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  1. BOSCH


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/19 in all areas

  1. Personally I feel homophobic remarks are for people who are inconsiderate or scared of how they really might feel. In reference to your comment on older age groups being able to take it, in CS:S we get an older audience, and people of my age 10 years ago may have spoke using such slurs, and I can tell you we were being inconsiderate. We did not consider that saying such things hurt anyone personally or mentally, and I can tell you now all these years later, I don't know many of us who still speak using this vocabulary. With age, learning and meeting new people you find yourself questioning your own previous actions as a younger person. We in CS:S use the same warn/kick/ban rule just as we do for racism or anti-semitic slurs. I fully support not using such language, I still find it is still the younger generation using all these slurs just as it was when I was younger. We as a community should take a stand by not allowing this use of language and so that HG is perceived and understood as being accepting of all.
    4 points
  2. so yea we need to train a new staff to take over ;). SO GO SAY CONGRATS TO... [HG] Talbot [S] ON HIS PROMOTION TO GMOD STAFF!
    2 points
  3. Hey whats up, my names Akai, i'm kinda the quiet guy on the server most of the time but I'm new to being involved in this community. Glad to be apart of it. I'm 100% of the time on the ZS server too... I'm 24 from England, I dabble in music production boom bap, rap, hip hop and soul music, and I dabble in twitch and trying to motivate myself to play a game calling 'going outside'. It's not that great in this country. For a guy that loves the sun, englands just a grey sky 80% of the time. Pls be nice to me
    1 point
  4. So I am not going to engage in any kind of debate or argument on this subject, but I will give my take on it. Racial slurs and homophobic slurs are both the same IMO they are both offensive to most people rather they are gay or a minority. They are discriminating / offensive / disrespectful words. Even if these words are not directed to a gay/minority person it still would make some people feel uncomfortable and they would possibly leave our community or not play on our servers and or not speak highly about us to their friends about us which is not good for us. We should hold a higher standard when it comes to this subject. Our goal is to set the bar high and maintain a great vibe and outlet for young kids/teens to come and enjoy themselves and make awesome friends to game with and talk to. We also want to look out for our current and future population. I can totally understand if people are in a private table channel and these individuals don't have any kind of issues with these words being used and are using them privately then so be it. But if these words are being used privately they should be used with care meaning people should ask if anyone has any issues with these words unless they already know they do or don't obviously. The only thing I would be concerned about as far as those words being used privately is that some teens may have younger siblings that are hearing these kinds of words and I don't think that HG should condone that kind of behavior and be a contributing platform for it. I know this is a very touchy subject as it should be some people will agree with me and some people won't and some people will be neutral which all is fine. We are a community and diversity is expected and inevitable. I do want to say that my opinion as far as In a game or in public TS channels these kinds of words should not be tolerated period. Again my take, and opinion on it, I am always trying to look out for the betterment/growth of our community in the past/current as well as the future of course.
    1 point
  5. We actually have one. It's usually empty since player count for the game has gone down since its release but if you get a few HG members to play with you, more randoms will join. People usually join the server with the most players so. Find some people and play! Also, here's the IP (there's also a channel in TeamSpeak for SCP: SL with the IP included):
    1 point
  6. Use of any homophobic slur is hate speech. Whether it is intended to be used as a comical factor or insult, it still specifies people of differing sexual orientation. In the modern generation, the frequency of events that include people of all races, orientations, ages, and religions need to have respect for each other. That includes the respect for those who take offense to homophobic slurs. Just because they don't speak up doesn't mean they're not hurt by it. As a HG Recruiter, I've been told previously by people whom I've attempted recruiting that they felt some HG Members and other server members that it was too toxic even with the restrictions on such grammatical usages. Limited prohibitions on this just shows more carelessness from HG's behalf on the prevention of their Members common and rightful respect. I also have no doubt that people use it with their groups of trusted friends in private channels, I have nothing against it, and even if I did, there is nothing that can be done by anyone to prevent it. You have the right to privately speak as you wish with your friends, but in public channels or with those who respectfully ask to not use such terms, it is by our Community Guidelines that you should have a balanced respect between the people in that inquire. This is not a discussion on personal preference, which many have forgotten. What is the best for HeLLsGamers? What will expand the community in the most effective way and be welcoming and help new members feel comfortable on our servers? If restricting the use of that word all throughout HG is the start to it, I am all for it.
    1 point
  7. I don't think a new rule is needed, we have rules covering this issue. I would focus more energy on cultivating a firmer response by our staff. As a community built on volunteerism it's a challenge to get the right people to continue a set culture, retraining and meetings are places the staff can stay on top of things, and point out were slacking is happening.
    1 point
  8. In response to Seymour- It's hate speech - it doesn't matter if it's casual to them, they should be expected to be respectful around people even if they actually are homophobic, they're allowed to have their own views but HG isn't the medium to share. The issue as I've already outlined is the fact that it gets used outside of direct disrespect and harassment, it gets used in normal talk which I find disgusting. Imagine if everyone in HG started calling each other the N word and such in a friendly manner, there's not much difference it's still unacceptable regardless of the context. When you know that people like myself are offended by it and it brings up bad memories in some cases then I don't see how or why you would find no problem in it. Regardless of if the disrespect is direct or not it's still disrespect because it attacks people of a certain sexual orientation for what appears to be absolutely no reason at all. Harassment is defined as agressive pressure or intimidation, that's not what I'm fighting against as it's already against the rules, what I'm fighting against is people saying it like its normal when it's not.
    1 point
  9. I voted Yes, The use of homophobic slurs have always been to insult or describe someone of a differing sexual orientation. This is a horrible word to use in any community especially for comical reasons. This not only makes possible new -hg- Recruits think twice about joining HG if they themselves do not like the word, but could also stop visiting HG overall because of them or someone else taking offense to it. I've seen other communities having no restricting on this and their population on the servers as well as the clan members in total as dramatically lower. Little to zero restriction on this form of grammatical usage shows complete immaturity to the ones who decide to use it, but more of a view towards HG instead. The HG clan would not be viewed as professional or mature for not establishing prohibitions on the related words due to it's very advanced hierarchy as well as the amount of clan members, servers, server visitors/players, and much more. There are much easier ways of portraying emotions or feelings to friends or other players than having to use a word that historically means nothing but immaturity to the user and offense to the recipient. My over all view in this conversation is, it should have prohibited use throughout all of HeLLsGamers. This shows an extraordinarily larger amount of respect for the individuals who are of different orientations and not to mention the welcoming & comfort that we wish to grant any and all HG Members/participants.
    1 point
  10. In response to Seymour and Kevin I appreciate your concern in how enforcing rules just means less people around but that's why I mentioned in the original post that even a lightly enforced one I'd be happy with where they can have multiple warnings rather than just one before they get actions taken against them. I also believe that there's probably some people offended and don't wish to speak about it and have generally left the servers without saying anything to find a nicer environment so you lose people either way. I don't want to impede on people's freedom of speech but as I'm sure you agree there's no room for discrimination in HellsGamers. I'm not sure if CS:GO has the whole vote thing but even if it does players aren't generally inclined to give a shit if people are hurt by others, it's our job to care about that. However Seymour your comment on speaking casually, do you really feel it's fair or just for slurs directed against homosexual people to be considered casual? I certainly don't.
    1 point
  11. I voted no. I’m more on the side of less rules on speech. Obviously, if someone is being disrespectful, they should be warned/punished for it. But, having someone get reprimanded for a slip up here and there pushes people away. I would prefer to have HG be more like a big group of friends rather than having to come online and be forbidden to speak casually.
    1 point
  12. In response to Chains- ACSII is asking questions - Not entirely sure what you're agreeing to. His main argument is that disrespect is already against the rules, what I'm stating is that when the intent isn't disrespect it's not enforced. Making it a part of the racism rule or a new rule would ensure that it is enforced regardless of intent. Another thing I wanna note in response to nobody- I'm confused as to what the logic is on having a rule against racial slurs and not homophobic slurs? I feel like it's a larger issue if we're deciding one minority group gets to be safe from discrimination while another group of also fairly large population doesn't get the same treatment.
    1 point
  13. In response to ASCII- As of current I'm aware that when the slurs are being used not in disrespect but leniently amongst friends as a form of friendly "hey fuck you", it's not handled from what I've seen, the issue I take with that is the fact that while you may not mean something in disrespect it makes you look like a homophobe to those who don't know you, which if you're a member of HG makes you and HellsGamers look bad. Even if you're not in HG there are people who have trauma associated with the slurs and/or take offense to them regardless because just like the N word they shouldn't be said in any context that isn't educational. I don't believe we have any homophobes in HellsGamers so people intending to be disrespectful isn't my issue, I just don't find it acceptable to throw around words like that leniently considering the severity of the history associated with them. Appreciate you weighing in.
    1 point
  14. -hg- Clan Application Game Division Counter-Strike Source In-Game Name starkos Location Northeast Texas How old are you? 20 Which games (servers) do you play on? Crackhouse and Office How long have you been playing on our servers? on and off for about three years What is your Steam ID / GUID? 0902783 Why do you want to join HG? I have no friends, yes I'm aware how pathetic that sounds, and I thought maybe this would be a good way to make some. All members are required to be on our TeamSpeak3 Server whenever playing on our servers. Will you agree with this rule? Yes Do you have any current VAC bans? No Who (if anyone) referred you to apply? Dragonslayer, BOSCH, Sharpeye, Eddie Any other information you want to include?
    1 point
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