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HeLLsGamers News


By Snowyamur, in Events, , 9 comments, 2037 views

Nothing wrong with taking on a challenge, and the more challenges to complete, the better. Here's your opportunity to take more to get more!

Enjoy 3 days of more daily achievements and rewards during the zombie apocalypse!

Graphics created by Snowyamur
Host(s): Old Bill
Event Manager: Snowyamur
Date: Saturday, August 10, 2019 - Monday, August 12, 2019 Times: 2:00 AM CST, 12:00 AM PST, 1:00 AM MST, 3:00 AM EST (ends at same time) Game Server: [HG] 24/7 Zombie Survival! | US-Central | Live ( Being in our TS event channel is optional! TS3 IP: hellsgamers.com How to play:
All players will have access to more achievements and challenges daily. Achievements will be split evenly between human and zombie teams. Chest point and regular point achievement rewards increased. Who can play:
Everyone! Event rules:
All HeLLsGamers rules apply. General HG rules:
NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players. NO ghosting. DO NOT be disrespectful. NO sexual harassment of players. DO NOT be racist or use racial terms. NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow clan members or players are complaining. NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here. DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are a part of HG and are assigned that rank. NO name impersonation of anyone. If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server, you will be permanently banned. Prizes:

Cleaver Storm

By ☆Raging☆, in Events, , 8 comments, 1877 views

Join us on the TF2 events server to spend an hour throwing over-sized glowing kitchen knives at the people you love. Or hate...

Graphics created by JarJarBinks
Host: ☆Raging☆
Event Manager: ☆Raging☆
Date: Monday, August 10th, 2019 Times: 8:00 PM (CST) - 9:00 PM (EST) - 7:00 PM (MST) - 6:00 PM (PST) Game Server: [HG] TF2 Events ( Be in the TeamSpeak Events Channel before the Event starts! How to play:
Try to capture points throughout the various maps while making sure the other team doesn't do the same by throwing Crit-charged Flying Guillotines at them, prizes will be based off of points. (Excluding the badge) Who can play:
Friend to HG Council (Everyone)! Event Rules:
You must stay for the entire event to be eligible for prizes and awarded the badge. Do NOT point farm. General HG rules:
NO cheats, exploits, glitching,  or 3rd party tools to give you an unfair advantage over other players. NO ghosting. DO NOT be disrespectful NO sexual harassment of players DO NOT be racist or use racist terms NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow clan members or players are complaining. NO recruiting or advertising other clans in here. DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are a part of HG and assigned that rank. NO name impersonation of anyone. If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server, you will be permanently banned. Prizes:
1st Place Winner - Gold Account
2nd Place Winner - VIP Account
3rd Place Winner - 15,000 HG premium credits

Summer DJ

By Snowyamur, in Events, , 4 comments, 2253 views

Are you the best DJ on HG? Come join the HeLLsGamers TeamSpeak channel where you can chill, listen to music, or test your DJ skills at a chance of winning $50 in Steam cred.!

Hosts, competitors, and listeners will cast a vote. Votes will be counted and processed before the end of the event.

The competitor with the most votes wins!

Graphics created by Snowyamur
Host(s): welchnome
Event Manager: Snowyamur
Date: Saturday, August 3, 2019 Times:  Starts: 3:00 PM CST, 1:00 PM PST, 2:00 PM MST, 4:00 PM EST Ends: 6:00 PM CST, 4:00 PM PST, 5:00 PM MST, 7:00 PM EST Game Server: N/A Be in our TS event channel before the event starts! TS3 IP: hellsgamers.com How to play:
All participating DJ people MUST have the TS3 soundboard and songs ready to go BEFORE the event. Contact welchnome for more details. Hop on to our TS event channel and chill with friends and listen to some sick beats! Optionally, you can compete in our DJ competition; show off your DJ skills and be the best music mixer to win! Who can play:
Everyone! Event rules:
Only HG Recruit+ eligible for badge. Only Friend of HG+ eligible for prize(s). Must be in both TS event channel + game server to count as participant. All HeLLsGamers rules apply.  
Please limit the profanity! some profanity is fine, but please don't choose F-bomb and N-word heavy songs. You cannot vote for yourself! self-voting would nullify the purpose of the event, thus would lead to disqualification. Please don't evade TeamSpeak permissions! you will be kicked from the channel the first time you evade permissions (trolling, mic spam, harassment, toxicity). You will be banned from the channel for the entirety of the event the second time you disobey this rule. General HG rules:
NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players. NO ghosting. DO NOT be disrespectful. NO sexual harassment of players. DO NOT be racist or use racial terms. NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow clan members or players are complaining. NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here. DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are a part of HG and are assigned that rank. NO name impersonation of anyone. If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server, you will be permanently banned. Prizes:
$50 Steam gift card to the winner of the DJ competition

Christmas in Jail

By Alienware, in Events, , 6 comments, 2075 views

Come celebrate Christmas in jail with HG!

Graphics created by Snowyamur
Host(s): Silly & Alienware
Event Manager: Alienware
Date:  Saturday, July 27th, 2019 Times: 7:00 PM CST, 5:00 PM PST, 6:00 PM MST, 8:00 PM EST Game Server: [HG] Jailbreak ( Join our TeamSpeak Server! (hellsgamers.com) How to play:
Come play some jailbreak with us for Christmas in July. We can mix things up, have leadership vs members. HGCE events staff and CS:GO staff will act as judges and award prizes. Who can play:
Everyone but only -hg- recruits + will be eligible for prizes. Event rules:
All Jailbreak rules apply. If you want to be a judge for this event, you can reply to this thread. General HG rules:
NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players. NO ghosting. DO NOT be disrespectful NO sexual harassment of players. DO NOT be racist or use racist terms. NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow clan members or players are complaining. NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here. DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are a part of HG and are assigned that rank. NO name impersonation of anyone. If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server, you will be permanently banned. Prizes:
10,000 jailbreak rep 1 Gold account 1 Vip account HG Christmas in jail forum award to all who attend for the entire event. Badge:

McLovin's Christmas in July

By Snowyamur, in Events, , 8 comments, 2001 views

It's not too early for Christmas when it's during the Zombie Apocalypse!

Enjoy more point earnings and early Christmas zombie chaos during our long 4-day, summer-winter event!

Graphics created by Snowyamur
Host(s): McLovin81
Event Manager: Snowyamur
Date: Sunday, July 28, 2019 - Thursday, August 1, 2019 Times: 12:00 AM CST, 10:00 PM PST, 11:00 PM MST, 1:00 AM EST (ends at same time on August 1) Game Server: [HG] 24/7 Zombie Survival! | US-Central | Live ( Being in our TS event channel is optional! TS3 IP: hellsgamers.com How to play:
Double (2x) points multiplier enabled. Christmas theme for ZS turned on. Same ZS gameplay rules: humans try to survive; zombies try to eat 'em. Who can play:
Everyone! Event rules:
All HeLLsGamers rules apply. General HG rules:
NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players. NO ghosting. DO NOT be disrespectful. NO sexual harassment of players. DO NOT be racist or use racial terms. NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow clan members or players are complaining. NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here. DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are a part of HG and are assigned that rank. NO name impersonation of anyone. If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server, you will be permanently banned. Prizes:


By Snowyamur, in Events, , 12 comments, 2342 views

Ancient powers have awakened in both the living and dead. Wielding such power, how will you use your newfound strength?

Test your survival odds against the undead with your newfound powers, but be careful, as the undead have, too, grown stronger.

Graphics created by Combine
Host(s): Snowyamur & Talbot
Event Manager: Snowyamur
Date: Saturday, July 27, 2019 Times: 5:00 PM (CST), 3:00 PM (PST), 4:00 PM (MST), 6:00 PM (EST), 7:00 AM (KST) Game Server: [HG] 24/7 Zombie Survival! | US-Central | Live ( Be in our TS event channel before the event starts! TS3 IP: hellsgamers.com How to play:
The effectiveness of human and zombie traits are doubled. Universal human health increased. Zombies earn more barricade points. Same ZS gameplay rules: humans try to survive; zombies try to eat 'em. Who can play:
Everyone! Event rules:
Only HG Recruit+ eligible for badge. Only Friend of HG+ eligible for prizes. Must be in TS event channel + game server for entire event to be eligible for badge + prizes. All HeLLsGamers rules apply. General HG rules:
NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players. NO ghosting. DO NOT be disrespectful. NO sexual harassment of players. DO NOT be racist or use racial terms. NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow clan members or players are complaining. NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here. DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are a part of HG and are assigned that rank. NO name impersonation of anyone. If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server, you will be permanently banned. Prizes:
2500 ZS points raffled off to 8 participants each.

Trouble In HellsGamers Town

By Alienware, in Events, , 8 comments, 2356 views

Can you figure out who's the traitor in this TTT event? I hope so cause I can't!

Graphics created by Snowyamur
Host(s): Alienware
Event Manager: Alienware
Date: Saturday, July 13th, 2019 Times: 7:00 PM CST, 5:00 PM PST, 6:00 PM MST, 8:00 PM EST Game Server: [HG] Trouble in Terrorist Town ( Join our TeamSpeak Server! (hellsgamers.com) How to play:
There will be three groups: Innocent, Detective, and Traitor. Innocent people have to survive the round and figure out who's a traitor while working with others & the Detective. Detectives use their gadgets and observe the situation and attempt to figure out who's the traitor. Traitors must find a way to kill everyone that isn't a traitor without being caught/killed. Who can play:
Everyone! Event rules:
You must either be in our TeamSpeak server and the required channel or our Discord server and the required voice channel in order to be counted for the event & raffle. All HG rules apply. General HG rules:
NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players. NO ghosting. DO NOT be disrespectful NO sexual harassment of players. DO NOT be racist or use racist terms. NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow clan members or players are complaining. NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here. DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are a part of HG and are assigned that rank. NO name impersonation of anyone. If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server, you will be permanently banned. Prizes:
5x CS:GO Cases will be raffled. 10,000 HG Credits. 1 VIP account. Badge:

Triple Party Palooza

By Snowyamur, in Events, , 0 comments, 1673 views

You party hard, or go home. Enjoy the mayhem that's going to be unleashed during this golden opportunity!

It's time to triple your survival effort, triple your firepower, but most importantly, triple your profits!

Graphics created by Snowyamur
Host(s): Snowyamur & Talbot
Event Manager: Snowyamur
Date: Saturday, July 20, 2019 Times: 5:00 PM (CST), 3:00 PM (PST), 4:00 PM (MST), 6:00 PM (EST), 7:00 AM (KST) Game Server: [HG] 24/7 Zombie Survival! | US-Central | Live ( Be in our Gmod TS channel before the event starts! TS3 IP: hellsgamers.com How to play:
Triple (3x) points multiplier will be enabled; earn triple your point earnings. Same ZS gameplay rules: humans try to survive; zombies try to eat 'em. Who can play:
Everyone! Event rules:
Only HG Recruit+ eligible for badge. Only Friend of HG+ eligible for prizes. Must be in TS event channel + game server entire event to be eligible for badge + prizes. All HeLLsGamers rules apply. General HG rules:
NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players. NO ghosting. DO NOT be disrespectful. NO sexual harassment of players. DO NOT be racist or use racial terms. NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow clan members or players are complaining. NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here. DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are a part of HG and are assigned that rank. NO name impersonation of anyone. If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server, you will be permanently banned. Prizes:
3000 ZS points will be raffled off to 5 participants each.

Office Deathmatch Population

By Admiral MacK, in Events, , 9 comments, 2246 views

Join us on July 6th at the Office Deathmatch Population Event! Work your hardest to be in the Top 3 for a Special Prize!!!

Graphics created by Combine
Host(s): Admiral MacK & EddieCam
Event Manager: Admiral MacK
Date: Saturday, July 6th, 2019 Times: 7:00 PM (CST) - 8:00 PM (EST) - 5:00 PM (PST) - 6:00 PM (MST) Game Server: [HG] 24/7 Office Deathmatch ( Be in the event channel in our TeamSpeak server before the Event Starts! How to play:
Stay in the server for the hour, battling CT against T, and whoever has the highest points at the end will be the winners! Who can play:
Friend of HG to Council (Everyone)! Event rules:
You must stay from the beginning of the event to the very end to be counted for prizes & attendee. If you are caught farming points or asking a buddy to help win a certain prize, you will be kicked from the Event and banned at Event Host discretion. General HG rules:
NO cheats, exploits, glitching, or 3rd party tools that give you an unfair advantage over other players. NO ghosting. DO NOT be disrespectful NO sexual harassment of players. DO NOT be racist or use racist terms. NO useless spamming of the mic, text, or radio. That means no songs/soundbites, especially if fellow clan members or players are complaining. NO recruiting or advertising for other clans in here. DO NOT wear the -hg- / [HG] / HG | tag unless you are a part of HG and are assigned that rank. NO name impersonation of anyone. If you are caught trying to crash or lag the server, you will be permanently banned. Prizes:
1st Place Winner: CORSAIR Harpoon RGB Wireless Rechargeable Gaming Mouse
2nd Place Winner: CORSAIR High-Performance Mouse Pad (Optimized for Gaming Sensors)
3rd Place Winner: 1 Month Gold Account 

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