I propose we make a rule that states custom join/leave messages should not mimic automated server messages, my summary below outlines why. This should also apply to anything that seems like a server message but may not necessarily be on our servers, for example "You have been warned. Please check your current warnings." we don't have this functionality on our servers, but it still should not be allowed in join/leave messages. When I refer to staff in the summary I don't mean the rank, I mean all of those who have powers they can use against people on the servers, gold admins being included in this.
Some may think it's server functionality and think a user is banned/warned or such.
It devalues the importance of real server messages.
Can altar instinct and make you skim past real server messages.
Unprofessional for users to see people who they think have been banned on the servers straight after the message, makes the banning system look broken.
If a user sees a staff member join and be banned/warned or such in the join message, only to then see them later in the day with a staff rank, it looks like we don't have any sort of vetting process with our staff applications or that our staff are misbehaving.
When staff in particular have messages like this, it leaves a bad impression on users who actually do know that it's a custom join message, because those users may have the same thoughts as I outlined above and wonder why staff hadn't thought about said issues, it seems unprofessional.
For the "You have been banned." message, real games like Garry's Mod have this functionality in which when you join certain servers it will show their ban message in chat when it displays their connections, potentially other TF2 servers do too so it's completely reasonable for a user to believe these messages are real.
Proposed Wording:
"Custom join/leave messages must not mimic server functionality and/or potential future server functionality. Messages in violation of this are determined at the discretion of Division Staff, Division Leaders and/or Moderators."