
  7. met FaZe Tfue on the beach watching fireworks last night FeelsGoodman

  8. I have not played ttt in a minute but if we still gag and mute its probably not a good idea
  9. Hey friend! If you noticed in my post i stated the past ones were useless (thats true). I also said that if you don't change them, it will be useless. So just to sum it up AGAIN, If you don't change it its gonna be useless, so when you try it again change it. This is pretty clear in the first post i made when i said the first ones were useless and then said "If thats not gonna change then its useless". Just to be even more clear, a new one is not gonna be 100 percent useless, just make some changes and it might work!
  10. Did you actually read what i just wrote? I just said we need peoples input, or it will NOT work so if we want a successful fireside people need to be ready with issues. You just repeated what i said but in a longer way...