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  1. I think it's fine as it is, Tickle Nightmare/Tickle Monster itself is built for long range, why remove the bleed effect because of a classes' base ability or function? I mean they're called 'bosses' for a reason. If anything needs a nerf it's the Doom Crab.
    2 points
  2. In the past few days during the ZS Spooky Holidays Event, the HeLLsGamers Zombie Survival server has been experiencing more lag than ever. These fluctuations are a normal, yet unfortunate, part of the server, however, they've become more apparent as players have complained numerous times about how bad the lag on the server is. In light of this ongoing situation and the possibility of false belief, I would like to put a few minds at rest on this issue, what it actually is, and what it's true cause is, with permission from @Thomasjosif to do so. The Problem For many players who've been around on the HG ZS server for quite a while, many of you have likely known that lag existed. It's not afraid to show up on the server, and when it does, it makes a server-wide impact that results in complaints, players leaving, memes, and jokes about HG not doing anything about it. We currently are working on the situation, but it's not as simple as we initially perceived. It turns out that the issue involves not our server box, but in actuality, parts of the code and scripting that's integrated into the ZS game mode, as well as how it works with Garry's Mod itself. Some snag in the coding results in the server being incapable of handling large amounts of activity, and that results in it negatively-reacting to such large influxes of activity. However, some may ask: Isn't it the server's CPU that's causing the problem? The server only runs on one CPU, and code and scripts are processed through it, so wouldn't updating the CPU solve the problem? Turns out, it's not what we initially believed. The Reality and The False Belief There has been an ongoing rumor that I, personally, didn't know existed, and that involves how HG's servers run only on one CPU processing core. From my talk with @Thomasjosif, this turns out not to be the case. As of last year on a similar thread made by @ToF, @Sirius confirmed that our servers are running on more than one processing core; the servers are actually running on 12 cores. This is quite a huge monetary expenditure because maintaining all 12 cores and running them day-and-night takes power and money to keep them in operation, thus HG is actually investing a lot of money into what we enjoy doing every day. The chart below is a 2017 report on the processing core activity for running most of HG's servers: Based on these results, not much CPU is being used. According to the chart, less than 50% of the server box's CPU is being used to run all servers, and the ZS server is no exception. Because of this, the CPU is not entirely at fault for what we initially believed to be the reason the ZS server lags too much. Additionally, information from the following thread below further proves this case as to the frequent lag spikes: As of now, The False Belief of our servers running on one CPU core is now settled, and to put it at rest, we must consider that there is a more underlying issue with the ZS server, and that has to be with its code. That''s the true problem and cause of why the ZS server frequently lags; the code becomes more and more incompatible with how Garry's Mod operates their servers, and because of this, it's becoming difficult to handle greater influxes of activity without crash. The Solution and the Long-Term Resolve For those of us who care about the ZS server and want to, in some way, see it resolved, improved, and fixed, we have a few options. It's possible that receiving donations and monetary contributions could allow us to look for professional help on this situation and hope to get it resolved, but the help that may be required at best, given what we might have available, is to have people who wish to see this problem resolved contribute to the programming-aspect of our ZS server and work with Forrest to resolve this problem. Alongside this, in-terms of long-term improvement of the server, people can choose to contribute as game designers, who will work with both me and Forrest on providing balanced, higher-quality updates that integrate smoothly with ZS's current mechanics, utilities, and operations. If neither option is chosen, players can continue to play on our server, despite the lag, and that supports the ZS server itself nonetheless. However, something must be done about this, or we lose the server that many have played on for years.
    1 point
  3. All the profiling I've done ingame doesn't tell lies. Everytime the server lags into oblivion it isn't network choke it's cpu choke which means the CPU the server is running on is not fast enough to handle the work load. I will not attempt to further this discussion, the code is optimized as far as humanly allowable, there is nothing more on my side that is possible to do.
    1 point
  4. @Aeux Deus Currently, we're planning on contributions. As of when, they start, that's to be announced (TBA) when we have the plans set up and ready to go.
    1 point
  5. bruh doom crab got nerfed it did 250 dmg on top of humans and its balls did 90 and now it does like 50 on top of human and balls dont rly do jack if doom gets nerfed again its gonna be a pile of doo doo jumping around . Tickle mares sometimes do only 35 dmg some 50 or more if they got eviscerator and both supplies down for dificulty dmg or devour hope
    1 point
  6. If I write this topic it is to ALERT on a big problem that concerns the HG ZS server. The more server is added to the same cpu, it is obvious that we have reached limits. One year ago, there were not all these lags... The server has a capacity of 100 slots but from 75 this is UNPLAYABLE. Players can not play anymore and the chat is invaded by "1 core server", because it is the truth, how to explain to people that a server of 100 people, especially a game like gmod, runs on 1 core. . THE SUMMER ARRIVES AND IT MUST ABSOLUTELY RESOLVE THIS PROBLEM !! I appeal to the highest of the HG clan. I do not make this topic being edgy, I do this topic because I like this server, there is a lot of work on it, it has a big community and I want every person can have fun and enjoy all its parts . HELP US Thank you
    1 point
  7. title says it all, its a issue because sense they have a longer range and can hit you from a distance and repeatedly, so if your at low health medics cant heal you fast enough, so you will probably die its worse on the tickle nightmare because it does more damage. you will probably die if you get hit.
    0 points
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