Let’s imagine that you are playing objective event horizon, at the beginning of wave 1, someone buys all the grenades/claymores then proceeds to die at the very next 5 minutes. Which means that all the grenades/claymores will be lost and the humans will have less ways of protecting themselves in the later parts of the objective map. (Basically making the game harder in general.)
Another example, a solo cade gets all the explosive in the game, leaving the maincade(s) with none left. Claymores can be very useful in certain situations, and if someone grabs it all for a solocade, it feels a bit unfair to the others in the main cades.
Ive heard a hell lot of complaints ingame about people buying all the explosives at once, so I got the idea of limiting the amount of grenades/claymores/detpacks/stuff you can get in one round. Oh and uhm if you don’t agree with this please say it in the friendliest way possible, no need for arguments. Go friendly community!