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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/28/18 in all areas

  1. If someone does buy gold just to troll or be harmful to the server, it's very easy to take that away from them with just a few clicks. I've been around this community for 6 years now and I've never seen someone buy it to abuse, get it removed then buy it again and again. I don't think this change would be necessary.
    3 points
  2. I feel like these guys who buy admin to troll are far too rare to warrant such a change like this. I don't see very many people willing to waist $20, just to do this either. That's excluding all the donators that are using the admin responsibly.
    2 points
  3. Not that I particularly play Garry's Mod anymore, but this discussion has been an ongoing one almost since we started Zombie Survival. At the end of the day, Garry's Mod was never designed to work with this many players. They updated to the Orange Box engine and some of the subsequent updates but Garry's been upfront about the fact that this wasn't really a long-term solution. Forrest can start removing more resource intensive features like particle effects if you want marginal increases in FPS but nothing is going to fix it. Even getting a top of the line, single thread, commercial CPU likely wouldn't solve the issue. tl;dr If you're looking for peak performance in a game, you're not going to find it in a title created in 2006.
    2 points
  4. Over the past 2 years, I've been serving as the Chief of Staff for HG, second in command to Homer. It's been a challenging, yet productive few years and thanks to the dedicated leadership teams, past and present, HG is in a great place and has a bright future in 2019 and beyond. Over the past few months, my ability to dedicate time to HG has become more and more of a struggle and quite honestly, I had not originally intended to occupy the Chief of Staff position for more than a year. Homer and I have been meeting for a few months now about a succession plan for the Chief of Staff role. It was important that we choose someone who has the ability to lead and motivate, communicate with tact and effectiveness and most importantly, keep HG moving in the right direction. With that in mind, we are happy to announce that imasonaz will be promoted to Chief of Staff, effective immediately. Homer and I have both worked with imasonaz for quite some time and we are both very confident in his ability to fulfill the requirements of this role. In short, he's going to do great things. As for me, I am not leaving HG. It has been an absolute honor to serve as your Chief of Staff and I will remain active in HG leadership, supporting imasonaz and our entire operations. I am still 100% dedicated to the long-term success of our community. I hope you are too. Please join me in congratulating imasonaz on his promotion to Chief of Staff and feel free to post highly inappropriate meme's all over his wall. Thank you, Sirius [email protected]
    1 point
  5. @Snowyamur I'll agree with your reasoning about the Garry's Mod ZS Server. Certain servers have a tendency for certain people to join and it's all just confusion and kids talking over kids. Trade #2 over in Team Fortress 2 is 70% of the time all kids besides any common visitors and HG Members. Although my reasoning behind not wanting to change the permissions of Gold Account are only valid to TF2. I haven't seen an active Gold Account Admin in many months here in TF2. The following list is a personal idea of what it could be and not all variables have been implemented. Trade Server Access: [Admin] Tag @ Warn !Mute/Gag/Silence Normal VIP commands & perks For Mann Vs. Machine: [Admin] Tag @ Warn !Mute/Gag/Silence Normal VIP commands & perks Same MvM command access as VIP P.S. This is just a comment for the topic, I do not support the idea of changing VIP Account Structure.
    1 point
  6. @Admiral MacK Unfortunately, there are very few people who would engage in constructive conversations like this today, and this was relieving for me given that when I hop onto the Garry's Mod ZS server, all I hear is a bunch of people talking about random stuff that makes no sense and is bad to read and look at. While I don't say that everyone today acts the way people do on the Garry's Mod ZS server, there are those in my current generation who do, and it disappoints me to see how technology, let alone easy-access to everything now, has shaped so many in negative ways that their actions reflect on the results. That aside, as a quick suggestion, if we wanted to rework how Gold+ itself operates without interfering with HeLLsGamers' structural hierarchy (moving priority around), I would say Gold+ should have only the following: access to custom sprays access to custom player models access to custom name tags have a reserve slot on any of our game servers; full or not, they can get in. can use !gag commands can use !mute commands And that's about it for all general game servers. For Garry's Mod ZS specifically, the extra stuff would be added below: can use !zlist command can use !zlock command has access to the Admin chat Humans can customize their weapons with Camos However, that's just for Garry's Mod. For TF2, CS:S, and CS:GO, I can't say.
    1 point
  7. @Hugin&Munin I am glad that I am able to assist with the insight of this topic. I do find it educating for everyone involved in discussions such as these because it opens up the Community and new possibilities for it. I respect you for outputting your recommendations and opinions to HG because you had the soul intent of assisting a problem that is not an easy one to fix. I only hope that anyone reading this topic or apart of the discussion knows that this is the best form of communication. Respectfully commenting on a topic with formal constructive criticism with knowledge and experience or even just a single opinion can change the outlook on entire subjects. I take yours and other's responses and opinions here to further improve my own judgement; I hope that it is the same with my past posts for whomever reads them. MacK
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. @Snowyamur I completely agree when you say that changing it can make the tables turn in either direction. That's what I feel would be the one way road decision. The way HeLLsGamers has Administrative rankings setup in game is functioning adequately. Gold account is the lowest official group with Admin Power in any server, which is why I agree on keeping it the same. It cannot overpower someone of same ranking without punishment, as well as anyone Moderator or above can easily stop any issues with the person if such event does occur. @Hugin&Munin The main reason why I don't completely agree with your statements is because it will alter the rest of the positions for in game Server Admins (i.e Admin, Mod, Staff, God Admin). As I said before it also allows people to assist in server related inquires without the responsibility of being in HG. And for the people who are in HG and might not be eligible for a Divisional Moderator, Gold Account Admin is a solution. Even when in HG, Admins are recommended to but not required to enforce rules. They are the lowest in game Admin level for a reason. We all know that to an extent new Gold Account Admins either accidentally or purposely abuse, but not to where 1-2 people every other year force Homer himself to change one of HG's larger incomes besides willing donators. There have been few to zero incidents where a Gold Account was actually stripped from the buyer especially in the past few years. The less serious times were properly dealt with by the Divisional Leaders. Again it's the reason we have such a developed Hierarchy all throughout HG. Why prevent something that has yet to happen? Even if 2 people bought Admin and proceeded to raise drama and abuse, it takes 5 seconds for any Moderator+ to ban them and let leadership do their job. There are easier ways to deal with events related to that and without the need of any time consuming factors. All HG game and forum Security Members (Divisional Mods & Staff in game, Development, Internal Directors, Executives) that follow the given procedures have had no problem advising the past issues. I would agree with this change if there were monthly or even weekly problems with "trollers" buying Gold just to abuse, but there aren't any, and even if one does, they'd be revoked of power and possibly banned within 24 hours. The in game Admin structure is not broken, nor is the procedure to handle Admins who go rogue. Don't fix it if it ain't broke.
    1 point
  10. @Hugin&Munin I will say that logistically the ability to simply buy power sounds inappropriate compared to other tools. But that's not including the human factor in the equation, which is needed to truly decide the outcome of what Gold Account really is for. It's an opportunity for anyone to either help out on the server without the restrictions of "You must do this" that Divisional Moderators and above have . That also includes the people who might be in a different clan and can't join HG or just someone who feels they are not active / supportive enough to join. Mainly I still stand by my point of: If there is not a sufficient amount of evidence (proof of gold account abuse and revoking of power) on multiple occasions in more than half of any division's servers creating a motive to actually even consider changing the majority of the VIP Structure, discussions and the mentioned ways of preventing the "abuse" are irrelevant. Without a doubt precautions are necessary, but that's why we have Divisional Moderators, Staff, Leaders, the Gaming Division Directors, Executives, and everyone who has a higher ranking. If one day I logged onto Trade 2 for my daily server moderation and an admin was spamming administrative commands on everyone, I would take proper procedure to stop him. It's part of the reason why I'm a Mod. If I need to ban the person to stop the seriousness of their abuse, I will not hesitate.
    1 point
  11. I went to watch Aquaman just moment ago. Was pretty nice movie
    1 point
  12. dude chill out nothings gonna be changing as I like the gold+ system
    1 point
  13. Yeah, have to say I think it is just fine the way it is.BAKA
    1 point
  14. 1 point
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  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Congrats on your promotion to full tomato- Wait that makes no sense. But yeah, congrats!
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. I have made my decision, but I wont be publicly disclosing consequences as some people have decided to act very immature about it in game and on forums. Baguette isn't a racial term, but try to understand that there has been a large issue with players harassing each other and being racist, so I can understand why there is an issue. Not sure if you tried to rally your friends to act immaturely on forums and in-game, whether or not you did, I suggest that we don't have any more instances like that. Talk to me on steam or discord if you wanna talk more about this situation. Reviewed
    1 point
  21. Some weeks ago, I was discussing with Forrest about the power we give to players who bought the Gold Account. This is something we agreed on that is actually stupid of our side to give admin powers to those acconts. With paid admin in place, we can get in trouble easily. Anyone could literally spend some money just to have the power to ban, gag or mute everyone that is playing at that moment, sure he will probably get banned and have his gold account removed, but the person can just do it again with alternate account, or if not that person, then someone else will. Upon talking about it, we agreed that the best Idea would be to close the actual paid admin method, and give custom models instead for each paid account. This way, there is an actual reason to actually buy a gold account and or any other future account title that can be added as for: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Diamond or whatever anyone wants to call it. In resume: Removing paid admin from any future gold account bought, and giving availability to unlock "gold models" that only paid accounts can use. Any future admin, just should instead of paying, either Join a new HG temporary admin for the server that most need it, or fully join HG clan and go through their recruit trial until one becomes a [HG] moderator. We can always return to the old (actual) method in case the new method doesn't work. In case this was posted on the wrong section, please feel free to move it. Edit: The new paid titles are just optional for anyone here getting confused about it. everything here can just be applied to gold only and it would still work great.
    0 points
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